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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 ` in crore  18.  Non-controlling interests ('NCI')
 Year ended   Year ended   Subsidiaries that have non-controlling interests are listed below:
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 17.4 General reserve                                                            Non-controlling interests share
 Balance at the beginning of the year   1,522    1,522   Name   Country of incorporation and operation  As at    As at
 Balance at the end of the year   1,522    1,522                                March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
 Footnote:   Rallis India Limited ("Rallis")  India                                    49.94%           49.94%
 The general reserve represents amounts appropriated out of retained earnings based on the provisions of the Act prior to   ALCAD**  United States of America  50.00%  50.00%
 its amendment.  ** a general partnership formed under the laws of the State of Delaware (USA).
 17.5 Foreign currency translation reserve
 Balance at the beginning of the year   2,014    1,881   Movement of non-controlling interests
 Changes during the year   445    133                                                                  ` in crore
 Balance at the end of the year   2,459    2,014
 Footnotes:  Particulars                                                            Year ended       Year ended
 The Foreign currency translation reserve represents all exchange differences arising from translation of financial statements   March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 of foreign operations.  Opening as at April 1                                            904              853
 17.6 Retained earnings  Add/(Less):
 Balance at the beginning of the year   7,616    6,255   Profit for the year              117              147
 Profit for the year   2,317    1,258   Dividends including tax on dividend              (100)             (96)
 Remeasurement of defined employee benefit plans (net of tax)   (33)   358   Closing as at March 31  921    904
 Dividend    (318)   (255)
 Balance at the end of the year(note 'ii')   9,582    7,616   Summarised financial information of Non-Controlling interests
 Footnote:  Note - i
 (i)    The amount that can be distributed by the holding company as dividends to its equity shareholders is determined based   Rallis India Limited ("Rallis")
 on the standalone financial statements of the holding company and also considering the requirements of the Companies
 Act, 2013. Thus, the amounts reported above are not distributable in entirety.  Movement of Non-controlling interest
                                                                                                       ` in crore
     The Board of Directors of the Company has recommended a final dividend of 175 % (2022: 125%) for the financial year
 2022-23 i.e. ` 17.50 per share (2022: ` 12.50 per share) which is subject to the approval of shareholder.  Particulars   Year ended     Year ended
     The Board of Directors of Rallis India Limited has recommended a final dividend of ` 2.50 for the financial year 2022-23   Opening carrying value as at April 1  March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022
 (2022: ` 3.00 per share) which is subject to the approval of shareholder of Rallis India Limited.
             NCI’s share of profit for the year                                            46               81
 (ii)  Includes balance of remeasurement of net loss on defined benefit plans of Rs. 316 crore (2022: Rs. 283 crore).
             Dividend received for the year                                               (29)             (29)
 (iii)  Retained earnings represents net profits after distributions and transfers to other reserves.     Closing carrying value as at March 31  921    904
 17.7 Equity instruments through Other Comprehensive Income
 Balance at the beginning of the year   4,422    2,791   Summarised statement of assets and liabilities
 Changes in fair value of equity instruments at FVTOCI (net of tax)   (72)   1,631                     ` in crore
 Balance at the end of the year   4,350    4,422   Particulars                           As at            As at
 Footnote:                                                                      March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
 This reserve represents the cumulative gains and losses arising on the revaluation of equity instruments measured at fair   Current assets  1,645   1,795
 value through Other Comprehensive Income, net of amounts reclassified to retained earnings when those assets have been   Non-current assets  1,153   1,064
 disposed off.  Current liabilities                                                      (988)          (1,077)
 17.8 Effective portion of cash flow hedges (note 42(c))  Non-current liabilities         (79)             (85)
 Balance at the beginning of the year   838    1   Net assets                           1,731            1,697
 Changes during the year   (871)   837   % Holding by the Non-controlling shareholders  49.94%          49.94%
 Balance at the end of the year   (33)   838   NCI share in carrying amount               864              847
 Footnote:   Add: Fair Value Adjustments for NCI (Ind-AS 103)                              57               57
 The effective portion of cash flow hedges represents the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of   Carrying amount of the NCI  921    904
 cash flow hedging instruments related to hedged transactions that have not yet occurred.

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