Page 380 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 380

(vi)   The Company will take an appropriate Directors’   G.   Other Terms of Appointment:                                       resign as trustee of any trust connected with   The above may be treated as a written memorandum setting
                   and Officers’ Liability Insurance Policy and pay the      i.    The terms and conditions of the said re-appointment         the Company.                           out the terms of appointment of Mr. Mukundan under Section
                   premiums for the same. It is intended to maintain   may be altered and varied from time to time by the                                                             190 of the Act.
                   such insurance cover for the entire Term, subject to   Board as it may in its discretion deem fit, irrespective         •     the Managing Director & CEO shall not without   None of the Directors or KMP of the Company or their respective
                   the terms of such policy in force for time to time.                                                                         the consent of the Company at any time
                                                                     of the limits stipulated under Schedule V of the Act                      thereafter represent himself as connected   relatives, except Mr. Mukundan and his relatives, are concerned
           C.    Commission: Such remuneration by way of commission,   or any amendments made hereafter in this regard, in                     with the Company or any of its subsidiaries or   or interested, financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out
               in addition to the salary and perquisites and allowances   such manner as may be agreed to between the Board                    associate companies.                   at Item No. 5 of the accompanying Notice.
               payable, calculated with reference to the net profits of the   and the Managing Director & CEO, subject to such                                                        Disclosures as required under Regulation 36(3) of the SEBI Listing
               Company in a particular financial year, as may be determined   approvals as may be required.                            vii.   All Personnel Policies of the Company and the   Regulations and Secretarial Standard - 2 on General Meetings
               by the Board of the Company at the end of each financial      ii.    The Managing Director & CEO shall not become           related rules which are applicable to other   issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India are
               year, subject to the overall ceilings stipulated in Section   interested or otherwise concerned, directly or                employees of the Company shall also be applicable   annexed to this Notice.
               197 of the Companies Act, 2013 or any modification or   through his spouse and/or children, in any selling                  to the Managing Director & CEO, unless specifically
               enactment thereof. The specific amount payable to the   agency of the Company.                                              provided otherwise.                        Item No. 6
               Managing Director & CEO will be based on performance as                                                                                                                Pursuant to Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies
               evaluated by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee      iii.    This appointment may be terminated by either party      viii.   If and when the Agreement expires or is terminated   (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, as amended from time
               or the Board and will be payable annually.            by giving to the other party six months’ notice of                    for any reason whatsoever, the appointee will cease to   to time, the Company is required to have the audit of its cost
                                                                     such termination or the Company paying six months’                    be the Managing Director & CEO and also cease to be   records conducted by a Cost Accountant in practice. Further, the
           D.     Incentive Remuneration: In case where the net profits of   remuneration in lieu of the notice.                           a Director. If at any time, the appointee ceases to be a   remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors as recommended by
               the Company are inadequate for payment of profit-linked                                                                     Director of the Company for any reason whatsoever,   the Audit Committee and approved by the Board must be ratified
               commission in any financial year, incentive remuneration      iv.    The employment of the Managing Director & CEO          he shall cease to be the Managing Director & CEO and   by the Members of the Company.
               may be paid upto an amount not exceeding 200% of Basic   may be terminated by the Company without notice                    the Agreement shall forthwith terminate. If at any
               Salary  paid  at  the  discretion of  the  Board and subject   or payment in lieu of notice:                                time, the appointee ceases to be in the employment   The Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Audit
               to further approvals as may be required. This incentive         •     if the Managing Director & CEO, is found guilty       of the Company for any reason whatsoever, he shall   Committee, has approved the appointment of D. C. Dave &
               remuneration would be payable subject to the achievement   of any gross negligence, default or misconduct                   cease to be a Director and the Managing Director &   Co. (Firm Registration No. 000611), as the Cost Auditors of
                                                                                                                                                                                      the Company to conduct audit of the cost records of the
               of certain performance criteria and such other parameters   in connection with or affecting the business                                                               Company for the financial year ending March 31, 2024 at a
               as may be considered appropriate from time to time by     of the Company or any subsidiary or associate                     CEO of the Company.                        remuneration of ` 8,50,000 plus applicable taxes and out-of-
               the Board.                                                company to which he is required by the                        ix.    The terms and conditions of re-appointment with   pocket expenses.

