Page 46 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 46

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Materiality Assessment

           Materiality Assessment                                                                                                  Critical material issues

                                                                                                                                            Social    Governance   Environmental

           The past three years have witnessed a series of global mega events, having a long-lasting impact on economies and
           businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted businesses in many ways, most notably with respect to supply chain, employee                                                                                              M1
           health and safety, and financial stability. The global instability was further aggravated by the conflict in Europe, that triggered
           geopolitical tensions leading to an energy crisis and a high inflationary situation across economies. In this backdrop, with   High                                                                                M2
           countries and investors focussing increasingly on ESG exposure led by climate change actions, companies are finding
           themselves compelled to reorient their business models to align them with the new, emerging reality.                                                                                    M7              M3

           At Tata Chemicals, we have been closely following the global events and assessing their impact on our businesses. We are                                                                      M6
           continually adapting to the new reality by assessing and reassessing our priorities in the evolving business eco-system. Our                                      M8     M10                                     M4
           new ESG materiality assessment underscores our agility, and aims to equip the organisation with greater resilience in the face                                        M9
           of external business challenges and transformations.

           Assessing the new material reality                                                                                        lmportance to stakeholder (lmpact)  M13          M12                                   M5

           During FY 2022-23, we undertook a   emerging trends, as well as global   Our goal is to focus our                             Moderate                   M14
           large-scale stakeholder-driven materiality   and regulatory frameworks and   efforts on prioritising how                                      M18   M15
           assessment with the support of a third   standards                    we, through our business                                                                                      M11
           party. The aim was to identify the material                           activities, can maximise
           issues relevant to our businesses, and     Ÿ Over 700 responses were gathered   the value we bring to the                                                 M16
           accordingly realign our strategic approach   via primary consultations (surveys   economy, environment
           to the changing scenario.           and focus group discussions) across   and society. The process of                                                   M19      M17
                                               our staff, customers, suppliers,   ESG materiality assessment
             Ÿ The objective of the assessment was   investors, collaborators, regulators,   is at the core of our ESG                                             M20
             to capture the perspectives of all   community partners and members   efforts – it is auditable,                            Low
             our stakeholders and take a holistic   across India, United Kingdom,    inclusive and balanced.
             approach on what is material to    Africa and United States of America.
             Tata Chemicals                    The responses were supplemented
             Ÿ A list of 20 material topics was   by secondary research and
             formulated, with the same being   prioritised based on the influence
             defined based on the views of subject   and impact metrices plotted in the                                                              Low                                 Moderate                            High
             matter experts from the industry,   next page
                                                                                                                                                                         lmportance to Tata Chemicals (lmpact)

                                                                                                                                   Highly critical                   Moderately critical               Low critical

                                                                                                                                   M1  Health & Safety  M2  Business Ethics  M8  Corporate   M9  Community   M13  Hiring &    M14  Transparency
                                                                                                                                                                         Governance       Support          Retention       in Disclosures
                                                                                                                                   M3  Employee    M4  Regulatory Issues   M10  Zero Waste to   M11  Diversity &   M15  Product Safety    M16  Biodiversity
                                                                                                                                      Development      & Compliance      Landfill         Inclusion        & Quality       Management
                                                                                                                                   M5  Energy      M6  Water         M12  Chemical                     M17  Anti       M18  Tax
                                                                                                                                      Efficiency       Stewardship       Safety                            Competitive     Transparency
                                                                                                                                   M7  Reducing Carbon                                                 M19  Responsible   M20  Responsible
                                                                                                                                      Footprint                                                            Marketing       Sourcing

                    Location: Mithapur Plant

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