Page 359 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 359

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 45.  Related Party Disclosure    (b)   Transactions with Related parties (as defined under Ind AS 24) during the year ended March 31, 2023 and
   (a)  Related parties and their relationship (as defined under Ind AS 24 Related Party Disclosures)  balances outstanding as at March 31, 2023
                                                                                                        ` in crore
 i.   Joint Ventures                      Joint Ventures of Tata Chemicals Limited  Promoter  Subsidiaries And Joint   Other   KMP  Total
 Direct                                                                        ventures of Tata Sons  Related
             Particulars                   Indo Maroc   The Block Salt   Tata   Tata Sons   Tata   Other   parties
    Indo Maroc Phosphore S.A., Morocco   Phosphore S. A.   Company Ltd.  Industries   Private   Consultancy  Entities
 Tata Industries Limited                                           Ltd.  Limited  Services Ltd.
             Transactions with related parties
             Investments redeemed                 -         -        -       -         -  (150)     -    -  (150)
    The Block Salt Company Limited, United Kingdom (Holding by New Cheshire Salt Works Limited)  -  -  -   -   -   -  -   -   -
 ii.  Associate  Purchase of goods (includes stock in transit) - net  -  -  -   -      -    148     -    -   148
                                                  -         -        -       -         -     1      -    -    1
 Indirect    Sales                                -         -        -       -         -     1      -    -    1
    JOil (S) Pte. Ltd and its subsidiaries (Holding by Tata Chemicals International Pte. Limited)  -   2   -  -   -   -  -   -   2
             Other Services - expenses (net of    -         -        1      35        21     9      -    -  66
 iii.  Key Management Personnel (‘KMP’)
             reimbursements)                      -         -        -      22        20     7           -  49
    Mr. R. Mukundan, Managing Director and CEO  Other Services - Income  -  -  -   -   -     2      -    -    2
    Mr. Zarir Langrana, Executive Director        -         -        -       -         -     2      -    -    2
             Dividend received                   92         -        -      10         -     4      -    -   106
 iv.  Promoter                                   28         -        -      10         -     2      -    -  40
    Tata Sons Private Limited, India  Miscellaneous purchases/services  -  -  -  -     -     8      -    -    8
                                                  -         -        -       -         -     6      -    -    6
 v.   Other Related Parties @  Dividend paid      -         -        -     102         -     19     -    -   121
    TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited  Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited  -  -  -   81    -   15   -   -  96
             Investment in perpetual instrument   -         -        -       -         -    150     -    -   150
    Tata Autocomp Systems Limited  Tata International Singapore PTE Ltd
                                                  -         -        -       -         -      -     -    -   -
    Tata International Limited  Tata Elxsi Limited  Interest received  -  -  -   -     -     15     -    -  15
    Tata Consultancy Services Limited  Carbon Disclosure Project India  -  -  -   -    -     15     -    -  15
             Contributions to employee benefit trusts /   -  -       -       -         -      -    47    -  47
    TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited  Tata Medical and Diagnostics Limited  Other Employees' Related Expenses  -  -  -   -   -   -   47    -  47
    Tata Consulting Engineers Limited  Tata Chemicals Ltd Provident Fund  Compensation to KMPs
             Short-term employee benefits         -         -        -       -         -      -     -   13   13
 Infiniti Retail Limited  Tata Chemicals Ltd Emp Pension Fund  -  -  -       -         -      -     -   11   11
 AirAsia India Limited  Tata Chemicals Superannuation Fund  Post-employment benefits  -  -  -   -  -   -   -   15   15
                                                  -         -        -       -         -      -     -   (1)  (1)
 Tata Teleservices Limited  Tata Chemicals Employees Gratuity Trust
             Balances due from/to related parties
 Tata Realty and Infrastructure Limited  TCL Employees Gratuity Fund  Amount receivables / advances /balances
 Tata Investment Corporation Limited  Taj Air Limited  As at March 31, 2023  -   3   -  3   -   152   5    -   163
             As at March 31, 2022                 -          4       -       -         -     1     3     -    8
 Ewart Investments Limited  Tata Advanced Systems Limited  Deposit - Receivable/(payable)
 Ecofirst Services Limited  Tata Play Limited (formerly Tata Sky Limited)  As at March 31, 2023  -  -  -   -  -   (1)   -   -  (1)
             As at March 31, 2022                 -         -        -       -         -    (1)     -    -  (1)
 Tata Autocomp Hendrickson Suspensions Private Limited  Rallis India Limited Provident Fund
             Amount payables (in respect of goods
 Tata SmartFoodz Limited  Rallis India Limited Management Staff Gratuity Fund  purchased and other services)
             As at March 31, 2023                 -         -        1      11         2     82     -   6    102
 Tata SIA Airlines Limited  Rallis India Limited Senior Assistants Super
 Annuation Scheme  As at March 31, 2022           -         -        -      8          2     1     3    5   19
             Interest Accrual
 Tata Communications Limited  Rallis Executive Staff Super Annuation Fund  As at March 31, 2023  -  -  -   -  -  3    -   -   3
             As at March 31, 2022                 -         -        -       -         -      -     -    -    -
 Tata Communications Collaboration Services   Rallis India Limited Non-Management Staff Gratuity Fund
 Private Limited  Footnotes:
         The above list includes the Companies with whom Tata Chemicals Limited has entered into the transactions during the course of the year.  The figures in light print are for previous year. As the company is presenting financial statement in ` crore, hence, transaction/balances
            above ` 0.50 crore have been disclosed in above statement.
            1.   For Investment in related parties as at March 31 2023refer Note 9(a).

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