Page 83 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 83

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Board Skills and Expertise    Ÿ Our Managing Director & CEO is the Principal Ethics     Ÿ Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
               Counsellor. The head of Innovation and Business Excellence is     Ÿ United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human
               Chief Ethics Counsellor mandated with the task of overseeing
 Leadership and Governance  9                                    Rights
               the deployment of the ethics policies. They are supported by
 Industry Experience  8  the Location Ethics Counsellors       The Policy is also consistent with the Tata Code of Conduct,
 Science and Technology  4                                     besides providing a governance structure to oversee the human
               Ÿ There is a clearly laid out process to raise concerns, investigate,   rights commitments in the organisation.
 IT and Digitalisation  5  and address the same. A 24x7 third party helpline is available
 Strategy  8   for stakeholders to raise concerns              Scoring high on performance management
 Finance  6                                                    We have in place various Board-level committees overseeing
               Ÿ Continuous training and awareness about the TCoC is ensured
 HR and Communication  8  amongst various stakeholders. We make sure that all our   the functions of strategy, risks, performance, safety, etc. The
 Safety and Sustainability  8  employees in critical roles undergo the mandatory online   Management operates under the guidance of these committees
                                                               and accordingly formulates its course of action.
 Multiple Geography Experience  8  courses on ABAC, POSH, etc. Extensive training is also imparted
               to all new employees on policies pertaining to Gifts, Whistle   The Company has a broad spectrum of demographic attributes
               Blower, Anti-money Laundering etc. Various events during   and characteristics in the boardroom. The Board is highly diverse
               the Ethics Month help in reinforcing the message about the   in terms of qualifications, expertise, experience, skills and gender.
 Corporate Governance – An Overview  Stringent adherence to ethical practices  importance of adherence to ethics
 We have been consistently following the best practices of   As part of our good corporate governance framework, we   The Tata Business and Human Rights Policy
 corporate governance over the years. Our overall governance   are firmly committed to pursuing ethical practices across our
 framework, systems and processes reflect and support the   business segments. Our governance framework comprises   We have consciously adopted the Tata Business and Human
 Company’s Mission, Vision and Values. Our corporate governance   systems, policies, processes and practices that enable build an   Rights Policy. The Policy is aligned with:
 culture helps us maintain fiscal accountability, ethical corporate   environment of trust along with ethical practices.     Ÿ Principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human
 behaviour and fairness to all our stakeholders, comprising the   Rights, International Labour Organisation (ILO)
 regulators, employees, customers, vendors, investors and the   Tata Code of Conduct (‘TCoC’)
 society at large.  The TCoC articulates values and ideals that guide and govern
 the conduct of the Tata companies as well as its employees in
 all matters relating to business. It is our constant endeavour to
 create an environment of ethics and good governance through
 strict compliance with the code. During the year, we conducted
 We have a deep rooted legacy of fair, transparent   various panel discussions and sessions to focus upon and
 and ethical governance practices in the Company  inculcate a strong culture of exceptional governance and ethics.

 Key governance policies
 We have in place well-defined governance polices, including:

 We believe good corporate governance to be
 essential for achieving our long-term corporate
 goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value
 Anti-Bribery &    Anti-Money
 Anti-Corruption (ABAC)  Laundering (AML)

 Our corporate governance philosophy seeks to
 ensure fairness, transparency and integrity of the
 management in order to protect the interests of all   Gift Policy  Whistle Blower Policy
 our stakeholders

 Prevention of Sexual   Diversity & Inclusion
 Harassment (POSH)
            Leadership Connect                                                     Read more on Leadership Connect at page 77

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