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the Member shall not be allowed to change it           Join Meeting menu. The link for VC/OAVM will be
                    subsequently. The voting rights of the Members shall   available in Shareholder/Member login where the
                    be in proportion to their share of the paid-up equity   EVEN of Company i.e. 119933 will be displayed.
                    share capital of the Company as on the cut-off date of   Please note that the Members who do not have
                    Wednesday, June 29, 2022.                              the User ID and Password for e-Voting or have
                iv.    Members will be provided with the facility for remote   forgotten the User ID and Password may retrieve
                    e-voting system during the VC proceedings at the AGM   the same by following the remote e-Voting
                    and Members participating at the AGM, who have         instructions mentioned in the Notice to avoid last
                    not already cast their vote by remote e-Voting, will   minute rush.
                    be eligible to exercise their right to vote at the end of         ii.    Members may join the Meeting through laptops,
                    discussion on such resolution(s) upon announcement     smartphones, tablets and iPads for better
                    by the Chairman. Members who have cast their vote      experience. Further, Members will be required
                    on resolution(s) by remote e-Voting prior to the AGM   to use Internet with a good speed to avoid any
                    will also be eligible to participate at the AGM through   disturbance  during  the  Meeting.  Members  will
                    VC/OAVM but shall not be entitled to cast their vote on   need the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Internet
                    such resolution(s) again.                              Explorer 11, MS Edge or Firefox. Please note that
                v.    The remote e-Voting module on the day of the AGM     participants connecting from Mobile Devices
                    shall be disabled by NSDL for voting 15 minutes after   or  Tablets or through Laptops connecting via
                    the conclusion of the Meeting.                         mobile hotspot might experience audio/video
            19.   Mr.  P.  N.  Parikh  (Membership  No.:  FCS  327/CP  No.:  1228)   loss due to fluctuation in their respective network.
                and failing him, Ms. Jigyasa  Ved (Membership No.:         It is therefore recommended to use stable Wi-Fi or
                FCS 6488/CP No.: 6018) and failing her, Mr. Mitesh Dhabliwala   LAN connection to mitigate any glitches.
                (Membership No.: FCS 8331/CP No.: 9511) of M/s. Parikh &         iii.    Members  are  encouraged  to  submit  their
                Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, has been       questions with regard to the financial statements
                appointed as the Scrutiniser for providing facility to the   or any other matter to be placed at the
                Members of the Company to scrutinise remote e-Voting       83  AGM from their registered email address,
                process before/during the AGM in a fair and transparent    mentioning their name, DP ID and Client ID/Folio
                manner.  The Scrutiniser will submit his/her report to the   number and mobile number in advance at
                Chairman or to any other person authorised by the Chairman  before  3.00  p.m.
                after the completion of the scrutiny of the votes cast through   (IST) on Friday, July 1, 2022. Such questions by
                remote e-Voting before/during the AGM, within the time     the Members shall be suitably replied to by the
                stipulated under the applicable laws.  The result declared   Company.
                along with the Scrutiniser’s report shall be communicated         iv.    Members who would like to express their views/
                to the Stock Exchanges on which the Company’s shares       ask questions as a speaker at the Meeting
                are  listed and  will  also  be  displayed  on the  Company’s   may  pre-register  themselves  by  sending  a
                website at; NSDL’s website at
       and Notice Board at the Registered Office   request from their registered email address
                                                                           mentioning their name, DP ID and Client
                of the Company.
                                                                           ID/Folio  number, PAN  and mobile number  at
            20.   Instructions for Members for attending the AGM through VC/  from  Monday,
                OAVM and remote e-Voting (before and during the AGM) are   June 27, 2022 (9.00 a.m. IST) to Thursday, June 30,
                given below:                                               2022 (5.00 p.m. IST). Only those Members who
                A.    INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS ATTENDING  THE              have pre-registered themselves as a speaker will
                    AGM THROUGH VC/OAVM                                    be allowed to express their views/ask questions
                                                                           during the AGM. The Company reserves the right
                    i.    Members will be provided with a facility to      to restrict the number of speakers depending on
                        attend the AGM through VC/OAVM or view the         the availability of time for the AGM.
                        live webcast through the NSDL e-Voting system.
                        Members may access the same by following         v.    Members who need technical assistance before
                        the steps mentioned below for login to NSDL        or  during  the  AGM  to  access  and  participate
                        e-Voting system. After successful login, you can   in the Meeting may contact NSDL on
                        see link of ‘VC/OAVM’ placed under ‘Join Meeting’ 1020 990/1800 224 430
                        menu against the Company’s  name. You  are         or contact Mr. Amit Vishal, Assistant Vice President,
                        requested to click on VC/OAVM link placed under    NSDL at

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