Page 161 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23 01-83 84-192 193-365
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Management Discussion
& Analysis
'SeedSay,' a seed demand forecast system based on The Company’s Employee Assistance Programme ‘We Care’ International Labour Organisation (ILO). The Company and comparative performance analysis further aid in
advanced analytics, to optimise seed placement in shops supported India-based employees and their families in has adopted a comprehensive approach to ensure the assessing the current performance and identifying the
and reduce sales returns. Moreover, Rallis is using 'DRISHTI,' building psychological, physical, emotional and financial highest standards of safety, health, and environmental improvements required.
a state-of-the-art decision intelligence system that wellness to help them cope with stressful times. protection across the organisation. This policy ensures that
harnesses the power of Spaceborne Remote Sensing and all relevant stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities, The introduction of a Positive Assurance Matrix at all
Artificial Intelligence, to monitor hybrid seed production Frequent communication by leaders, town halls and and the Company's commitment to upholding the highest the sites to track SHE, Fire Safety and Electrical Safety
farms. Rallis has been awarded the CII-DX award under the team connects, rewards & recognition, advisories and standards of safety, health, and environmental protection Performance, which is reviewed by the SHES Committee
'Most Innovative' category for leveraging DRISHTI. policy/process changes were in place to keep the is maintained. of the Board, is aimed at ensuring accountability and
employees engaged and motivated. transparency in the Company's safety performance.
In conclusion, TCL's new initiatives are aimed at improving The Company is committed to ensuring steady
operational efficiency, performance and decision-making. The details of number of the employees as on March improvement in its safety, health, and environment To create a culture of safety, the Company has introduced
The Company is committed to staying ahead of the curve by 31, 2023 are given on page no. 76 of this Integrated (SHE) performance. The adoption of voluntary standards, various programmes to encourage employees to
incorporating the latest technologies and digital solutions Annual Report. such as Process Safety and Risk Management (PSRM), identify and report potential hazards, near-misses and
to achieve its goals. ISO 45001, ISO 14001, Responsible Care, and the British unsafe behaviours. The programme involves training
11. Safety and Health Safety Council guidelines, help the Company to benchmark employees on identifying and correcting unsafe
10. Human Resources its performance against established best practices and behaviours, conducting safety audits, and providing
Health and safety continues to be one of the most important continuously improve its safety management system. regular feedback. Tata Chemicals has also implemented
The steady engagement of its people has enabled the The Company’s commitment to safety follows a top-down a comprehensive PSRM programme to manage the
Company to achieve its key objectives in FY 2022-23. values at TCL. The Company has a comprehensive approach approach, with the senior management taking the lead in risks associated with its manufacturing processes.
Various changes in technology were embraced and the to ensure that all employees, associates, assets and the establishing, demonstrating, sustaining and improving the The Company has also established a Contractor Safety
employees are working towards achieving the next level environment are protected from harm to achieve ‘Target safety culture and creating a safety-conscious workforce. Management programme to ensure that contractors
of excellence by focussing on their skill development and Zero Harm’. It has adopted a proactive approach to health Its specially trained employees are a valuable asset for the working on its sites follow the same safety standards as
and safety management, which includes creating policies
innovative practices. Company in identifying and mitigating potential hazards
and procedures to promote safe working practices and Tata Chemicals' employees.
In line with its commitment to increase diversity in the providing appropriate training to employees. Additionally, that may arise in the course of their work. Periodic industrial The Company has implemented a SIF (Serious Injury
hygiene assessment and medical check-ups are conducted
workforce, the Company has increased the hiring of women the Company is also ensuring that it has the right systems to identify possible risks to human health, and for initiating and Fatality) Potential Approach as part of its accident
across all its plants. Graduate engineer trainees were hired in place to monitor performance and identify potential risks corrective and preventive steps based on the risk profile of prevention programme, to identify and address potential
in order to build a pipeline of engineers for production units before they become an issue. By taking these steps, TCL the work area to help the Company to focus its efforts where hazards that could lead to serious injuries or fatalities.
with an intake of 50% women engineers. The Company’s ensures that its commitment to 'Target Zero Harm' is met. they are needed the most. Adequate medical facilities are This is a proactive approach to safety, which goes beyond
manufacturing sites today have women in all the three The Company has a Board-level Safety, Health, Environment available at all manufacturing sites, and the Company has traditional safety programmes and focusses on the
shifts in India. and Sustainability (‘SHES’) Committee, chaired by an also established tie-ups with specialised medical facilities, prevention of incidents that have the potential to cause
Independent Director. The Committee reviews and monitors such as hospitals and nursing homes, for ensuring the serious harm. The Company has also implemented a Safety
During the year, the Company continued to build future the sustainability, safety, health and environmental policies health and well-being of its employees. Felt Leadership Programme (SFLP) to promote a culture
capability interventions based on 'future ready' and “future and activities of the Tata Chemicals Group on behalf of the of safety across the organisation, which aims to empower
engaged” competencies. The Company’s rich digital learning Board to ensure that the Group is following appropriate The Company has adopted a continuous improvement leaders to take ownership of safety and drive continuous
platforms like Global Gyan, Tata Tomorrow University laws and legislation. This Committee also provides valuable approach to its safety performance through the 'Target improvement in safety performance.
and LinkedIn Learning enabled continuous learning and direction and guidance to the Management to ensure that Zero Harm' programme. The identification of key lead
upskilling to its people. Structured interventions like INVEST safety and sustainability implications are duly addressed and lag measures, alignment of these measures to The Company tracks lead indicators under PSI elements to
helped build the managerial capability. Plants continued in all new strategic initiatives, budgets, audit actions and functional processes and strategic objectives, besides determine the safety progress. The elements of PSI have
their functional capability programmes, supplemented improvement plans. setting of targets based on past performance, stakeholder been selected through prevalent legislative requirements
by centrally run virtual trainings on POSH (Prevention of requirements, legal and voluntary requirements, and of the respective locations, as well as the world-class
Sexual Harassment), ABAC (Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption), The Company has an integrated Safety, Health & Environment industry benchmarks, are important steps towards frameworks for Safety & Environment Management
Ethics, D&I (Diversity & Inclusion), etc. (SHE) Policy in place, as part of its commitment to ensuring achieving the goal of zero harm. Systems like ISO 45001, ISO 14001, HSG 65, etc. Annual
the safety and well-being of all key stakeholders. Each site targets are set for each element, based on organisational
The Company’s new 'my WOW' (My World of Work) or subsidiary has adopted the Corporate SHE Policy or The capture of data associated with key lead and lag requirements and past performance of the locations.
HRMS (Human Resources Management System) Oracle developed their own policy in alignment with the Corporate measures through various pre-defined reports, log sheets,
platform under the OTON (One Tata Operating Network) Policy and local regulatory requirements. The Corporate and web portals is an efficient way to track performance. To assist individual units, the Company is working on
programme is being well adopted by its people. SHE Policy is aligned with other key policies and guidelines Pre-defined reports configured in portals for necessary digitisation and data analytics to forecast key vulnerable
This migration has helped increase the efficiency of the like the Group Safety Policy, Consequence Management data analysis and management reports help the Company areas. Over the past 12 years, the Company has reduced its
people processes, and also helped address the needs and guidelines, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Mission, to identify trends and areas for improvement. The use TRIFR by 62%.
aspirations of the emerging multigenerational workforce. Vision & Values, Responsible Care guidelines, and the of tools like trend analysis, Root Cause Analysis (RCA),
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