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Integrated Annual Report 2018-19

                      Tata Chemicals Mithapur coral reef restoration                       Picture Credit:          Integrated Report
                      project is helping strengthen the marine ecosystem                   Wildlife Trust of India

            In Kenya, the Magadi Hospital provided   parcels during the year, the initiative is vital   TCL undertakes Affirmative Action
            healthcare services to 30,000 community   to fight poverty and malnutrition in the UK.  programme, which focusses on improving
            people. In UK, TCE organised fund-raising                          the lives of the marginalised population
            volunteering activities for charity-funded   Water and sanitation   through its Employment, Employability,
            St Luke’s Hospice and Myeloma. Fund   TCL provided tap connection to supply   Entrepreneurship Development, Education
            raising initiatives included scaling the three   water to 1,254 households and supported   and Essential Amenities initiatives. TCL
            largest peaks in Cheshire, 150 km Bike Ride   the construction of toilets for 350   has touched the lives of more than a
            over 2 days and a bake sale and clothes   households. The Samriddhi and Swach   lakh marginalised population through its
            collection drive to celebrate Tata Founder's   Tarang initiatives, which focus on use of   various initiatives.
            day. Substantial funds were raised through   clean and safe drinking water benefited   Other initiatives   Statutory Reports
            these events which helped St. Luke in   2.16 lakh people of different regions
            delivering high service of care and support.  across India.        During the year, TCL provided relief
                                                                               support to disaster affected people in Tamil
                                              TCML supplies 60,000 litres of treated
            Nutrition                                                          Nadu, Kerala and Gujarat. We provided
                                              drinking water per day to 18 public   ample opportunities to employees and
            TCL undertook activities like screening   primary schools, 40 ECDE, 7 dispensaries   family members to volunteer on different
            of women for anaemia, identification   and 17 community water points using the   social and environmental issues. TCL, TCML
            of severely and moderately acute   Company water boozer. TCL also supplies   and TCE organised various programmes
            malnourished children and facilitating    1,50,000 litres of treated drinking water   focussed on environment, bio-diversity,
            their treatment. In FY 2018-19, more than   per week for the hard to reach population   health and education. TCNA undertook
            9,000 women and 6,000 children were   between Magadi and Singiraine.   programmes to support single mothers,
            benefited. Around 300 households were   Empowerment                senior citizens, children in need and
            supported to develop kitchen garden to                             veterans.
            ensure supply of nutritious vegetables    TCL’s women empowerment programme
            and fruits for reducing the occurrence    aims at their inclusion through various CSR
            of anaemia in women and malnutrition    initiatives. It works with more than 200   United Nations’ Sustainable
                                                                               Development Goals
                                              women self-help groups and is facilitating
            in children.
                                              women participation in different economic                             Financial Statements
                                              activities. The Kasturi initiative is helping
            TCML supported with 15 tonnes of    develop women farmers in self-leadership,
            unimix for 3,000 nursery school children in   family management and ability to serve
            Magadi. TCE donated a large range of food,   as community catalyst in Agripreneurship.
            collected from employees, to a foodbank   In FY 2018-19, the project facilitated 279
            for distribution to the needy over    women representing 13 institutions led
            the Christmas period. With over    by women farmers across eight regions of
            1.3 million people receiving food bank   two states in India.

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