Page 163 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

 12.  Sustainability     Integrated Report      Reviews are conducted on an ongoing basis based on a   15.  Risk Management Framework
     The Company has adopted the IIRC framework to establish   comprehensive risk-based audit plan, which is approved
     At the Company, sustainability is aligned with the UN   integrated reporting within the mainstream business.   by the Audit Committee at the beginning of each year.        The Company has constituted a robust governance
 Sustainable Development Goals, and the Environmental,   In accordance with the IIRC Framework, the Company   The Internal Audit team reviews and reports to the   structure consisting of five levels, thereby ensuring both
 Social and Governance principles are integrated into its   has included an Integrated Report <IR>. The <IR> seeks   management and the Audit Committee about compliance   bottom-up and top-down approaches.
 business. TCL’s sustainability framework is designed along   to provide a concise and integrated account of how   with internal controls, and the efficiency and effectiveness       A Risk Management Committee (‘RMC’) is constituted to
 the axis of Materiality and Responsible Care. During the   the Company’s strategy, governance, performance and   of operations as well as the key process risks.  oversee the risk efforts in the Company. The RMC meets
 year, the Company undertook a large-scale stakeholder-  prospects are delivering on its core purpose – being a    quarterly  to  review  key risks  and assess the  status  of
 driven materiality assessment with the support of a       The Audit Committee meets every quarter to review and   mitigation measures.  The Company’s approach to risk
 third party.  global company. The <IR> encompasses all key financial and   discuss the various Internal Audit reports, and follow up on   management is designed to provide reasonable assurance
 non- financial performance indicators which are material to   action plans of past significant audit issues and compliance   that its assets are safeguarded, and the risks facing the
     Aligned  to  Tata Group’s  sustainability policy and   the Company as per GRI, UNGC and CDP. It plays a crucial   with the audit plan.   business are being assessed and mitigated.
 sustainability ambition,  as articulated in  its Project   role in establishing the linkages between environmental
 Aalingana TCL has articulated its sustainability policy and is   and social sustainability, as well as the financial growth of      The risk management framework is described below:
 taking actions towards three  key themes - Climate change   the organisation. The <IR> contains assured sustainability
 and emissions, Circular economy and Resources (Water,   data for FY 2022-23 for entities across the enterprise.
 Material and waste) management, and Preserving nature   The financial information has been audited by B S R & Co.
 and biodiversity.  LLP, and the non-financial information has been assured by
 Ernst & Young Associates LLP.
     On  the  path  of  decarbonisation,  the  Company  has   Board of
 committed to reduce absolute emissions by 30% and   13.  Business Excellence  Directors
 achieve net zero emissions. In line with its commitment,        The Company remains committed to continually raising
 the Company has initiated various levers, on shifting to   the bar on performance in all aspects of its business. The
 low emission/carbon neutral fuels, enhancing energy   Tata Business Excellence Model (‘TBEM’) serves as a pivotal   Risk Management
 efficiencies, use of renewable energy, and carbon capture   framework that allows the Company to gain insights into   Committee of the Board
 and utilisation, with several more in the pipeline.
 its performance, and establish continuous improvement   Risk Management Group (RMG)
     The Company has committed to becoming water positive   initiatives for attaining superior business results and   at Senior Leadership Level
 and zero solid waste to landfill. As part of its efforts to   maximising satisfaction and value for the customers.
 promote sustainable growth through circular economy, it   The TBEM framework comprises six core areas of business   RMG at Business Unit Level / Subsidiary Level
 has adopted the 3R (Reuse, recycle and reduce) strategy at   excellence: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer
 its manufacturing facilities.  Focus, Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce
 Focus, and Process Management. For the Company, a global   Risk Owners
     The Company has committed to net zero impact on   organisation that has its manufacturing operations spread
 biodiversity, and  to the conservation and strengthening   across four continents  with diverse business segments
 of biodiversity in and around the areas of its operations. Its   and employees from different cultures, TBEM serves as a
 focus is on coastal and marine ecosystem.  platform to establish a consistent standard of excellence.
 The Company participated in the Tata Group level TBEM
     The Company has developed an internal tool (Responsible   assessment in 2021 and achieved a coveted Industry
 Manufacturing Index) to monitor key sustainability   Leader status. This affirms the Company’s commitment
 indicators on a  monthly basis.  to strengthening the culture of excellence and progress
 towards becoming a world-class organisation.
     TCL uses frameworks such as ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001,
 Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’), Carbon Disclosure   14.  Internal Controls
 Project (‘CDP’), International Integrated Reporting
 Council (‘IIRC’), United Nations Global Compact (‘UNGC’),       The Company has an independent Internal Audit function
 Science Based Target initiatives (SBTi), India Business   with  a  well-established risk  management  framework.
 & Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI) reporting, etc. to disclose   The scope and authority of the Internal Audit functions are
 as well as to share its performance with stakeholders.   derived from the Internal Audit Charter approved by the
 This allows the Company to get feedback from the   Audit Committee. The Company has engaged a reputable
 stakeholders and engage with the key customers under   external firm to support the Internal Audit function for
 supply chain programmes.  carrying out the Internal Audit reviews.

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