Page 24 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 24

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Specialty Products Business

                                                                                                                                   Value Chain
                Fermentation Prebiotics

           At Tata Chemicals, our prebiotics         Business Overview
           portfolio division, under the brand       During the year, we continued the growth journey despite
           name Tata NQ, leverages the advances      challenging business environment. We consolidated our
           in precision fermentation to offer        position in existing customer segments and developed                           Raw materials             Processing               Products                 Packaging
           specialised, nature-inspired and          newer segments.                                                                  Ÿ Sucrose                 Ÿ Bio transformation      Ÿ FOS - short chain      Ÿ Jerry can
           science-backed ingredients and                                                                                             Ÿ Microorganisms                                   fructooligosaccharide     Ÿ Pails
           formulations for human and animal                                                                                          Ÿ Growth media                                                               Ÿ IBC (Intermediate
           nutrition.                                                                                                                                                                                              Bulk Container)
                                                      Existing Segments       New Segments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ÿ Paper bags
           Scaling the Health Quotient                   Ÿ We added several new     Ÿ We continued to
                                                         key accounts, from whom   progress on the
           Our flagship product - FOSSENCE® is short     we are receiving repeat   development of
           chain Fructooligosaccharides, commonly        orders – an endorsement   formulations designed
           referred to as FOS or oligofructose.          of the quality of our   to replace sugar, while
                                                         products, services and
                                                                                 maintaining the taste
           Manufactured using precision                  customer delight        and texture profiles of                                                      End use                  Distribution             Logistics
           fermentation of sucrose at our state-                                 the final product
           of-the-art facility in Mambattu, Andhra       Ÿ While existing distributors     Ÿ We witnessed opening                                               Ÿ Infant nutrition        Ÿ Direct engagement with     Ÿ Road
                                                         enhanced their reach
           Pradesh, it finds application in food and     through better coverage   up of the animal                                                             Ÿ Food & beverages       key accounts              Ÿ Sea
           beverage formulations, infant nutrition,      initiatives, new territories   nutrition segment with                                                  Ÿ Dietary supplements     Ÿ Network of distributors    Ÿ Air
           nutraceuticals and in animal nutrition. Our   were opened with        the commencement                                                               Ÿ Animal nutrition        Ÿ Warehousing at multiple
           Mambattu facility is FSSC22000-certified      the appointment of      of exports in the feed                                                                                  locations
           and IGBC gold-rated.                          additional channel      segment in South East
                                                         partners                Asia
           We have a multi-disciplinary team of
           scientists working on microbiome
           science (the core science platform)
           and fermentation technology (the             The business showed strong growth on the back
                                                        of increasing short chain Fructooligosaccharide
           manufacturing platform).
                                                        demand, and focussed application development
                                                        efforts. The Global industry is estimated to be
                                                        growing at 7.5-10% CAGR, with higher growth rate
                                                        in certain markets.

                                                                                                                                   Location: Mambattu Plant

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