Page 346 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
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8.    In line with the MCA Circulars, the Notice of the AGM along   Private Limited), Registrar and Transfer Agent (‘Registrar’
               with the Integrated Annual Report 2021-22 is being sent by   or ‘RTA’ or ‘TSR’) by sending documents through email.
               electronic mode to those Members whose email addresses   The documents can also be uploaded on the link
               are registered with the Company/Depository Participants
               (‘DP’), unless any Member  has requested for a physical   form-15g-15h.html.  The detailed process and forms
               copy of the same.  The Company shall send a physical   are available on the website of the Company at:
               copy of the Integrated  Annual Report 2021-22  to those
               Members who request the same at investors@tatachemicals.          A communication providing information and detailed
               com mentioning their Folio No./DP ID and Client ID.   instructions with respect to tax on the dividend for
               The Notice convening the 83  AGM has been uploaded on   the financial year ended March 31, 2022 is being sent
               the website of the Company at   separately to the Members whose email addresses are
               under  ‘Investors’  section  and  can  also  be  accessed  on   registered with the Company/DPs.
               the  websites  of  the  Stock  Exchanges  i.e.  BSE  Limited  and   iii.    Updation of mandate for receiving dividends
               the National Stock Exchange of India Limited at       directly in bank account through Electronic
      and respectively, and   Clearing System or any other means in a timely
               on the website of NSDL at       manner:

           9.   Book Closure and Dividend:                           a.    Shares held in physical form: Members are
                                                                         requested to send the following documents in
               i.   The  Register  of  Members  and  the  Share Transfer   original to TSR latest by Thursday, June 16, 2022:
                   Books  of the Company will  remain closed  from
                   Friday, June 17, 2022 to Wednesday, June 22, 2022,            i.    Form ISR-1 along with the supporting
                   both  days  inclusive,  for  the  purpose  of  Dividend   documents. The said form is annexed to this
                   and AGM.                                                  Notice and also available on the website of
                                                                             the Company at https://www.tatachemicals.
                     The dividend of ₹ 12.50 per ordinary share of ₹ 10 each   com/Investors/Investor-resources/Other-
                   (i.e. 125%), if declared at the AGM, will be paid subject   forms and on the website of the RTA at
                   to deduction of income-tax at source (‘TDS’) on or after
                   Friday, July 8, 2022 as under:                            html.
                   a.    For shares held in electronic form: To all the   ii.  original cancelled cheque bearing the name
                       Beneficial  Owners as at the end of the  day  on      of the Member or first holder, in case shares
                       Thursday, June 16, 2022 as per the list of            are held jointly. In case name of the holder is
                       Beneficial Owners to be furnished by NSDL             not available on the cheque, kindly submit
                       and Central Depository Services (India) Limited       the following documents:-
                       (‘CDSL’); and                                         a.  cancelled cheque in original.
                   b.  For shares held in physical form:  To all the               b.    bank attested legible copy of the first
                       Members, whose names appear in the Company’s              page of the Bank Passbook / Bank
                       Register of Members after giving effect to valid          Statement bearing the names of the
                       transmission and transposition requests lodged            account holders, address, same bank
                       with the Company as of the close of business              account number and type as on the
                       hours on Thursday, June 16, 2022.                         cheque leaf and the full address of the
                                                                                 Bank branch.
               ii.  Dividend income is taxable in the hands of the            iii.    self-attested photocopy of the PAN Card of
                   Shareholders and the Company is required to deduct        all the holders; and
                   TDS from dividend paid to the Members at rates
                   prescribed in the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the IT Act’).            iv.    self-attested photocopy of any document
                   In general, to enable compliance with  TDS                (such as Aadhaar Card, Driving Licence,
                   requirements, Members are requested to complete           Election Identity Card, Passport) in support
                   and/or update their Residential Status, Permanent         of the address of the first holder as registered
                   Account Number (‘PAN’), Category as per the IT Act        with the Company.
                   with their DPs or in case shares are held in physical   b.  Shares held in electronic form: Members may
                   form, with the Company/TSR Consultants Private        please note that their bank details as furnished
                   Limited (formerly known as TSR Darashaw Consultants   by the respective Depositories to the Company

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