Page 101 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 101

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

 are within the purview of TCoC and merit further investigation, an investigator either - internal or external is assigned. The   10.  Health and safety management system:  process hazards at the site for which the Company
 investigator conducts investigation by gathering the data, validating, analysing and gives his observations and recommendations.      a.    Whether an occupational health and safety   has carried out Quantitative Risk Assessment; HAZOP
 The investigation report is further reviewed by the PEC and the recommendations are acted upon. The documentation of the   management system has been implemented by the   study and engineering review by external / internal
 action taken is filed for records.  entity? (Yes/ No). If yes, the coverage such system?  experts as appropriate.
 These are reviewed by the MD & CEO, the Audit Committee and the Board.          Yes, the Safety & Health Management system covers      c.    Whether you have processes for workers to report the
 7.   Membership of employees and worker in association(s) or Unions recognised by the listed entity:  activities across all manufacturing locations, offices,   work related hazards and to remove themselves from
                    research laboratories and supply chain partners. The   such risks. (Y/N)
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22  Safety Management system covers all employees,
 Total   No. of employees  % (B / A)  Total   No. of employees  % (D / C)  contractors, visitors and relevant stakeholders.          Yes, we encourage our employees to report near-miss
 employees   / workers in   employees   / workers in                   incidents identified through various digital platforms
 / workers in   respective   / workers in   respective                 which is analysed from a central repository. All sites
 Category       b.    What are the processes used to identify work-related
 respective   category, who   respective   category, who   hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine   have specific procedure for reporting of work-related
 category (A)  are part of   category   are part of   basis by the entity?  hazard, injuries, unsafe condition and unsafe act.
 association(s) or   (C)  association(s) or
 Union (B)  Union (D)          The Company has a process for Risk Management      d.    Do the employees/workers of the entity have access
 Total Permanent Employees  3,769  72  2%  3,656  73  2%  which is essential for preventing incidents, injuries,   to non-occupational medical and healthcare services?
 Male  3,478  71  2%  3,382  72  2%  occupational disease, emergency control &   (Yes/No)
 Female  291  1  0.3%  274  1  0.4%  prevention and business continuity. Considering the           Yes, all employees are covered under health insurance
 Total Permanent Workers  853  853  100%  942  942  100%  hazards associated with operations and hazardous   scheme / ESI scheme / Company hospital.
 Male  829  829  100%  915  915  100%  chemicals used, sites have deployed structured Hazard
 Female  24  24  100%  27  27  100%  Assessment, Risk Assessment and Management   11.  Details of safety-related incidents, in the following format:
                    Process - both qualitative and quantitative which is
 8.   Details of training given to employees and workers:   regularly reviewed and mitigation plans are put in   Safety Incident   Category  FY   FY
                    place for high-risk areas. The process also considers   / Number           2022-23 2021-22
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22  roles and responsibilities, monitoring control   Lost Time Injury   Employees  1.83  1.95
 On Health and   On skill    On Health and   On skill    measures,  competency  training  and  awareness  of   Frequency Rate (LTIFR)   Workers  0.4  1.17
 Category  Total   Safety Measures  upgradation  Total   Safety measures  upgradation  individuals associated with such activities. Formal risk   (per one million-person
 (A)  No.   %   No.   %   (D)   No.   %   No.   %   assessment training has been provided as appropriate.   hours worked)
 (B)  (B / A)  (C)  (C / A)  (E)  (E / D)  (F)  (F / D)  For all activities including routine or non-routine   Total  recordable  work-  Employees  31  25
                                                                   related injuries
 Employees (Other than workers) (incl. permanent  + Other than permanent)  (permit / project activities) hazards are identified by a   Workers  23  32
 Male  3,925  3,657  93%  2,609  66%  3,737  3,164  85%  2,551  68%  trained cross-functional team and risk assessment and   No. of fatalities  Employees  0  1
 Female  403  304  75%  217  54%  328  240  73%  201  61%  management is done through Hazard Identification   Workers  0  1
 Total  4,328  3,961  92%  2,826  65%  4,065  3,404  84%  2,752  67%  and Risk Assessment (HIRA)/ Job Safety Analysis   High consequence   Employees  0  0
 Workers (Only permanent)  (JSA)/ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which is   work-related injury or   Workers  1  0
                                                                   ill-health (excluding
                    referred before starting any activity. The Company has
 Male  829  815  98%  66  8%  915  915  100%  108  12%  procedures for process safety and functional safety   fatalities)
 Female  24  23  96%  0  0%  27  27  100%  6  22%  including Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) and
 Total  853  838  98%  66  8%  942  942  100%  114  12%  Safety Integrity Level (SIL). Identified hazards and   12.   Describe the measures taken by the entity to ensure a
                    associated risks are addressed through operational   safe and healthy workplace.
 9.   Details of performance and career development reviews of employees and workers:  control measures using hierarchy of control approach.       The Company is committed to continuously employing
                    Techniques like Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), what-  world-class Safety, Health and Environment (‘SHE’) practices
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
 Category           if-analysis, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) are   through benchmarking with the companies that are best
 Total (A)  No. (B)  % (B/A)  Total (C)  No. (D)  % (D/C)  carried out on a case-to-case basis. On a day-to-day   in the business. The Company has a Board-level Safety,
 Employees (Other than workers) (incl. permanent  + Other than permanent)  basis unsafe conditions and hazards are also identified   Health, Environment and Sustainability (‘SHES’) Committee,
 Male  3,925  3,395  86%  3,737  3,391  91%  by employees and reported in e-enabled portal -   chaired by an Independent Director.  The Committee
 Female  403  277  69%  328  279  85%  MDO. It is also extended to contractors working on   reviews and monitors the sustainability, safety, health and
 Total  4,328  3,672  85%  4,065  3,670  90%  sites to ensure their concerns are captured and added   environmental policies and activities of the Tata Chemicals
 Workers (Only permanent)  into MDO. The closure of same is tracked to ensure   Group on behalf of the Board to ensure that the Group is
 Male  829  430  52%  915  513  56%  risk control at workplace. Storing and handling of   in compliance with appropriate laws and legislation. This
 Female  24  17  71%  27  21  78%  toxic chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, flammable   Committee also provides valuable direction and guidance
 Total  853  447  52%  942  534  57%  materials like fuel, etc. are identified as the major   to the Management to ensure that Safety and Sustainability

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