Page 317 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 16.  Equity share capital  (iv)  Disclosures of Shareholding of Promoters - Shares held by the Promoters:
 ` in crore                                            As at March 31, 2023    As at March 31, 2022  Change
 As at March 31, 2023  As at March 31, 2022          No of shares        %   No of shares       %       %
 Particulars     Ordinary shares with voting rights
 No of shares  ` in crore  No of shares  ` in crore
 (a)  Authorised:     (i)   Tata Sons Private Limited  8,12,60,095    31.90   8,12,60,095     31.90           -
    Ordinary shares of ` 10 each   27,00,00,000    270   27,00,00,000    270      Promoter Group
 (b)  Issued :       (i)   Tata Investment Corporation Limited  1,52,00,001  5.97  1,52,00,001  5.97          -
    Ordinary shares of ` 10 each   25,48,42,598    255   25,48,42,598    255      (ii)  Voltas Limited  2,00,440  0.08  2,00,440  0.08   -
                     (iii)  Tata Industries Limited       77,647       0.03      77,647        0.03           -
 (c)  Subscribed and fully paid up:
                     (iv)  Tata Motors Finance Limited    10,060       0.00      10,060        0.00           -
    Ordinary shares of ` 10 each   25,47,56,278    255   25,47,56,278    255      (v)  Titan Company Limited  560  0.00  560  0.00   -
 (d)  Forfeited shares:     (vi)  Tata Coffee Limited       150        0.00        150         0.00           -
    Amount originally paid-up on forfeited shares  86,320   *   86,320   *
            17.  Other equity
  255    255                                                                                           ` in crore
 * value below ` 0.50 crore                                                                As at          As at
 Footnotes:                                                                        March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
             1   Capital reserve and other reserves from amalgamation                        327           327
 (i)   The movement in number of shares and amount outstanding at the beginning and at the year end
             2   Securities premium                                                         1,259         1,259
 Year ended March 31, 2023  Year ended March 31, 2022  3   Capital redemption reserve          *             *
 No. of Shares    ` in crore   No. of Shares    ` in crore   4   General reserve            1,522         1,522
 Issued share capital:  5   Foreign currency translation reserve                            2,459         2,014
 Ordinary shares :  6   Retained earnings                                                   9,582         7,616
             7   Equity instruments through Other Comprehensive Income                      4,350         4,422
 Balance as at April 1   25,48,42,598   255    25,48,42,598   255   8   Effective portion of cash flow hedges   (33)   838
 Balance as at March 31   25,48,42,598   255    25,48,42,598   255   Total other equity    19,466        17,998

 Subscribed and paid up:  The movement in other equity
 Ordinary shares :                                                                                     ` in crore
                                                                                      Year ended
                                                                                                     Year ended
 Balance as at April 1   25,47,56,278   255    25,47,56,278   255   Particulars    March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 Balance as at March 31   25,47,56,278   255    25,47,56,278   255   17.1 Capital reserve and other reserves from amalgamation
                  Balance at the beginning of the year                                       327           327
 (ii)  Terms/ rights attached to equity shares
                  Balance at the end of the year                                             327           327
     The Company has issued one class of ordinary shares at par value of ` 10 per share. Each shareholder is eligible for one vote per   Footnote:
 share held. The dividend proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual   Capital reserve represents the difference between the consideration paid and net assets received under common control
 General Meeting except in the case of interim dividend. In the event of liquidation, the equity shareholders are eligible to receive   business combination transaction. It can be utilized in accordance with the provisions of the 2013 Act.
 the remaining assets of the Company, after distribution of all preferential accounts, in proportion to their shareholding.
             17.2 Securities premium
 (iii)  Details of shares held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares.  Balance at the beginning of the year   1,259    1,259
                  Balance at the end of the year                                           1,259          1,259
 As at March 31, 2023  As at March 31, 2022
 Particulars      Footnote:
 No of shares  %  No of shares  %  Securities premium is used to record the premium on issue of shares. The reserve is eligible for utilisation in accordance with
 Ordinary shares with voting rights  the provisions of the 2013 Act.
 (i)   Tata Sons Private Limited  8,12,60,095   31.90   8,12,60,095  31.90  17.3 Capital redemption reserve
 (ii)  Life Insurance Corporation Of India   *    *   1,74,09,124  6.83  Balance at the beginning of the year   *    *
 (iii)  Tata Investment Corporation Limited  1,52,00,001   5.97   1,52,00,001  5.97  Balance at the end of the year   *    *
                  * value below ` 0.50 crore
    * Not holding more than 5% shares

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