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Integrated Annual Report 2018-19

            Corporate Social Responsibility

            At Tata Chemicals, social development is an important agenda. We touch the lives
            of millions globally and address pressing development challenges through social
            programmes that are replicable and scalable to maximise their impact and reach.                         Integrated Report

            Our CSR programme is represented as   to customers through Okhai website   Uttar Pradesh, pulses, oil seeds and
            BEACoN – Blossom, Enhance, Aspire,   and outlets. Today, the Okhai brand is   vegetables were promoted to help farmers
            Conserve and Nurture. It encompasses our   recognised as a sustainable and online   enhance their income. In West Bengal,
            enduring commitment towards enriching   fashion brand, with over 1,50,000 online   the SRI method of paddy cultivation
            the quality of life by touching the aspects   followers and 18,000 online customers.   was promoted as a second crop and at
            of health, sanitation, nutrition, livelihood   In Kenya, TCML engaged 40 women with   Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu, vegetable
            generation, education, environment and   bead work to help them earn a sustainable   were promoted to be grown in the kitchen
            bio-diversity. Empowerment is the cross-  livelihood.              garden. In Mithapur, TCSRD in partnership
            cutting theme across all our initiatives                           with Coastal Salinity Prevention Cell is
            and targeted towards development   Promoting livelihood: Enhance   implementing the Okhamandal Samriddh
            of the society’s weaker sections,   TCL promotes livelihood opportunities    Gram Project, which is aimed at doubling
            especially women and socially backward   for households dependent on income   farmers' income in four years.
            communities.                      from agriculture and allied activities,
                                              along with taking up infrastructure   Livestock management
            Empowering communities: Blossom   development projects.            To improve livestock health, TCL supported   Statutory Reports
            Through Okhai Centre for Empowerment,                              OPD, FMD and HS Vaccination programme,
            TCSRD promotes handicraft products with   Agriculture development  deworming camps and animal health
            the objective of providing sustainable   In FY 2018-19, over 4,000 farmers directly   camps at different locations. In West
            livelihoods to the artisans and keeping   benefited from our training, exposure visits,   Bengal, it supported over 200 families with
            these traditional skills alive. The Centre   field demonstration and support with   poultry farming, helping them enhance
            supports nearly 1,500 artisans in India,   seeds and agri-equipment interventions.   their family income. During the year, nearly
            providing them with skill enhancement   TCL promoted various cultivation   1.30 lakh cattle were covered under the
            training and facilitating market linkages   programmes to support farmers. In   cattle health and breed improvement
                                                                               Infrastructure development
                                                                               TCL supported repair of a 71 km road
                                                                               in Kenya, which helped in improving
                                                                               connectivity and travel for people.
                                                                               Learning and skill development
                                                                               initiatives: Aspire                  Financial Statements
                                                                               Under this programme, we encourage
                                                                               functional education and skills necessary
                                                                               for sustainable socio-economic
                                                                               development of individuals.

                                                                               Skill development
                                                                               TCL runs skill development programmes
                                                                               in different locations to train unemployed

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