Page 58 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
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Basis of Reporting
In recent years, the principles of Integrated Framework for Accountability and the Responsiveness
Reporting <IR> have come to prominence Integrated Reporting <IR> framework of the We reach out to a wide range of stakeholders
as a benchmark for global best practice in International Integrated Reporting Council through our reporting. Each group has
corporate reporting. In line with this trend, (IIRC). We apply the following principles of its own specific needs and interests. This
we have adopted these principles as the AA 1000 AS (2008): report is one element of our interaction and
basis for our annual report in an attempt communication. It reacts how we manage
towards transparency and disclosures beyond Inclusivity our operations in ways that take account and
statutory norms with FY2018-19 being the We are committed to be accountable for respond to stakeholder concerns.
fourth year of such reporting. Through <IR>, stakeholders who are impacted directly or
we intend to enrich our reporting for all indirectly by our organisation. We map our Reporting period and scope
stakeholders by providing information on our stakeholders and have processes to ensure
value creation process using the interlinkages inclusion of their concerns and expectations. The Report covers financial and non-financial
of multiple capitals. information and activities of Tata Chemicals
Additionally, we continue to develop our Limited and its subsidiaries during the period
stakeholder engagement and sustainability
We have prepared this report in accordance capacity at corporate and manufacturing April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
with the Companies Act, 2013 (and the
Rules made thereunder), Indian Accounting levels. The financial figures of the report have been
Standards, the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Materiality audited by B S R & Company LLP, Chartered
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Accountants and the non-financial information
and the Secretarial Standards. Along with We cover the key material aspects that have been assured by Ernst & Young
these, we have followed internationally have been identified through our ongoing Associates LLP.
recognised frameworks and guidelines stakeholder engagement and are addressed
such as United Nations Global Compact, by various programmes or action points with
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and AA1000 measurable targets.
Assurance Statement Forward-Looking Statements
The non-financial information disclosed Certain statements in this Report regarding Forward-looking statements are necessarily
in this Report, on a voluntary basis, is our business operations may constitute dependent on assumptions, data or methods
as per the Integrated Reporting <IR> forward-looking statements. These include that may be incorrect or imprecise and
Framework of the International Integrated all statements other than statements of that may be incapable of being realised
Reporting Council (IIRC) and has undergone historical fact, including those regarding and as such, are not intended to be a
independent assurance by Ernst & Young the financial position, business strategy, guarantee of future results, but constitute our
Associates LLP. This assurance has been management plans and objectives for future current expectations based on reasonable
done as per the ‘Limited’ criteria of the operations. Forward-looking statements can assumptions. Actual results could differ
ISAE3000 assurance standard (International be identified by words such as 'believes', materially from those projected in any
Federation of Accountants’ International 'estimates', 'anticipates', 'expects', 'intends', forward-looking statements due to various
Standard for Assurance Engagements 'may', 'will', 'plans', 'outlook' and other words events, risks, uncertainties and other factors.
Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical of similar meaning in connection with a We neither assume any obligation nor intend
Financial Information) as well as the ‘Type 1, discussion of future operating or financial to update or revise any forward-looking
Moderate’ criteria of the AccountAbility performance. statements, whether as a result of new
AA1000 AS assurance standard. The specific information, future events or otherwise.
environmental and social performance
data subjected to this assurance, approach,
limitations as well as the assurance
conclusion are presented in the Assurance
Statement available at https://www.