Page 326 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
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ii.  Registration of e-mail address permanently with   whose name is recorded in the register of Members
                   Company/DP: Members are requested to register the   or in the register of Beneficial owners maintained by
                   same with their concerned dps, in respect of electronic   the depositories as on the cut-off date only shall be
                   holding and with tSr, in respect of physical holding,   entitled to avail the facility of remote e-Voting before
                   by writing to them at   the agM as well as remote e-Voting during the agM.
                   Further, those Members who have already registered   any  person  who  acquires  shares  of  the  Company
                   their e-mail addresses are requested to keep their   and becomes a Member of the Company after the
                   e-mail addresses validated/updated with their  dps/  despatch of the notice and holding shares as on the
                   tSr to enable servicing of notices/documents/annual   cut-off date i.e. Tuesday, June 30, 2020, may obtain
                   reports  and  other  communications  electronically  to   the  user Id and  password by  sending  a request at
                   their e-mail address in future.         
               iii.   alternatively, Members may also send an e-mail      iii.   the remote e-Voting period commences  on
                   request to along with the following   Friday, July 3, 2020 at 9.00 a.m. (IST) and ends on
                   documents  for procuring  user id and password and   Monday, July 6, 2020 at 5.00 p.m. (IST). the remote
                   registration of e-mail addresses for e-Voting for the   e-Voting module shall be disabled by nSdl for voting
                   resolutions set out in this notice:               thereafter. once the vote on a resolution is cast by the
                                                                     Member, the Member shall not be allowed to change
                   •   In case shares are held in physical form, please   it subsequently. the voting rights of the Members shall
                       provide Folio no., name of shareholder, scanned   be in proportion to their share of the paid-up equity
                       copy of the share certificate (front and back), self-  share capital of the Company as on the cut-off date i.e.
                       attested scanned copy of pan card, self-attested   Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
                       scanned copy of aadhaar Card
                   •   In case shares are held in  demat form, please      iv.   Members will be provided with the facility for voting
                       provide dp Id-Client Id (8 digit dp Id + 8 digit   through  electronic voting  system  during  the  VC
                       Client Id or 16 digit Beneficiary Id),  name,   proceedings  at  the  agM and Members  participating
                       client master  or copy of  Consolidated  account   at the agM, who have not already cast their vote by
                       statement,  self-attested  scanned  copy  of  pan   remote e-Voting, will be eligible to exercise their right
                       card, self-attested scanned copy of aadhaar  Card  to vote at the end of discussion on the resolutions on
                                                                     which voting is to be held, upon announcement by
           16.  Remote e-Voting before/during the AGM:               the Chairperson. Members who have cast their vote
                                                                     on resolution(s) by remote e-Voting prior to the agM
               i.   pursuant to the provisions  of Section 108 of  the  act
                   read with rule 20 of the Companies (Management and   will also be eligible to participate at the agM through
                   administration) rules, 2014 (as amended) and regulation   VC/oaVM but shall not be entitled to cast their vote on
                   44 of  listing  regulations (as amended) and the   such resolution(s) again.
                   MCa  Circulars, the Company is providing facility of      v.   the remote e-Voting module on the day of the agM
                   remote e-Voting to its  Members in respect of  the   shall be disabled by nSdl for voting 15 minutes after
                   business to be transacted at the agM. For this purpose,   the conclusion of the Meeting.
                   the Company has entered into an agreement with nSdl
                   for facilitating voting through electronic means, as the   17.  the Scrutiniser will submit his report to the Chairperson or
                   authorised  agency.  the facility of  casting votes  by  a   to any other person authorised by the Chairperson after the
                   Member using remote e-Voting system as well as remote   completion of the scrutiny of the e-Voting (votes cast during the
                   e-Voting during the agM will be provided by nSdl.  agM and votes cast through remote e-Voting), not later than
               ii.   Members of the Company holding shares either   48 hours from the conclusion of the agM. the result declared
                   in physical  form or in electronic  form as on  the   along with the Scrutiniser’s report shall be communicated
                   cut-off date of Tuesday, June 30, 2020 may cast   to the Stock exchanges on which the Company’s shares are
                   their vote by remote e-Voting.  a person who is   listed, nSdl, tSr and will also be displayed on the Company’s
                   not a Member as on the cut-off date should treat   website at
                   this  notice for information purpose only.  a person

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