                An indicative list of factors that may be considered     Agreement to render services; or                                  the Managing Director & CEO also include clauses   Accordingly, consent of the Members is sought by way of an
               for determining the extent of commission/incentive         •     in the event of any serious repeated or continuing         pertaining to adherence with the  Tata Code of   Ordinary Resolution as set out at Item No. 6 of the accompanying
               remuneration, by the Board which will be payable annually   breach (after prior warning) or non-observance                  Conduct, no conflict of interest with the Company,   Notice for ratification of the remuneration amounting to
               after the Annual Accounts have been approved, are:                                                                          protection and use of Intellectual Properties,    ` 8,50,000 plus applicable taxes and out-of-pocket expenses
                                                                         by the Managing Director & CEO, of any of the
               i.    Company performance on certain defined qualitative   stipulations contained in the Agreement to                       non-solicitation post termination of agreement and   payable to the Cost Auditors for the financial year ending
                                                                                                                                                                                      March 31, 2024.
                   and quantitative parameters as may be decided by      be executed between the Company and the                           maintenance of confidentiality.
                   the Board from time to time.                          Managing director & CEO; or                               Mr. Mukundan satisfies all the conditions set out in Part I of   None  of  the Directors or KMP of the Company  and their
               ii.   Industry benchmarks of remuneration.            •     in the event the Board expresses its loss of            Schedule V to the Act as also conditions set out under Section   respective relatives are concerned or interested, financially
                                                                                                                                                                                      or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 6 of the
               iii.   Performance of the individual.                     confidence in the Managing Director & CEO.                196 of the Act for being eligible for his appointment. He is not   accompanying Notice.
                                                                                                                                   disqualified from being appointed as Director in terms of Section
           E.    Minimum  Remuneration: Notwithstanding anything      v.    In the event the Managing Director & CEO is not in     164 of the Act.                                                         By Order of the Board of Directors
               to the contrary herein contained, where in any financial   a position to discharge his official duties due to any
               year during the currency of the tenure of the Managing   physical or  mental  incapacity,  the  Board  shall  be    Having regard to the qualifications, experience and knowledge,                         Rajiv Chandan
               Director & CEO, the Company has no profits or its profits   entitled to terminate his contract on such terms as the   the Board is of the view that the re-appointment of Mr. Mukundan   Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FCS 4312
               are inadequate, the Company will pay to the Managing   Board may consider appropriate in the circumstances.         as Managing Director & CEO will be beneficial to the functioning                 Mumbai, May 23, 2023
               Director & CEO remuneration by way of Salary, Benefits,      vi.    Upon the termination by whatever means of       and  future  growth  opportunities  of  the  Company  and  the   Registered Office:
               Perquisites and Allowances, and Incentive Remuneration   employment of the Managing Director & CEO:                 remuneration payable to him is commensurate with his abilities   Tata Chemicals Limited
               as specified above.                                                                                                 and experience.                                    Bombay House,
                                                                     •     the Managing Director & CEO shall immediately                                                              24 Homi Mody Street, Fort,
           F.    Insurance: The Company will take an appropriate Directors’                                                        Accordingly, the Board commends the Ordinary Resolution as
               and Officers’ Liability Insurance Policy and pay the premiums   cease to  hold  office  held by  him in  any        set out at Item No. 5 of the accompanying Notice in relation to   Mumbai - 400 001
                                                                                                                                                                                      CIN: L24239MH1939PLC002893
               for the same. It is intended to maintain such insurance cover   subsidiaries or associate companies without         the appointment of Mr. Mukundan as Managing Director & CEO   Tel. No: + 91 22 6665 8282
               for the entire period of re-appointment, subject to the terms   claim for compensation for loss of office by        for a period of 5 years commencing from November 26, 2023 to   Email:
               of such policy in force from time to time.                virtue of Section 167(1)(h) of the Act and shall                                                             Website:
                                                                                                                                   November 25, 2028 for the approval of the shareholders.

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