Page 107 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 107

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

 building social capital. All social initiatives under these   of candidates that helps improve the Company’s employee   2.   Details of minimum wages paid to employees and workers, in the following format:
 elements are conducted around the Company’s areas of   diversity. The Company has a formal policy on Diversity
 operations. This approach aims to improve the quality of   and Inclusion (‘D&I’) which articulates and defines its   FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
 life, especially in their neighbourhoods. As per the need   commitment to this cause. From 2020 onwards, February is   Category  Total   Equal to   More than   Total   Equal to   More than
 assessment, the Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes   celebrated as the month of Diversity and Inclusion. During   (A)  minimum wages minimum wages  (D)  minimum wages  minimum wages
 (ST) community in the Company’s neighbourhood regions   this month, sensitisation training is conducted for the senior   No. (B) % (B/A)  No. (C)  % (C/A)  No. (E)  % (E/D) No. (F)  % (F/D)
 aspires for better education, health care, better livelihood   leadership team along with various activities conducted   Employees
 skills and employment. The internal job posting initiative   across the Company such as focussed group discussions,   Permanent
 Seamlessly Harnessing Internal Expertise (‘SHINE’) is further   panel discussions, expert speaker sessions on Business and   Male  3,478  0  0%  3,478  100%  3,382  0  0%  3,284  100%
 enhanced to include referrals for candidates from the   Human Rights, Affirmative Action, play shops, quizzes, D&I   Female  291  0  0%  291  100%  274  0  0%  270  100%
 economically and socially backward communities calling   room, communication through emailers, standees, placard,   Other than Permanent
 it SHINE+. Another corporate initiative was launched which   batches, etc. which helps sensitising employees on D&I,   Male  447  131  29%  316  71%  355  79  22%  276  78%
 has more reward for recruitment consultants for shortlisting   unconscious bias, inclusive behaviour, etc.  Female  112  60  54%  52  46%  54  13  24%  41  76%
 PRINCIPLE 5 - Businesses should respect and promote human rights  Permanent
                 Male                   829    383    46%    446     54%    915     462    50%    453     50%
 Essential Indicators  Female            24     17    71%      7     29%     27      21    78%      6     22%
 1.    Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity, in the   Other than Permanent
 following format:  Male               9,202  5,700   62%   3,502    38%   8,115   4,555   56%  3,560     44%
                 Female                 570    298    52%    272     48%    554     190    34%    364     66%
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
 No. employees    No. employees   3.   Details of remuneration/salary/wages, in the following format: (For TCL India)
 Category  Total   workers   %   Total   workers   %
 (A)  covered     (B / A)  (C)  covered    (D / C)                     Male                    Female
 (B)  (D)                                                    Number       Median      Number       Median
 Employees                                                             remuneration /           remuneration/
 Permanent  3,769  3,471  92%  3,656  3,249  89%                      salary / wages of        salary / wages of
 Other than Permanent  559  555  99%  409  409  100%                 respective category      respective category
 Total Employees  4,328  4,026  93%  4,065  3,658  90%                   (` in lakh)              (` in lakh)
 Workers         Board of Directors (BoD)                          7               56       2               66
 Permanent  853  448  53%  942  534  57%  Key Managerial Personnel (excludes MD & CEO and ED)  2  202  0     -
 Other than Permanent  9,772  9,772  100%  8,669  8,669  100%  Employees other than BoD and KMP  1,275  5  115  6
 Total Workers  10,625  10,220  96%  9,611  9,203  96%
            4.    Do you have a focal point (Individual/Committee) responsible for addressing human rights impacts or issues caused or
                contributed to by the business? (Yes/No)
                 Yes, the Company has adopted a Business Human Rights Policy (available at
                Under the same, the Company has constituted a governance mechanism to address the Human rights issues. It is the same
                structure we have to address out Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) grievances. The MD & CEO is the Principal Ethics Officer (PEO)
                and the CHRO is the Principal Ethics Counselor (PEC). Every location has a local ethics counselor who reports to the PEC for the
                review of grievances with respect to human rights, etc.

            5.   Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issues.
                 The mechanism to redress grievances under Human rights is same as for other grievances. On receipt of any concern through
                email, letter, web helpline, oral etc., it is registered by the Principal Ethics Counselor (PEC) and sanity check done. Anything
                outside the preview of the Code of Conduct is informed back to the complainant. For complaints within the purview of the TCoC
                and merits further investigation an investigator either – internal or external is assigned. The investigator conducts investigation
                by gathering the data, validating, analysing and gives his observations & recommendations. The investigation report is further
                reviewed by the PEC and the recommendation acted upon. The documentation of the action taken is filed for records. These
                are reviewed by MD & CEO and the Audit Committee.

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