Page 145 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Management Discussion
                                      & Analysis

 Management Discussion & Analysis  2.  Chemical Industry           economy. Of the numerous trends impacting this industry,
            a.   Global Chemical Industry                          the most significant are Sustainability, Digitalisation and
                                                                   Supply Chain Resilience.
                 Global chemical growth moderated in 2022 due to
                lockdowns in China, supply chain bottlenecks, and        Sustainability is the key trend shaping the way chemicals
 1.  Business Environment  in 2022 to 4.0% in 2023, and further to 4.2% in 2024.   disruptions caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.   are produced and used. While the chemical sector has
                As a result, global chemical output grew by only 2.0% in
 a.   Global Economic Outlook  However, half of these economies will have a slower   2022. In 2023, production is expected to expand at 2.9%   been under increasing pressure to reduce its environment
 growth rate in 2023 compared to 2022. China's growth              footprint, promote sustainable practices and mitigate ESG
     Global growth is projected to moderate from an estimated   amid rebound in Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific.   exposure, it also plays a critical role in providing sustainable
 3.4% in 2022 to 2.9% in 2023, then rise to 3.1% in 2024   rate is estimated at 5.2% in 2023, while India's growth   The industry is focussing on meeting the growing global   products and services to the various  sectors  it services.
 - lower than the historical annual average of 3.8%.    is projected to decline, from 6.8% in 2022 to 6.1% in   demand and enhancing sustainability through carbon
 The lower growth in 2023 is due to the rising central bank   2023, before rebounding to 6.8% in 2024, due to strong   reduction projects and advanced recycling and recovery.          Considered as a ‘hard to abate’ sector, access to
 rates to combat inflation and the war in Ukraine. Emerging   domestic demand.  The biggest risk to the outlook is persistent inflation    clean energy is essential for this industry to become
 market and developing economies are expected to        Source: International Monetary Fund, Chief Economist Outlook by   and continued increase in interest rates that could   sustainable. Led by the commitment of the Paris
 recover in 2023 and 2024, while advanced economies will   World Economic Forum, January 2023  prolong and deepen the downturn, but other risks may   Climate Accords, almost all leading global chemical
 experience a decline in growth. The world trade growth is   include escalation of wars, financial instability, and supply   companies have prioritised reduction of their carbon
 forecasted to decline to 2.4% in 2023 before rising to 3.4%   b.  India Economic Outlook  chain disruptions.  emissions in a phased manner and eventually become
 in 2024. In 2023, oil prices are projected to fall by about       India’s economy recovered quickly from the pandemic   carbon neutral. The chemical industry is one of the key
 16%, while non-fuel commodity prices are expected to   and further growth is expected to be supported by solid       The US chemical industry had a strong start in  2022, with    contributors of the US$ 1.1 trillion investments made
 fall, on average, by 6.3%.  domestic demand and increase in capital investments. The   output growing by 3.9%. However, in 2023, this growth   in low carbon energy technologies in the year 2022.

