Page 167 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

 Corporate Governance Report   Category and Attendance of Directors:

            The category of Directors, attendance at Board Meetings held during the Financial Year (‘FY’) under review, the number of Directorships/
            Chairpersonships and Committee positions held by them in other public limited companies and Directorships held by them in other
            listed entities as on March 31, 2023 are as follows:
 In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very

 purpose of its existence  Sr. No.  Name of the Director  No. of Board   Number of Directorships   Number of committee   Directorships in other listed entities
 - Jamsetji Tata                   Meetings   in other public limited   positions held in
                                 attended in the   companies*  other public limited
                                  year (Total 6                 companies**
                                   Meetings)  Chairperson  Member  Chairperson Member  Name of the listed entity  Category of
 1.   Company’s Philosophy on Corporate   C and D of Schedule V and clauses (b) to (i) and (t) of   (including debt listed)  Directorship
 Governance  Regulation 46(2) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and   Non-Executive Non-Independent Directors
     The  Company  strongly  believes  that  having  a  robust   Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘SEBI   1.  Mr. N. Chandrasekaran   6  7  -  -  -  Tata Motors Limited  NE-NID
 governance structure is the stepping stone for every   Listing Regulations’) as applicable with regard to   Chairman    Tata Steel Limited  NE-NID
                 (DIN: 00121863)
 milestone ahead. The Company further asserts that good   Corporate Governance.  The Tata Power Company Limited  NE-NID
                                                                           The Indian Hotels Company Limited
 Corporate Governance fosters long-term corporate goals                    Tata Consumer Products Limited  NE-NID
 and enhances stakeholders’ value. The Company has always   2.  Board of Directors  Tata Consultancy Services Limited  NE-NID
 been committed to the Tata Code of Conduct (‘TCoC’)      Composition of the Board  2.  Mr. S. Padmanabhan   6  -  2  -  1  -  -
 that enunciates and imbibes principles, values and ideals       The Company has an active, experienced, diverse and a   (DIN: 00306299)
 guiding and governing the conduct of all Tata companies   well-informed Board. The Board along with its Committees
 as well as its employees in all matters relating to business.   undertakes its fiduciary duties keeping in mind the interests   Independent Directors
 The Company’s overall governance framework, systems   of all its stakeholders and the Company’s Corporate   3.  Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi   6  -  4  2  2  Asian Paints Limited  ID
 and processes reflect and support its Mission, Vision and   Governance philosophy. The Company has an optimum   (DIN: 05180796)  ICICI Bank Limited  ID
 Values and also guide the Company on its journey towards   combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors   ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company   ID
 continued success.  which is in conformity with Regulation 17 of the SEBI Listing   Piramal Pharma Limited  ID
 Regulations read with Sections 149 and 152 of the Act. The   4.  Ms. Padmini Khare Kaicker   6  -  5  3  2  Rallis India Limited  ID
     The Company’s business strategies are guided by its   Board periodically evaluates the need for change in its   (DIN: 00296388)  Kotak Mahindra Investments Limited      ID
 philosophy on Corporate Governance which ensures fiscal   composition and size.  J B Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited  ID
 accountability, ethical corporate behaviour and fairness                  Bosch Limited                 ID
 to all stakeholders comprising regulators, employees,       In terms of Regulation 17 of the SEBI Listing Regulations,   Blue Dart Express Limited  ID
 customers, vendors, investors and the society at large.  at least 50% of the Board should comprise Non-Executive   5.  Dr. C. V. Natraj    6  -  2  -  1  Rallis India Limited  ID
 Independent Directors with at least one Woman Director.   (DIN: 07132764)
     The  Company  has  adopted  a  Code of Conduct for its   Out of total 9 Directors as on March 31, 2023, the   6.  Mr. K. B. S. Anand   6  1  4  1  3  Borosil Limited  ID
 employees,  Executive  Directors  as  well  as  for  its  Non-  Independent Directors constitute 55.56% of the Board. The   (DIN: 03518282)  Lupin Limited  ID
 Executive Directors including Independent Directors which   Company has 2 Women Directors on the Board as on the said   UFO Moviez India Limited  ID
 suitably incorporates the duties of Independent Directors   date who are holding their office as Independent Directors.  Bharat Forge Limited  ID
 as laid down in the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’). The                  Galaxy Surfactants Limited ^  ID
 Company’s governance guidelines cover aspects mainly       Detailed profile of the Directors is available on the   7.  Mr. Rajiv Dube    6  -  2  1  1  Tata International Limited   ID
                 (DIN: 00021796)
                                                                           Tata Investment Corporation Limited
 relating to composition and role of the Board, Chairman   Company’s  website at  Executive Directors
 and Directors, Board diversity and Committees of the Board.   DirectorsProfile.htm. The Board met six (6) times during   8.  Mr. R. Mukundan    6  -  2  -  3  Rallis India Limited  NE-NID
 FY 2022-23 on the following dates:  – MD & CEO                            Tata International Limited  ^  NE-NID
     The Company’s Corporate Governance philosophy has   (DIN: 00778253)
 been further strengthened through the Tata Business      •  April 29, 2022         •  August 9, 2022  9.  Mr. Zarir Langrana – ED   6  -  -  -  -  -  -
 Excellence Model, the Tata Code of Conduct for Prevention   (DIN: 06362438)
 of Insider Trading and the Code of Corporate Disclosure      •  October 27, 2022        •  December 6, 2022  MD & CEO – Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer; ED – Executive Director; NE-NID – Non-Executive Non-Independent Director; ID – Independent Director
 Practices and adoption of Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption,      •  February 1, 2023        •  March 31, 2023  *Excludes Directorships/Chairpersonships in private limited companies, foreign companies, companies registered under Section 8 of the Act, Government Bodies
 Anti-Money Laundering and Tata Business and Human   and Alternate Directorships
 Rights Policies.      The gap between two Meetings did not exceed 120 days   **Represents Chairpersonships/Memberships of Audit and Stakeholders Relationship Committees in all public limited companies as required under Regulation
 and the Meetings were conducted in compliance with all   26(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations
     The Company has adhered to the requirements   applicable laws. The necessary quorum was present for all   ^Debt listed company
 stipulated under Regulations 17 to 27 read with Para   the Board Meetings.

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