Page 11 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 11

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Chemistry for
               Sustainable Growth

 Chemistry for Sustainable Growth  1. Sustainability at Tata Chemicals

            The sustainability scope at Tata Chemicals encompasses reduction of the environmental impact of manufacturing and other business
            operations (led by Soda Ash) while maintaining the economic viability of its products.

 The global sustainability transformation agenda is a call to action     Ÿ Climate change (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions)   A. Climate Change Action / Decarbonisation
 for nations, organisations and individuals to work together to     Ÿ Biodiversity loss
 address pressing environmental, social and economic challenges     Ÿ Sustainable use of natural resources (Including fresh
 facing the world today. The agenda is framed around several key   water, land, forests & oceans)   Energy
 themes, including:
   Ÿ Responsible production (Patterns that minimise waste
 and promote resource efficiency)
            Renewable Power                   Thermal Energy (Fuel Switch)      Energy Efficiency
 The agenda requires a collective effort from all   In the chemicals manufacturing process,   Majority of the thermal energy is used in   It is estimated that 10% to 15% carbon
 stakeholders, including governments, the private sector,   majority of the electricity consumption   the form of steam (>80%). While there   reduction can be achieved with various
 civil society organisations and individuals. By working   takes place in motors, pumps, as well as   are techno commercial challenges in   energy efficiency solutions across both
 together, we can create a more sustainable, equitable and   heating, cooling and control systems.    transitioning to carbon-neutral thermal   electrical and thermal energy.
 prosperous future for all.  Tata Chemicals' total electricity   energy, Tata Chemicals has identified
            consumption is 547 GJ .           low carbon / zero carbon fuel switch     Ÿ The next phase of capacity expansion
 The chemical industry has the potential to be a solution   options to accelerate the pace of   in India and USA will be more energy
 provider for sustainability by developing and producing     Ÿ The Company has drafted detailed   sustainable growth.   efficient processes, i.e. Dry Lime
 materials and products that are environment-friendly,   plans to more than double   Process and Solution Mining,
 energy-efficient, and non-toxic. Some examples include   renewable electricity in next 5 years    Ÿ Mithapur Salt Works produces    respectively
 providing chemicals and materials for energy transition   ~2.7 million MT of salt. By using solar     Ÿ Energy efficiency solutions
 including hydrogen economy, solar panels, electric energy   energy, it is avoiding ~33.5 million MT    such as waste heat recovery,
 storage, developing biodegradable plastics, and creating   of CO  emission to environment  implementation of energy efficient
 more efficient and less harmful green chemistries.     Ÿ Tata Chemicals UK has signed an   equipment and motors, and digital
                                                offtake agreement with Vertex     interventions like automation & IIoT
 However, it's important to note that the chemical   Hydrogen for 200 MW+ of      are being implemented across all
 industry also has a significant environmental impact, and   Hydrogen supply      manufacturing facilities
 it is essential to ensure that sustainability measures are
 prioritised and implemented throughout the industry's
 operations. It generates ~US$ 4.7 trillion in revenues and
 employs over 15 million people. Globally, the industry   Read more in ESG section  Read more in ESG section  Read more in ESG section
 emits > 2.3 Giga Tonnes of CO  (~4% of the global
 emission) and is considered a ‘hard-to-abate’ industrial
 sector. The products from the chemical industry are used   Carbon Capture & Utilisation  Supply Chain & Logistics
 in > 90% of manufactured goods. Therefore, unless the   Tata Chemicals' Carbon Capture Unit   Tata Chemicals has a unique position     Ÿ It is focussed on reducing the share
 chemical system transitions to a sustainable model of   (CCU) in UK is now fully operational,    in the Soda Ash value chain, having   of road transportation that has
 operation, it makes it challenging for other parts of the   with an annual capacity of 40,000 MT.    manufacturing and supply chain networks   high carbon footprint and safety
 global economy using chemical products to be truly   The CCU unit services 100% CO    across four continents. This provides   incidences. ~75% of Tata Chemicals'
 sustainable.                      2
            requirement for sodium bicarbonate and   it with the ability to serve its global   primary shipment is through railways,
            sells surplus quantities in open market.  customers most economically, with the   which it plans to further increase in
 As an organisation with a mission of Serving Society   most optimum environment footprint.  order to reduce its Scope 3 emissions
 Through Science, Tata Chemicals is committed to
 contribute and collaborate to support the sustainability     Ÿ Tata Chemicals is transitioning from
 transformation agenda. It is continually embedding   small bags to bulk supplies thus
 sustainability in its current business and is proactively   reducing plastic consumption
 working with its supply chain partners and customers to
 achieve their sustainability goals.

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