Page 104 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
P. 104
Integrated Annual Report 2020-21
vii. Finance costs ` in crore (f) Details of significant changes in key Consolidated
FY FY % Financial ratios:
Particulars Change
2020-21 2019-20 Change
TCL 19 43 (24) (56) 1. Interest coverage ratio of the group has been reduced to
2.7 times (FY 2019-20: 4.7 times) due to lower-earning during
TCE Group 55 53 2 4
TCML 17 22 (5) (23) the current year compared to the previous year.
TCNA 201 131 70 53 2. Current ratio of the group has been improved to 1.5 times
Rallis 5 6 (1) (17) (FY 2019-20: 1.1 times) mainly due to refinancing of loan
Others and which has moved from current to non-current in FY 2020-21.
Eliminations 70 87 (17) (20)
Total 367 342 25 7 3. Net Profit Margin (%) of the Company has reduced to
4.3% (FY 2019-20: 9.9%) due to higher cost of goods sold,
Higher interest costs on account of increase in TCNA and TCE lower other income, higher depreciation and amortisation
Group mainly on account of one time refinance cost, partly offset expense.
by lower interest cost in TCL due to repayment of ECB and NCD in
the previous year. 4. Return on Net Worth (%) of the Company has reduced to
3.0% (FY 2019-20: 7.1%) due to higher cost of goods sold,
viii. Other expenses ` in crore lower other income, higher depreciation and amortisation
Particulars Change expense.
2020-21 2019-20 Change
TCL 461 447 14 3 (g) Total Debt and Amortisation Schedule
TCE Group 321 289 32 11
TCML 119 151 (32) (21) Repayment schedule of existing debt ` in crore
TCNA 719 808 (89) (11) 8,000 TCL consolidated
Rallis 347 329 18 5 6,933
Others and 7,000
Eliminations 41 38 3 8 6,000
Total 2,008 2,062 (54) (3) 5,000
Other expenses represent the following ` in crore 2,984
FY FY % 3,000
Particulars Change
2020-21 2019-20 Change 2,000 1,544
Stores and spares 1,000 713 657 1,034
consumed 279 258 21 8
Packing materials – March 2021 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26
consumed 227 196 31 16 Gross Debt Repayments
Repairs 421 445 (24) (5)
Rent 52 59 (7) (12)
Royalty, rates and Notes:
taxes 283 340 (57) (17) 1. Gross debt of ` 6,933 crore includes ` 278 crore of working
Distributor's service capital loans/current borrowings.
charges and sales
promotion 84 91 (7) (8) 2. The repayment schedule for term loans has been prepared
Others* 662 673 (11) (2) considering the existing repayment terms. Some of these
Total 2,008 2,062 (54) (3) loans/facilities may be refinanced, in full or in part, from
time to time in future depending on the requirement and
*Others include insurance charges, Distributor’s service the business plans. Non-current portion of finance leases has
charges, professional fees, foreign exchange loss, travelling been included in FY 2022-23 repayment.
expense, provision for doubtful debts and advances, directors’
fees/commission, subcontracting cost, outsourcing cost and 3. The repayments falling due after FY 2025-26 aggregate to
other expenses. ` 1 crore.