Page 147 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

 productivity. As part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,   rebalancing of the global supply chain reinforces   various policies which will generate demand for a variety    and oral care applications. The Company has a domestic
 the installation of IoT devices, including in the chemical   the attractiveness of India, which will remain one   of chemicals including construction chemicals, emission   market leadership position in prebiotics, and has built
 industry, has grown by 16% in the last 5 years. In addition,   of the fastest growing chemical markets globally.   control catalyst, polyurethanes,  TPU (Thermoplastic   a robust and high-growth fermentation platform that
 investments in AI reached US$ 32 billion by 2020, with an   With government support and schemes, companies   Polyurethane), bio-pesticides, etc. Further changes in   provides  attractive  future  growth  opportunities. The
 annual growth rate of around 40%.  are investing in local production and distribution   BCD  (Basic  Custom  Duty)  rates  of  various  goods  like   flagship product - fructo-oligosaccharide, is a prebiotic
 networks to meet the growing demand in the   crude glycerin, denatured ethyl alcohol, acid grade   dietary fibre that promotes the growth of gut microbiome,
        Companies are improving their safety lag indicators,   region, and reduce supply chain risks associated   fluorspar,  specified  chemicals  for  manufacture  of  pre-  and  improves digestive and immune health.
 such as TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency   with long-distance transportation and geo-political    calcined ferrite powder, etc. would provide impetus to the
 Rate) and PSI (Progressive Safety Index), with the help   conflicts.  domestic demand for these products. However, the Indian       Rallis India Limited (‘Rallis’), a listed leading agri
 of digital technologies like remote monitoring, smart   chemical sector, which has all the ingredients to become   sciences company, with a product portfolio offering
 cameras, predictive maintenance, Virtual Reality (VR)   c.   Indian Chemical Industry  a global manufacturing hub, continues to await the much   comprehensive crop care solutions, including active
 and Augmented Reality (AR), to provide workers with       The Indian chemical industry is the 6  largest producer   expected  and  anticipated  production-linked  incentive   ingredients and formulations for crop protection, crop
 virtual training and simulations to practice safety   of chemicals globally and 3  in Asia. India ranks 14  in   scheme, which has unfortunately not been announced in   nutrition, seeds and biopesticides. A strong distribution
 procedures and emergency response.                                network, with over 7,200 dealers and 1,00,000 retailers,
 chemical products’ exports and 8  in imports. The Indian              Budget 2023.
        Automation  is  helping  streamline  the  production   chemical industry stood at US$ 232 billion in 2022, and   reaches a multitude of India’s farmers, covering 80%
 process, reducing manual labour and minimising the   is expected to reach US$ 304 billion by 2025, registering       The Indian chemical industry has numerous opportunities,   of the country’s districts, and having export access to
 risk of human error.  a CAGR of 9.3%. The cumulative FDI equity inflow in the   considering the supply chain disruption in China and   60+ countries. It is a leading global manufacturer of
 chemical industry (excluding fertilisers) was US$ 20.96   the trade conflict among the US, Europe and China.    active ingredients such as Acephate, Hexaconazole,
        Digital twin technologies are effectively used   billion from April 2000 to December 2022. This constituted   Anti-pollution measures in  China  will also create   Pendimethalin and Metribuzin. Rallis is expected to drive
 to replicate physical assets or processes, thus   3.35% of the total FDI inflow across sectors.  opportunities for the Indian chemical industry in specific   its growth through manufacturing capacity expansion
 considerably reducing the capex and time. Blockchain   segments.  The dedicated integrated manufacturing   and widening customer reach.
