Page 324 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 324

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

                                                                                                     ` in crore                    20.  Other financial liabilities
                                                                        As at March 31, 2023   As at March 31, 2022                                                                                                          ` in crore
           Particulars                                                      Non -   Current   Non -    Current
                                                                          Current            Current                                Particulars                                                                 As at            As at
           vii  Natrium Holdings and its subsidiaries                                                                                                                                                  March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
               Uncommitted         GBP 40 million (2022 : GBP Nil)                                                                  Non-current
               Facility limit                                                                                                       (a)  Derivatives (note 42)                                                    23                -
               Outstanding         GBP 10 million (2022 : GBP Nil)             -       102        -        -                        (b) Others                                                                    25               16
               Rate of Interest    SONIA+CAS+1.15%                                                                                                                                                               48               16
               Maturity            This facility will due for repayment in FY23-24
                                                                            2,251     225       617     1,735                       Current
                                                                                                                                    (a)  Interest accrued                                                         9                20
           c   Unsecured : Other loans                                                                                              (b) Creditors for capital goods                                              272              183
           i   Rallis                                                                                                               (c)  Unclaimed dividend                                                       19               20
               Sales Tax deferral scheme loan                                                                                       (d) Derivatives (note 42)                                                    132               21
               Outstanding                                                      3        1        4         1
               Rate of Interest    Interest free Sales tax deferral                                                                 (e)  Security deposits from customers                                         49               46
                                   scheme loan                                                                                      (f)  Amounts due to customers                                                115               72
               Maturity            Repayable in annual instalments which range                                                      (g) Others                                                                   100               96
                                   from a maximum of ` 1.03 crore to a minimum                                                                                                                                  696               458
                                   of ` 0.24 crore over the period FY2024 to
                                   FY2027.                                                                                         21.  Provisions
                                                                                3        1        4         1
           d   Secured : Working capital demand loan
           i   Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited                                                                                                                                                                                  ` in crore
               Secured overdraft facility                                                                                           Particulars                                                                 As at            As at
               Outstanding                                                     -         -        -         4                                                                                          March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022
               Security            Secured against dues receivable from Kenyan                                                      Non-current
                                   Revenue Authority                                                                                (a)  Provision for employee benefits
               Rate of Interest    7%                                                                                               (i)  Pension and other post retirement benefits (note 40)                  1,198            1,062
               Repayment           Repaid in full in FY 22-23                                                                       (ii)  Compensated absences and long service awards                            19               17
                                                                                                                                                                                                               1,217            1,079
           ii  Rallis                                                                                                               (b) Other provisions (footnote 'i')                                          237              201
               Short term loan                                                                                                                                                                                 1,454            1,280
               Outstanding                                                     -       100        -        50                       Current
               Security            First pari-passu charge on stock (including raw                                                  (a)  Provision for employee benefits
                                   material, finished goods and work-in-progress)                                                       (i)    Pension and other post retirement benefits (note 40)               76               73
                                   and book debts.                                                                                      (ii)   Compensated absences and long service awards                       86               90
               Rate of Interest    Effective weighted average rate was 5.94%.                                                                                                                                    162              163
               Maturity            This facility will due for repayment in FY23-24                                                  (b) Other provisions (footnote 'i')                                          190              208
                                                                                -     100          -       54                                                                                                    352              371
           e   Unsecured : Working capital demand loan
           i   TCIPL
               Working Capital Demand Loan
               Outstanding         USD Nil (2022 : USD 24 million)             -         -        -      182
               Rate of Interest    Interest is charged at 0.86% to 2.98% (2022:
                                   0.67% to 1.21%)  per annum.
               Maturity            Repaid in full in FY 22-23
                                                                                -        -         -     182

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