Page 363 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 363

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 48.  Statement of Net Assets and Profit or Loss Attributable to Owners and Non-controlling Interests  Sr.   Name of the Company  Net Assets i.e. total assets  Share in Profit or Loss Share in Other Comprehensive   Share in total
             No.                    minus total liabilities                Income           comprehensive income
 Sr.   Name of the Company  Net Assets i.e. total assets  Share in Profit or Loss Share in Other Comprehensive   Share in total
 No.  minus total liabilities  Income  comprehensive income   As % of  ` in crore   As % of   ` in   As % of  ` in crore   As % of   ` in crore
  As % of  ` in crore   As % of   ` in   As % of  ` in crore   As % of   ` in crore   consolidated   consolidated   crore   consolidated   consolidated total
                                                     profit or loss
                                     net assets
 consolidated   consolidated   crore   consolidated   consolidated total   Comprehensive        income
 net assets   profit or loss  Other   comprehensive                        Income
 Comprehensive   income
 Income                                 100.00   40,278    100.00   2,424    100.00    (903)      100.00   1,521
 (a)  Parent  (c)  Non-controlling Interests
 Tata Chemicals Limited  39.70   15,992   42.37   1,027   6.53    (59)  63.64   968   Indian Subsidiaries
 (b)  Subsidiaries  Rallis India Limited        (921)           (46)                    -                  (46)
 Indian Subsidiaries
                 Foreign Subsidiaries
 1  Rallis India Limited   4.30   1,730    3.80    92    -    -   6.05    92   ALCAD   -  (71)   -         (71)
 2  Ncourage Social   (0.00)  (1)   -   -   -    -   -   -
 Enterprise Foundation                          (921)           (117)                   -                  (117)
 Foreign Subsidiaries
 1  Tata Chemicals   10.14   4,085    (13.53)   (328)   (1.77)  16   (20.51)   (312)  (d)  Associate / Joint Ventures
 International Pte. Limited  (Investment as per the
                 Equity method)
 2  Homefield Pvt. UK Limited  (3.19)   (1,285)  (2.76)  (67)   -    -  (4.40)  (67)  JOil (S) Pte. Ltd. and its    -  -   -  -
 3  TCE Group Limited   (0.02)  (9)  (4.29)   (104)   -    -  (6.84)   (104)  subsidiaries
 4  Natrium Holdings Limited  (1.66)  (667)  (4.79)   (116)   -    -  (7.63)   (116)  The Block Salt Company    -  -   -  -
 5  Brunner Mond Group    2.11    851   (1.77)  (43)   -    -  (2.83)  (43)  Limited
 Limited         Indo Maroc Phosphore S.A.        652             57                    -                    57
 6  Tata Chemicals Europe   (1.62)  (651)   6.27   152   6.76    (61)   5.98    91   Tata Industries Ltd.    484   (77)   -  (77)
 Limited                                        1,136           (20)                    -                  (20)
 7  Tata Chemicals Magadi    0.89    359   18.56   450    -    -  29.59   450
 8  Tata Chemicals South    0.11    46    0.45    11    -    -   0.72    11   (e)  Adjustments arising out   (20,772)   30    372   402
 Africa (Pty) Limited  of Consolidation
 9  Northwich Resource    -    -   -   -   -    -   -   -
 Management Limited  Consolidated              19,721          2,317                 (531)                1,786
 10  Tata Chemicals Africa    -    -   0.08    2    -    -   0.13    2   * value below ` 0.50 crore
 Holdings Limited
 11  Magadi Railway Company    -    -   -   -   -    -   -   -  49(a). Note on Ultimate Beneficiaries
 12  Winnington CHP Limited   0.98    395    5.65   137    83.94   (758)  (40.83)   (621)  No funds have been advanced or loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds or share premium or any other sources or kind of
 13  Gusiute Holdings (UK)   15.67   6,311   (0.21)   (5)   -    -  (0.33)   (5)  funds) by the Holding Company or subsidiary companies and joint venture company incorporated in India to or in any other person(s)
 Limited    or entity(ies), including foreign entities (“Intermediaries”), with the understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that
 14  Valley Holdings Inc.  21.16   8,517    8.17   198    -    -  13.02   198   the Intermediary shall directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on
 15  Tata Chemicals North    4.91   1,978   (3.01)  (73)   -    -  (4.80)  (73)  behalf of the Holding Company or subsidiary companies and joint venture company incorporated in India (“Ultimate Beneficiaries”)
 America Inc.  or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
 16  Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash)    5.46   2,198   32.30   783    -    -  51.48   783
 Partners   No funds have been received by the Holding Company or subsidiary companies and joint venture company incorporated in India
 17  TC (Soda Ash) Partners    0.00   1    -   -   -    -   -   -
 Holdings   from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (“Funding Parties”), with the understanding, whether recorded in writing
 18  TCSAP LLC   -    -   0.37    9    -    -   0.59    9   or otherwise, that the Holding Company or subsidiary companies and joint venture company incorporated in India shall directly
 19  British Salt Limited   0.94    380    6.48   157   4.54    (41)   7.63   116   or indirectly, lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Parties
 20  Cheshire Salt Holdings    0.01   3   (0.04)   (1)   -    -  (0.07)   (1)  (“Ultimate Beneficiaries”) or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
 21  Cheshire Salt Limited   0.03    12    -   -   -    -   -   -  49(b). Borrowing based on security of current assets
 22  Brinefield Storage Limited   -    -   -   -   -    -   -   -  The Company and a subsidiary in India have obtained borrowings from bank on basis of security of current assets wherein the quarterly
 23  Cheshire Cavity Storage 2    -    *    -   -   -    -   -   -
 Limited    returns/ statements of current assets as filed with bank are in agreement with the books.
 24  New Cheshire Salt Works    0.05    21    0.04    1    -    -   0.07    1
 25  ALCAD   0.03    12    5.86   142    -    -   9.34   142

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