Page 53 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
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Integrated Annual Report 2018-19

            Initiatives to reduce emissions   Energy conservation              a monthly SHE Performance Matrix and
            TCL                               We monitor company-wide energy   Audit to track the performance of waste
            Mithapur plant                    consumption and generation through   minimisation activities and audit the
                                                                               storage and segregation of waste on site.
            Modification of Fluid Bed Dryer in Make-up   Responsible Manufacturing. Energy
            Water (MUW) plant and Vacuum system;   generation sources for TCE and Mithapur   Consumer product business covered 12
            replacement of flash vessel and its bypass   plant include natural gas and coal   states under plastic waste management
            system at power plant; energy efficient   respectively along with co-generation   (PWM) programme along with engaging
            lights; solid effluent utilisation in cement   facility. Mithapur plant additionally   respective state Producers Responsibility
            manufacturing; renewable wind energy   generates energy from wind power at its   Organisations for collection and safe   Integrated Report
            generation and scaling bicarbonate   township. Its cement production falls under   disposal of plastic waste. In Punjab, we
            production; and equipped plant with   the Perform, Achieve & Trade scheme. TCM,
            online monitoring system to capture the   TCNA, TCE and Sriperumbudur plants use   are working with Punjab Plastic Waste
            stacks, effluent and ambient air quality.  fossil fuels for energy supplemented by    Management Society, a collaborative
                                              grid power.                      model with the Punjab Pollution Control
            Despatching over 60% of production                                 Board and other FMCG companies, for
            volume through rail transport and the   Initiatives across geographies  collecting and recycling plastic waste. In
            remaining by road using trucks, highly                             these 12 states, we are collecting 78% of
            efficient Lupa Bulkers and ISO tankers along   Mithapur            the total waste generated, in comparison
            with sensitising customers for their support   Installation of 2,504 energy efficient lights,   to the 20% mandated by the regulatory
            in unloading products from Lupa bulkers.  which collectively saved 1,189 TJ of energy,   body. The recyclable packaging operations
                                              5Kw roof top solar panel and co-processing
            CPB has put in place the process to capture   facilities in cement plant for utilising plastic   of Tata Salt was scaled to five more CFAs
            GHG emissions. This year, they have released   waste and used oil.  covering 32,000 MT. The plan is to further
            420 tCO  emissions (Scope 1 & 2).                                  scale up the PWM to more states.
            TCE                               Installed a new steam turbine (£5.5m)   Mithapur plant initiated utilisation of
            Invested in a contemporary boiler   which, on an average, generates nearly    effluents and fly ash in cement operations.
            plant at the British Salt plant due for   12.5 MW of additional power, saving around    Initiatives have been undertaken to make   Statutory Reports
            commissioning by Q1 FY 2019-20. It   £4.8 million in energy costs. This CHP   cities and communities sustainable. In
            will have an efficiency of almost 94%   (Combined Heat and Power) plant has an   Dwarka, a PWM project ‘Clean & Plastic free’
            (80% currently), translating to 8,500 TPA   overall efficiency over 80%. Installation of   city was initiated, the Phase 1 of which
            reduction in CO 2 emissions. Winnington   new river water pumps and compressors   is completed with mapping of waste in
            CHP, part of TCE’s Northwich operations,   was completed to reduce energy   Okha, Mithapur and Dwarka. For phase 2,
            is developing a Carbon Capture and   consumption.                  a 30 MT waste management cum
            Utilisation scheme for capturing food and   TCM                    shredding unit is being set-up to treat
            pharmaceutical grade CO 2 and will use it in   Introduced solar street lighting and LEDs   plastics collected in a 100-km radius.
            the Sodium Bicarbonate plant. This global   across the plant premises and township   Gaps and strategic priorities have been
            first initiative will contribute to a 40,000   and installed waste oil recycling plant for   identified accordingly and awareness
            TPA reduction in CO 2 emissions.  reducing fresh HFO usage. Started PAM   in collaboration with local municipal
            TCNA                              plant for few processes and practising   authorities is being carried out.
            Practising bulk deliveries, 95% by rail and   sun drying of crushed Soda Ash to reduce   TCE ensures effluent discharges to water
            5% by diesel semi-trucks of Soda Ash   energy cost.                courses and sewers are as per permissible
            and use of bag-houses and scrubbers to                             standards. Waste ash and lime are sent to
            control fugitive emissions.       Waste management                 third-parties for re-usage. TCM has waste   Financial Statements
            TCM                               Hazardous and non-hazardous      matrix data to capture hazardous waste
            Ensuring zero NOx, SOx and other   waste                           such as waste oil, batteries, electronic
            significant air emissions and planting   We practice on-site segregation of waste   waste that are sent for recycling.
            of trees (53,722 planted) to tackle dust   at all the sites. All hazardous waste
            problem in Magadi. Initiated process of   is disposed through authorised and
            acquiring CEMS online monitoring system   registered dealers, while organic waste
            for reducing emissions.           from canteen is composted. We undertake

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