Page 56 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
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Protecting Whale Sharks and
Sea Lions
The Whale Shark project focusses on
its habitat study, research on migratory
pattern and breeding biology. During
the year, 19 Whale Sharks accidentally
caught in the fishing nets along the
Saurashtra coast were rescued. We also
work with the ECO Clubs in schools
at Mithapur to raise awareness on
environment conservation.
TCE donated PDV Salt pellets for enhancing
water salinity for RSPCA’s Sea Lion rescue
centres and Welsh Mountain Zoo’s (WMZ)
youths to facilitate in their employment In Kenya, TCML provided infrastructure Sea Lion habitats. TCE also partnered with
or entrepreneurial development. In support to schools and scholarship WMZ to help them reduce raw material
FY 2018-19, over 2,110 youths were support to more than 100 students at cost for creating the habitat and deliver
provided vocational skill training in the various levels. In UK, TCE provided students cost-effective conservation environment/
areas of mobile, computer, air condition opportunities to showcase their talents programme for the Sea Lions.
and refrigerator repairing, electrical in science and technology. It also created
fittings, tailoring, beautician course and direct connection with the “all-girls” Greening, water conservation and
nursing training. TCL also supports the Loreto Grammar School in Altrincham, land reclamation
Tata Strive Centre in running the skill Cheshire, providing opportunity to TCL planted 2.25 lakh mangroves in
development centre at Aligarh. engage an audience under-represented Dwarka (Gujarat) and Sundarbans
in the UK’s manufacturing industry and (West Bengal) and 53,722 trees in Kenya
Education help them make important career choices. under the greening programme. Water
TCL undertook various need-based TCE is also one of the big sponsors management and conservation initiatives
educational programmes across and promoters of STEM education. It like Mission Jal and drip irrigation were
locations, focussed on improving the became the headline sponsors of ‘Make carried out at Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
quality of education and ensuring zero It In Enterprise Challenge Grand Final’ Further, in Uttar Pradesh, more than 2,500
drop-out of students right from at Manchester and its Cheshire specific acres of land was reclaimed with the help
pre-primary level. These include e-library, version, giving school-going pupils a of laser levelling and deep ploughing.
Learning Enhancement Program (LEP), chance to test skills and knowledge in
teacher training, scholarships, child real-world applications. Health and Sanitation: Nurture
learning and improvement, adult literacy, TCL undertakes initiatives aimed at improving
residential summer camp on spoken Biodiversity protection: Conserve the health and sanitation of people unable
English and personality development, At TCNA, we continue to protect the habitat to afford private health services or avail the
career resource center, SNDT (Shreemati of the sage grouse under Wyoming State government health services.
Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Law. TCL continued with coral reef recovery,
University) centre, Shala Pravesh Utsav and whale shark conservation, mangrove Healthcare
project for primary school children with Sir plantation, indigenous flora rejuvenation Improving health of rural community is
Ratan Tata Trust. A total of 13,500 students and environmental education initiatives an important part of TCL’s overall strategy.
benefited from these programmes. at Mithapur. With these initiatives, natural This year, 38,426 people benefited through
resources are conserved through a health awareness camps, counselling
The Learning & Migration Programme participatory approach for environmental and treatment in Mithapur and Babrala.
is focussed on strengthening the sustainability. On the Group’s 150 Further, eye camps were organised at
community school management system Anniversary, the Tata Centre of Excellence these locations, in which 1,941 people got
and improving the learning capabilities of for Coastal and Marine Biodiversity eye check-ups done and were supported
students. Under this, nearly 6,000 children Conservation was inaugurated with spectacles and 252 patients were
have been benefited. at Mithapur. supported for cataract operation.