Page 153 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 153

Integrated report            Statutory reportS            FInancIal StatementS
                                                 Business Responsibility Report

            a)   Details of Compliance:

             No.  Question              P1      P2      P3      P4      P5      P6      P7      P8       P9
              1.  do you have a policy /  Y      Y       Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 policies for
              2.  Has the policy been    Y       Y       Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 formulated in
                 consultation with the
                 relevant stakeholders ?
              3.  does the policy conform to   Y  Y      Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 any national/international   (UN   (RC/ISo-  (oHSAS –   (UN   (SA-8000)  (ISo-  (Tata   (UN   (Responsible
                 standards? If Yes, Specify  global   14001)  18001)  global   14001)  Code of   global   Care)
                 (50 words)*          Compact,                Compact,                Conduct  Compact,
                                        gRI)                    gRI)                  conforms   gRI)
                                                                                      to NVg)
              4.  Has the policy been approved   Y  Y    -       -      Y        -      Y       -        Y
                 by the Board ?
                 If yes, has it been signed by    Y  Y   Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 Board director ?
              5.  does the Company have a   Y    Y       Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 specified committee of the
                 Board/director/official to
                 oversee the implementation
                 of the policy ?
              6.  Indicate the link for the policy
                 to be viewed online ?
              7.  Has the policy been formally   Y  Y    Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 communicated to all
                 relevant internal and external
                 stakeholders ?
              8.  does the Company have in-  Y   Y       Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 house structure to implement
                 the policy/policies ?
              9.  does the Company have   Y      Y       Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 a grievance redressal
                 mechanism related to the
                 policy/policies to address
                 stakeholders’ grievances
                 related to the policy/policies ?
             10. Has the Company carried out   Y  Y      Y       Y      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
                 independent audit/evaluation
                 of the working of this policy
                 by an internal or external
                 agency ?
            * Note – The Company’s Policies are linked to the following National/International Standards:-

            International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO-9001, ISO-14001), Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS – 18001),
            Responsible Care (RC-14001), Social Accountability (SA-8000), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4) and United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

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