     The global inflation rate is expected to decrease from 8.8%   International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Reserve Bank of   is expected to marginally decline due to deceleration           In addition to carbon emission, reducing water
                in end-use markets, a stronger dollar, and lower global
 in 2022 (average) to 6.6% in 2023 and 4.3% in 2024, due to   India (RBI) estimate real GDP growth of 6.8% in 2022-23 and   growth. Many manufacturers have increased inventories    footprint is also a key imperative for the sector.
 the  declining international fuel and commodity prices as   6.1% in 2023-24. The agriculture sector has been growing   of raw materials and products due to supply chain issues,   Companies are gradually becoming water neutral
 well as the cooling effect of monetary policy tightening on   at an average annual rate of 4.6% over the past six years,   which resulted in higher-than-normal inventories at the   through various interventions, such as water recycling,
 underlying (core) inflation. The inflation forecast for 2023   and the industrial sector is estimated to grow at 4.5% in    end of the year. US chemicals remain advantaged due to   reducing (low water technologies) and recovering
 is 4.6% for advanced economies and 8.1% for emerging   FY 2022-23.  The services sector saw quick recovery in   abundant domestic production of natural gas. Capital    (ZLD technologies  & harvesting).
 market and developing economies.  FY 2021-22, growing 8.4% Y-o-Y, and continued to grow in   spending grew 9.0% to US$ 33.5 billion in 2022 and is
 FY 2022-23.    expected  grow at 3.6% in 2023.
     The energy crisis of 2023 is expected to be less severe            Developing  sustainable chemicals and   materials
 than previously seen, due to efforts in stress-testing and       RBI’s  enterprise  surveys  point  to  some  softening of       After declining by 3.2% in 2022, chemical production   aligned to the principles of Green Chemistry is a
 improving energy systems, diversifying energy sources, and   input cost and output price pressures in manufacturing.   in Western Europe is expected to marginally grow at   leading sustainability trend in this industry. Under the
 improving energy efficiency and consumption patterns.   Considering these factors, and assuming an average crude   0.8% in 2023. This is mainly due to an uncertain energy   umbrella of green chemistry, companies are focussing
 Despite the decline in oil prices to pre-war levels, global   oil price (Indian basket) of US$ 95 per barrel, inflation is   price outlook and depressed economic growth outlook.   on developing renewable or circular feedstock,
 gas prices have remained high. Policymakers, particularly   projected at 6.5% in FY 2022-23, with Q4 at 5.7%. On the   However, the silver lining is that natural gas prices have   innovating sustainable processes that consume
 in Europe, will be focussed on controlling energy costs and   assumption of a normal monsoon, CPI   inflation is projected   dropped to their pre-war levels and are expected to   low energy, generating zero waste, and ensuring
 ensuring stable energy supplies. The ongoing impact of the   at 5.3% for FY 2023-24, with Q1 at 5.0%, Q2 at 5.4%, Q3 at   remain below the 2022 levels.  such waste is harmless to the entire ecosystem.
 Russia-Ukraine war will continue to affect global energy   5.4% and Q4 at 5.6%, and the risks evenly balanced.  Bio-based chemicals derived from renewable sources,
 security, economy and energy mix.      China’s chemical industry is expected to recover after   biodegradable polymers, carbon capture & utilisation
     The capital expenditure for FY 2022-23 stands at 2.9% of          technologies, and fermentation & extraction
     For advanced economies, growth is projected to decline   GDP, indicating the Government's commitment to investing   the  lifting  of COVID-19  restrictions. Sectors such as   technologies are some leading examples of green
 sharply from 2.7% in 2022 to 1.2% in 2023, before rising   in the country's growth. Moreover, the Government has   pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals are expected   chemicals and processes.  The demand for green
 to 1.4% in 2024. About 90% of the advanced economies   announced an even larger allocation of ` 10 lakh crore for   to lead the growth.  chemicals and materials is estimated to outpace the
 are projected to see a decline in growth in 2023, with   the next fiscal year, which demonstrates their long-term      Source: Chemical Processing, American Chemistry Council, C&EN  global chemical industry by 3x in the next 5 to 7 years.
 the UK experiencing a negative growth rate of 0.6%.    vision for the economy. Of this amount, a considerable sum
 The United States and Europe are expected to see growth   of ` 1.78 lakh crore has been earmarked for the Ministry   b.  Key Global Trends  Digitalisation is transforming the chemical industry by
 rates of 1.4% and 0.7%, respectively, in 2023. The decline   of Chemicals and Fertilisers, reflecting the Government’s        The chemical industry is an integral element of the global   making manufacturing facilities and workplace safer,
 in growth is  attributed to factors such as tighter fiscal and   emphasis on promoting the chemical and agriculture   economy. It serves numerous sectors such as agriculture,   improving operational efficiency, increasing productivity,
 monetary policies, financial conditions, and high energy   construction, automotive, FMCG, consumer durables,   and enabling new business models. Smart Factories or
 retail prices affecting household budgets.  sectors. Overall, these budgetary allocations signal the   electronics, healthcare and many more. The industry is at   Industry 4.0 are integrating advanced technologies such
 Government’s determination to accelerate economic                 as  automation,  analytics,  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  and
     The growth rate for emerging market and developing   growth and create a more prosperous and resilient India.  the cusp of significant transformation, driven by various   Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to drive efficiencies and
                mega trends that are shaping the future of the world
 economies is expected to increase marginally, from 3.9%      Source: Budget 2023, RBI, Economic Survey 22-23, Ministry of Finance

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