Page 321 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 321

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Summarised statement of profit and loss  19.  Borrowings
 ` in crore                                                                                            ` in crore
  Year ended     Year ended                                                              As at            As at
 Particulars  Particulars
 March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                                                March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
 Revenue and other income  2,980   2,631   Non-current
 Cost of raw material consumed  (1,701)  (1,562)  Secured - at amortised cost
 Purchase of stock-in-trade  (158)   (120)  (a)  Term loans - bank (footnote 'a')        3,336            3,171
 Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade  (85)  58   Unsecured - at amortised cost
 Employee benefits expense  (256)   (239)
 Finance cost  (12)   (5)  (a)  Term loans - bank (footnote 'b')                         2,251             617
 Depreciation and amortisation  (91)   (74)  (b)  Other loans (footnote 'c')                3                4
 Other expenses and exceptional items  (549)   (467)                                    5,590            3,792
 Profit before tax  128    222   Less: Unamortised finance cost                            50               67
 Income tax expense  (36)   (58)                                                        5,540            3,725
 Profit after tax for the year   92    164   Current
 Fair Value Adjustments for NCI (Ind-AS 103)  -  -  Loans repayable on demand
 Profit for the year  92    164   Secured - from banks
 % Holding by the Non-controlling shareholders  49.94%  49.94%
 NCI’s share of profit for the year   46   81   (a)  Working capital demand loan (footnote 'd')  100        54
             Unsecured - from banks
 Summarised statement of Cash flows  (a)  Working capital demand loan (footnote 'e')         -             182
 ` in crore  Current maturities of non-current borrowings
  Year ended     Year ended    (a)  From Banks - Secured (footnote 'a')                   217             1,113
 Particulars  (b)  From Banks - Unsecured (footnote 'b')                                  225             1,735
 March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities  217    166   (c)  From Others - Unsecured (footnote 'c')  1   1
 Net cash flows used in investing activities  (142)   (103)                               543            3,085
 Net cash flows used in financing activities  (41)   (61)  Less: Unamortised cost of borrowings   -          8
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents   34   2                                       543            3,077
 Note - ii
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                                          As at March 31, 2023   As at March 31, 2022
 Movement of Non-controlling interest  Particulars                           Non -   Current    Non -    Current
 ` in crore                                                                 Current           Current
 Year ended    Year ended
 Particulars  a  Secured : Term loans - bank
 March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 Opening carrying value as at April 1  -  -  i  Natrium Holdings & Subsidiaries
 NCI’s share of profit for the year  71   66   Term loan limit  GBP 70 million (2022 : GBP 80 million)
 Dividend received for the year  (71)   (66)  Outstanding   GBP 70 million (2022 : GBP 80 million)  711   -  -  796
 Closing carrying value as at March 31  -  -
                 Security           Fixed and floating charges over the assets of
 Summarised statement of profit and loss  the sub-group Natrium Holdings Limited
                 Rate of Interest    SONIA+1.35%
 ` in crore
  Year ended     Year ended    Maturity  Feb-2028 (2022: Mar-2023)
 March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 Revenue and other income  433    397   ii  Natrium Holdings & Subsidiaries
 Cost of sales   (291)   (266)
 Profit before tax  142    131   Revolving Credit   GBP NIL (2022: GBP 20 million)
 Income tax expense  -  -  Facility ('RCF') limit
 Profit for the year  142    131   Outstanding   GBP NIL (2022 : GBP 11 million)  -       -         -      109
 % Holding by the Non-controlling shareholders  50.00%  50.00%
 NCI’s share of profit for the year   71   66   Security  Fixed and floating charges over the assets of
                                    the sub-group Natrium Holdings Limited
                 Rate of Interest   2022: SONIA+CAS+1.15%
                 Original Maturity   2022: Mar-2023 - Fully Paid in Current year

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