Page 384 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 384

Name of the Director  Mr. N. Chandrasekaran                   Mr. R. Mukundan                                                                               Form ISR – 1
                                  (Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director)  (Managing Director & CEO)
                                                                                                                                    (see SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023 on Common and Simplified Norms for
            Membership/           1.  Tata Sons Private Limited           1.  Rallis India Limited                                           processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination)
            Chairpersonship of       -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)     - Audit Committee (Member)
            Committees in other      - CSR & ESG Committee (Chairman)        -  Stakeholders Relationship Committee
            companies (excluding      - Risk Management Committee (Chairman)  (Member)                                                           REQUEST FOR REGISTERING PAN, KYC DETAILS OR CHANGES / UPDATION THEREOF
            foreign companies)    2.  Tata Consultancy Services Limited      -  Corporate Social Responsibility Committee                         [For Securities (Shares / Debentures / Bonds, etc.) of listed companies held in physical form]
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)  (Chairman)                                 A.   I / We, request you to Register / Change / Update the following (Tick P relevant box)   Date :        /        /2022
                                     -  Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
                                     (Chairman)                              -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee
                                     - Executive Committee (Chairman)        (Member)                                                   PAN                              Bank details                    Signature
                                                                             -  Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability
                                  3.  Tata Steel Limited                     Committee (Member)                                         Mobile number                    E-mail ID                       Address
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)                                             B.   Security Details:
                                     -  Executive Committee of the Board (Chairman)  2.  Tata International Limited
                                                                             -  Stakeholders Relationship Committee                 Name of the Issuer Company                                     Folio No(s).
                                  4.  Tata Motors Limited                    (Member)                                               Name(s) of the Security holder(s) as per the  1.
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)
                                                                             -  Corporate Social Responsibility Committee           Certificate(s)                  2.
                                  5.  The Indian Hotels Company Limited
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)  (Chairman)                                                                  3.
                                                                             - Committee of Directors (Member)                      Number & Face value of securities
                                  6.  Tata Consumer Products Limited
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)                                              Distinctive number of securities (Optional) Form               To
                                  7.  The Tata Power Company Limited                                                               C.   I/We are submitting documents as per Table below (Tick P as relevant, refer to the instructions):
                                     -  Executive Committee of the Board (Chairman)
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)                                              No.  P   Document/Information/Details  Instruction/Remark
                                                                                                                                     1       PAN of (all) the (joint) holder(s)  PAN shall be valid only if it is linked to Aadhaar by March 31, 2023*
                                  8.  Air India Limited
                                     -  Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable                                                        Whether it is Valid (linked to  For Exemptions / Clarifications on PAN, please refer to Objection Memo in Page 6 & 7
                                     Development Committee (Chairman)                                                                        Aadhaar):      Yes      No
                                     -  Nomination and Remuneration Committee (Member)                                               2       Demat Account Number (Optional)  Also provide Client Master List (CML) of your Demat Account, provided by the Depository
            Listed entities from which   None                             None                                                                                         Participant.
            the Director has resigned                                                                                                3       Proof of Address of the    Any one of the documents, only if there is change in the address:
            from directorship in last                                                                                                        first Holder
            three (3) years:                                                                                                                                                 Unique Identification Number (UID) (Aadhaar)
                                                                                                                                                                           Valid Passport / Registered Lease or Sale Agreement of Residence / Driving License
            No. of Board Meetings   Attended all 6 Board Meetings held  during    Attended all 6 Board Meetings held during                                                  Flat Maintenance bill accompanied with additional self-attested copy of Identity Proof
            attended during FY 2022-23  the period                        the period                                                                                       of the holder/claimant.
            Inter-se relationship with   None                             None                                                                                               Utility bills like Telephone Bill (only landline), Electricity bill or Gas bill - Not more than
            other Directors and Key                                                                                                                                        3 months old.
            Managerial Personnel                                                                                                                                             Identity card / document with address, issued by any of the following:
            No. of shares held:                                                                                                                                              Central/State Government and its Departments, Statutory / Regulatory Authorities,
            (a)  Own              1,00,000                                500                                                                                              Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions
            (b)     For other persons on a   Nil                          Nil                                                                                              duly attested by the employer with date and organisation stamp.
                beneficial basis                                                                                                                                             For FII / sub account, Power of Attorney given by FII / sub-account to the Custodians
           * Listed Entities (including entities whose debt is listed on a Stock Exchange)                                                                                 (which are duly notarized and / or apostilled or consularised) that gives the registered
                                                                                                                                                                           address should be taken.
           # As a policy, Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of the Board has abstained from receiving commission from the Company
                                                                                                                                                                             Proof of address in the name of the spouse accompanied with self- attested copy of
           ^ Commission relates to FY 2022-23, which will be paid during FY 2023-24                                                                                        Identity Proof of the spouse.
                                                                                                                                                                             Client Master List (CML) of the Demat Account of the holder / claimant, provided by the
                                                                                                                                                                           Depository Participant.
                                                                                                                                     4       Bank details              Account Number:    _____________________________________ #

                                                                                                                                             (to be updated for first holder   Bank Name:       _____________________________________
                                                                                                                                             in case of joint holding)
                                                                                                                                                                       Branch Name:       _____________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                       IFS Code:         _____________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                       Provide the following:
                                                                                                                                                                             Original cancelled cheque bearing the name of the security holder; OR
                                                                                                                                                                             Bank passbook/statement attested by the Bank;

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