Page 314 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 314

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

           Footnotes:                                                                                                              As on March 31, 2022:
           (i)   Before accepting new customer, the Group has appropriate levels of control procedures which ensure the potential customer's credit quality.                                                                 ` in crore
             Credit limits attributed to customers are reviewed periodically by the Management.                                                                       Outstanding for following period from due date of payment   Total
           (ii)  Movement in credit impaired                                                                                        Particulars                Unbilled  Not Due   Less than   6 months -    1-2    2-3 years   More than
                                                                                                                                                                               6 months     1 year   years             3 years
                                                                                                     ` in crore
                                                                                                                                    (i)     Undisputed Trade       21    1,642      259         2       5        2         2     1,933
                                                                                   Year ended       Year ended
           Particulars                                                                                                                  Receivables -
                                                                               March 31, 2023   March 31, 2022                          Considered good
           Balance at the beginning of the year                                           88               91                       (ii)   Undisputed Trade          -       -        2         3       -         -        1        6
           Provision during the year                                                      15                2                           Receivables - which have
                                                                                                                                        significant increase in credit
           Reversal during the year                                                       (8)              (5)
           Balance at the end of the year                                                 95               88                       (iii)   Undisputed Trade         -       -        1         -       1        1        23       26
                                                                                                                                        Receivables - Credit
           (iii)   Trade receivables have been offered as security against working capital facilities provided by the bank (note 19).
                                                                                                                                    (ii)   Disputed Trade Receivables    -   -        -         -       -         -        -        -
           Trade Receivable ageing schedule:                                                                                            - Considered Good
           As on March 31, 2023:                                                                                                    (v)   Disputed Trade Receivables    -    -        -         -       1         -        -        1
                                                                                                                                        - which have significant
                                                                                                     ` in crore
                                                                                                                                        increase in
                                              Outstanding for following period from due date of payment   Total                         credit risk
           Particulars                Unbilled  Not Due    Less than   6 months   1-2 years   2-3 years   More than                 (vi)   Disputed Trade Receivables    -   -        1         1       3        3        47       55
                                                        6 months   - 1 year                   3 years                                   - Credit Impaired
           (i)     Undisputed Trade        66    2,158       385      17        1        -         -    2,627                       Total                          21    1,642      263         6      10        6        73     2,021
               Receivables - Considered                                                                                             Less: Impairment loss allowance                                                              (88)
               good                                                                                                                                                                                                              1,933
           (ii)   Undisputed Trade           -      -         3        1        -        -         -        4
               Receivables - which have                                                                                            15.  Cash and cash equivalents and other bank balances
               significant increase in                                                                                                                                                                                        ` in crore
               credit risk                                                                                                                                                                                        As at          As at
           (iii)   Undisputed Trade          -      -         3        3        1       1         26      34                                                                                              March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
               Receivables - Credit Impaired                                                                                        Cash and cash equivalents:
           (iv)   Disputed Trade Receivables -    -  -        -        -        -        -         -       -                        (a)  Balance with banks                                                         193           326
               Considered Good                                                                                                      (b)  Cash on hand                                                                 -             -
           (v)   Disputed Trade Receivables    -    -         -        -        -        -         -       -                        (c)  Deposit accounts (with original maturity less than 3 months)               315           436
               - which have significant                                                                                             Cash and cash equivalents as per Statement of Cash Flow                         508           762
               increase in credit risk                                                                                              Other bank balances:
           (vi)   Disputed Trade Receivables -    -  -        -        1        2       4         50      57                        (a)  Earmarked balances with banks                                               19            20
               Credit Impaired                                                                                                      (b)   Deposit accounts (other than (c) above, with maturity less than 12 months from the balance
           Total                           66    2,158       391      22        4       5        76     2,722                           sheet date)                                                                 138           529
           Less: Impairment loss allowance                                                               (95)                                                                                                       157           549
                                                                                                        2,627                      Footnotes:

                                                                                                                                   (i)   Non cash transactions
                                                                                                                                        The Group has not entered into non cash investing and financing activities, except as disclosed in the Consolidated Statement
                                                                                                                                       of Cash Flows (Reconciliation of borrowings and lease liabilities).

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