 technologies  in the chemical industry are helping       India is the 4  largest producer of agrochemicals globally   hubs under Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals
 track the  movement of chemicals and  materials   and reached a value of almost US$ 6 billion in the year 2022.   Investment Regions (PCPIR) policy is expected to attract       The Company’s businesses are supported by the pillars
 throughout the supply chain, providing greater   The market is further expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5%   an investment of ` 20 lakh crore (US$ 276.46 billion) by   of safety, sustainability, operational excellence, customer
 transparency and traceability.   between 2023 and 2028, to reach a value of almost US$ 9.82   2035. Additionally, special incentives through PCPIRs or   focus, innovation and digitalisation. The Company has
 billion by 2028. Agrochemicals sector exports accounted   SEZs (Special Economic Zones) to encourage downstream   committed to reducing its carbon footprint with focus on
      Supply Chain Resilience -  The industry's complex   for US$ 4.84 billion in CY 2022 with Y-o-Y growth of 28.7 %,   units will enhance production and further boost the   net neutrality. Its Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU)
 supply chain involves the production of basic chemicals,   while imports were US$ 1.69 billion with Y-o-Y growth of   industry growth.  plant in the UK is the first of its kind to be commissioned
 intermediate chemicals and specialty chemicals, and   (2.39)%. Increased Government initiatives  to assist farmers   in that  geography. It captures CO  emitted by the
 encompasses multiple stages, including sourcing of raw   and rapid technological advancements are  propelling the        Source: Union Budget 2023, IBEF, Ministry of Commerce, Expert   gas-powered energy system, and uses it as a feedstock
 materials, manufacturing, transportation and distribution.   growth of the agrochemicals sector.  Market Research  to manufacture high purity sodium bicarbonate for the
 The pandemic exposed the vulnerability of supply chains   3.  Company Overview  pharma and food industries.
 in the chemical industry, causing delays and congestion        Specialty chemicals constitute 22% of the total chemicals       A part of the US$ 128 billion (revenue for FY 2021-22)
 in ports and rail transportation, and led to the creation   and petrochemicals market in India. The sector is expected       The Company supports key communities with
 of new local systems. Regulatory influences, geo-political   to reach US$ 40 billion by 2025. A significant opportunity   Tata Group, Tata Chemicals Limited (‘the Company’ or   development models that are sustainable and scalable.
 uncertainty, and the need to meet decarbonisation goals   for the Indian chemical industry is the increasing demand   ‘TCL’) is a sustainable chemistry solutions company.   It also promotes biodiversity in a significant way through
 are further adding to the challenges.  for specialty chemicals globally. Another opportunity for   The Company operates through two verticals  - Basic   plantation, ecosystem creation, species conservation,
 the industry is the growing demand for green chemicals,   Chemistry (Alkali Chemicals - Soda Ash, Sodium Bicarb,   as well as water and resource conservation around its
        In the post-pandemic world, successful supply chains   which are eco-friendly and sustainable.  Salt, Silica & other Halogen Chemicals) and Specialty   plants. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Ncourage
 will need to balance agility, efficiency and resilience,   Products (Specialty Silica, Prebiotics & Formulations,   Social Enterprise Foundation, the Company is focussed on
 while considering the costs and carbon footprint.      For CY 2022, the export value of chemicals and allied   Agrochemicals and Seeds).  The Company’s product   initiatives like livelihood creation, capacity building, rural
 products was up by 5% year-on-year, to US$ 63* billion, while   portfolio provides key ingredients to many of   entrepreneurship development, market linkages, and
        E-commerce is becoming an increasingly important   imports were up 22% year-on-year, to US$ 95.96* billion.  the world’s leading brands for glass, detergents,   enriching lifestyle through quality products and services.
 channel for chemical companies to reach customers,   pharma, food, animal feed, and other industries.    These initiatives are woven around core intervention
 particularly  for  specialty  chemicals.  Online        The Indian chemical and petrochemical sector is expected   The Company is a global major in Soda Ash and Sodium   areas that include empowerment of rural women, youth,
 marketplaces and digital platforms are enabling   to attract an investment worth  ` 8 lakh crore by 2025.    Bicarbonate (market position of 3  and 6  respectively),   farmers, providing safe drinking water, animal care and
 companies to offer greater product visibility, pricing   The Union Budget 2023 is a growth-oriented, progressive   with manufacturing facilities in India, US, UK and Kenya.  clean energy.
 transparency, and more efficient ordering processes.  and prudent budget with specific focus on stability,
 sustainable and inclusive development, announcing       The  specialty  products  vertical,  with  focus  on  Green       Innovation at Tata Chemicals is focussed  on  delivering
        The Asia-Pacific region has become a key growth   Chemistry solutions, comprises Highly Dispersible Silica   value to the customers by integrating chemistry with other
 market for the chemical industry, with China, India,          *HS Code Chapter 28-32, 3301-3302, 3402-3404, 35,38, 3901-3914,   (‘HDS’) and Prebiotics. HDS was developed based on   sciences. At present, the Company has three centres for
 and Southeast Asia leading the way. Economic   4001-4003, 4005
                patented technology for rubber, food, feed, detergents   innovation located in Pune and  Bengaluru.

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