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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           38.  Group Informations:                                                                                                (iii)   Subsequent to year end, Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners, (a general partnership formed under the laws of the State of
           Particulars of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate which have been considered in the preparation of the Consolidated   Delaware - (USA) has been converted to a Limited Liability Corporation ("LLC") and renamed Tata Chemicals Soda Ash Partners LLC.
           Financial Statements:                                                                                                   (iv)  Subsequent to year end, TCSAP LLC has been merged with Tata Chemicals Soda Ash Partners LLC.
           Name of the Company                  Country of Incorporation   Nature of Business  % Equity Interest                   39.  Leases
                                                                                            As at        As at
                                                                                    March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022                  Maturity analysis of lease liabilities                                Year ended        Year ended
           Subsidiaries                                                                                                                                                                                March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
           Rallis India Limited ('Rallis')      India                Manufacturing        50.06%       50.06%                       Maturity analysis – contractual undiscounted cash flows
           Tata Chemicals International Pte. Limited ('TCIPL')  Singapore  Trading, Investment   100.00%  100.00%                   Less than one year                                                            84              105
           Ncourage Social Enterprise Foundation (Under   India      Social Enterprise   100.00%      100.00%                       One to five years                                                             92              116
           Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013)                                                                                    More than five years                                                          70               75
           Indirect                                                                                                                 Total undiscounted lease liabilities                                        246               296
           PT Metahelix Lifesciences Indonesia  Indonesia            Manufacturing           NA    (footnote 'ii')
           Valley Holdings Inc.                 United States of America  Investment     100.00%      100.00%
           Tata Chemicals North America Inc.('TCNA')  United States of America  Trading  100.00%      100.00%                       Discounted Cash flows
           General Chemical International Inc.  United States of America  Dormant            NA    (footnote 'ii')                  Current                                                                       76               87
           NHO Canada Holdings Inc.             United States of America  Dormant            NA    (footnote 'ii')                  Non-Current                                                                  137              135
           Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners ('TCSAP')   United States of America  Manufacturing   100.00%  100.00%                Lease liabilities                                                           213               222
           (footnote 'i', 'iii', 'iv')
           TC (Soda Ash) Partners Holdings ('TCSAPH') (footnote 'i')  United States of America  Investment   100.00%  100.00%
           TCSAP LLC (footnote 'iv')            United States of America  Investment     100.00%      100.00%                      Expenses relating to short-term leases and low value assets have been disclosed under rent in note 33(d).
           Homefield Pvt UK Limited             United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%
           TCE Group Limited                    United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%                      The incremental borrowing rate of 1.20% per annum to 13.00% per annum (2022: 1.20% per annum to 13.00% per annum) has been
           TC Africa Holdings Limited (formerly known as Tata   United Kingdom  Investment   100.00%  100.00%                      applied to lease liabilities recognised in the Consolidated balance sheet.
           Chemicals Africa Holdings Limited)
           Natrium Holdings Limited             United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%                      40.  Employee benefits obligations:
           Tata Chemicals Europe Limited        United Kingdom       Manufacturing       100.00%      100.00%                      (A)  In respect of the Company and domestic subsidiaries
           Winnington CHP Limited               United Kingdom       Manufacturing       100.00%      100.00%
           Brunner Mond Group Limited           United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%                            The Company and its domestic subsidiaries make contributions towards provident fund, in substance a defined benefit retirement
           Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited        United Kingdom       Manufacturing       100.00%      100.00%                          plan and towards pension and superannuation funds which are defined contribution retirement plans for qualifying employees. The
           Northwich Resource Management Limited  United Kingdom     Dormant             100.00%      100.00%                          provident fund is administered by the Trustees of the Provident Fund and the superannuation fund is administered by the Trustees
           Gusiute Holdings (UK) Limited        United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%
           TCNA (UK) Limited                    United Kingdom       Trading                 NA    (footnote 'ii')                     of the Superannuation Fund. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries are liable to pay to the provident fund to the extent of
           British Salt Limited                 United Kingdom       Manufacturing       100.00%      100.00%                          the amount contributed and any shortfall in the fund assets based on Government specified minimum rates of return relating to
           Cheshire Salt Holdings Limited       United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%                          current services. Such contribution and shortfall if any, are recognised as an expense in the year in which these are incurred.
           Cheshire Salt Limited                United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%
           Brinefield Storage Limited           United Kingdom       Dormant             100.00%      100.00%                           On account of the above contribution plans, a sum of ` 19 crore (2022: ` 19 crore) has been charged to the Consolidated
           Cheshire Cavity Storage 2 Limited    United Kingdom       Dormant             100.00%      100.00%                          Statement of Profit and Loss.
           Cheshire Compressor Limited          United Kingdom       Dormant          (footnote 'iii')  100.00%
           Irish Feeds Limited                  United Kingdom       Dormant                 NA    (footnote 'ii')
           New Cheshire Salt Works Limited      United Kingdom       Investment          100.00%      100.00%                           The Company and its domestic subsidiaries make annual contributions to the Employees' Gratuity Trust and to the Employees'
           Tata Chemicals (South Africa) Proprietary Limited  South Africa  Trading      100.00%      100.00%                          Group Gratuity-cum-Life Assurance Scheme of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, for funding the defined benefit plans
           Magadi Railway Company Limited       Kenya                Dormant             100.00%      100.00%                          for qualifying employees. The scheme provides for lump sum payment to vested employees at retirement or death while in
           Alcad (footnote 'i')                 United States of America  Manufacturing   50.00%       50.00%                          employment or on termination of employment. Employees, upon completion of the vesting period, are entitled to a benefit
           Joint Ventures
           Direct                                                                                                                      equivalent to either half month, three fourth month and full month salary last drawn for each completed year of service
           Indo Maroc Phosphore S. A            Morocco              Manufacturing        33.33%       33.33%                          depending upon the completed years of continuous service in case of retirement or death while in employment. In case of
           Tata Industries Ltd.                 India                Diversified           9.13%        9.13%                          termination, the benefit is equivalent to fifteen days salary last drawn for each completed year of service in line with the Payment
           Indirect                                                                                                                    of Gratuity Act, 1972. Vesting occurs upon completion of five years of continuous service.
           The Block Salt Company Limited (Holding by New   United Kingdom  Manufacturing   50.00%     50.00%
           Cheshire Salt Works Limited)
           Associate                                                                                                                    The trustees of the trust fund are responsible for the overall governance of the plan and to act in accordance with the provisions
           Indirect                                                                                                                    of the trust deed and rules in the best interests of the plan participants. They are tasked with periodic reviews of the solvency
           JOil (S) Pte. Ltd and its subsidiaries (Holding by TCIPL)  Singapore  Manufacturing   17.07%  17.07%                        of the fund and play a role in the long-term investment, risk management and funding strategy.
           (i)   A general partnership formed under the laws of the State of Delaware (USA).                                            The Company also provides post retirement medical benefits to eligible employees under which employees at Mithapur who
                                                                                                                                       have retired from service of the Company are entitled for free medical facility at the Company hospital during their lifetime.
           (ii)  Dissolved /liquidated during the year / previous year.
                                                                                                                                       Other employees are entitled to domiciliary treatment exceeding the entitled limits for the treatments covered under the

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