Page 347 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
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will be considered for remittance of dividend as of attorney registration, bank mandate details, etc. to their
per the applicable regulations of the Depositories DPs in case the shares are held in electronic form and to the
and the Company will not be able to accede Registrar at in case the shares are
to any direct request from such Members for held in physical form, quoting their folio number. Changes
change/addition/deletion in such bank details. intimated to the DP will then be automatically reflected in
Accordingly, the Members holding shares in the Company’s records.
demat form are requested to ensure that their
DPs update their Electronic Bank Mandate details 12. In accordance with Regulation 40 of the SEBI Listing
by Thursday, June 16, 2022. Regulations, as amended, the Company had stopped
accepting any fresh transfer requests for securities held in
Further, please note that instructions, if any, physical form. Members holding shares of the Company
already given by the Members in respect of shares in physical form are requested to kindly get their shares
held in physical form, will not be automatically converted into demat/electronic form to get inherent
applicable to the dividend paid on shares held in benefits of dematerialisation.
electronic form.
Further, Members may please note that SEBI vide its Circular
For Members who are unable to receive the dated January 25, 2022 mandated listed companies to
dividend directly in their bank accounts through
Electronic Clearing Service or any other means issue securities in demat form only while processing
any service requests viz. issue of duplicate securities
due to non-registration of the Electronic
Bank Mandate, the Company shall despatch certificate; claim from Unclaimed Suspense Account;
the dividend warrant/demand draft to such renewal/exchange of securities certificate; endorsement;
Members. sub-division/splitting of securities certificate; consolidation of
securities certificates/folios; transmission and transposition.
10. Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend Accordingly, Members are requested to make service
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 of the Act, requests by submitting a duly filled and signed
the dividend which remains unpaid/unclaimed for a period Form ISR – 4, the format of which is available at
of seven consecutive years from the date of transfer to the
unpaid dividend account of the Company is required to be resources/Other-forms.
transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund 13. The format of the Register of Members prescribed by the
(‘IEPF’) established by the Central Government. The details MCA under the Act requires the Company/Registrar to
of unclaimed dividend transferred to IEPF during FY 2021-22 record additional details of Members, including their PAN
have been provided in the Report on Corporate Governance details, email address, bank details for payment of dividend,
which forms part of this Integrated Annual Report. etc. This request should be submitted in Form ISR-1 which
11. Updation of PAN and other details is also attached to this Notice. Members holding shares in
physical form are requested to submit the filled-in form
SEBI has, vide its Circulars dated November 3, 2021 and to the Company or to the Registrar in physical mode as
December 14, 2021, mandated furnishing of PAN, KYC per instructions mentioned in the form. Members holding
details (i.e. postal address with pin code, email address, shares in electronic form are requested to submit the details
mobile number, bank account details) and Nomination to their respective DPs only and not to the Company or TSR.
details by holders of physical securities through Form ISR-1.
It may be noted that any service request or complaint can be 14. Nomination facility: As per the provisions of Section 72 of
processed only after the folio is KYC compliant. the Act, the facility for making nomination is available for the
Members in respect of the shares held by them. Members
Accordingly, the Company has sent individual letters to all
the Members holding shares of the Company in physical who have not yet registered their nomination are requested
form for furnishing their PAN, KYC and Nomination details. to register the same by submitting Form SH-13. If a Member
Members holding shares of the Company in physical form are desires to opt out or cancel the earlier nomination and
requested to go through the requirements on the website of record a fresh nomination, he / she may submit the same in
the Company at Form ISR-3 or Form SH-14 as the case may be. The said forms
Investor-resources/Other-forms and furnish the requisite can be downloaded from the Company’s website at https://
Other-forms. Members are requested to submit the said form
Members are also requested to intimate changes, if any, to their DPs in case the shares are held in electronic form and
pertaining to their name, postal address, email address, to the Registrar in case the shares are held in physical form,
mobile number, PAN, registration of nomination, power quoting their folio no.