Page 383 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 383

DETAILS OF DIRECTORS SEEKING RE-APPOINTMENT AT THE AGM  Name of the Director  Mr. N. Chandrasekaran  Mr. R. Mukundan
 [PURSUANT TO REGULATION 36(3) OF THE SEBI LISTING REGULATIONS AND SECRETARIAL STANDARD–2 ON    (Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director)  (Managing Director & CEO)
 GENERAL MEETINGS]                  Mr. Chandrasekaran was conferred with the Padma
                                    Bhushan, one of the highest civilian awards in India,
 Name of the Director  Mr. N. Chandrasekaran  Mr. R. Mukundan  in the field of trade and industry in 2022. The French
 (Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director)  (Managing Director & CEO)  Government conferred him with Légion d’Honneur,
 DIN   00121863   00778253          the highest civilian award in France in 2023 for
 Date of Birth   June 2, 1963   September 19, 1966  his outstanding business successes and decisive
 Age   59 years   56 years          contribution to strengthening Indo-French economic
                                    ties. President Eisenhower Global Award for Leadership
 Date of first appointment   November 24, 2020    November 26, 2008
                                    by the Business Council for International Understanding
 Qualifications  Holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Science and also a   BE (Electrical Engineering) from IIT, Roorkee; MBA   (BCIU) was conferred to him in 2022. Mr. Chandrasekaran
 Master’s degree in Computer Applications from Regional   from FMS, Delhi University; Advanced Management   has been awarded several honorary doctorates by leading
 Engineering College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India.   Programme at Harvard Business School  Universities in India and internationally, including an
 Profile, Experience and   Mr. N. Chandrasekaran is the Chairman of Tata Sons Private   Mr. R. Mukundan, Managing Director & CEO of   honorary Doctor of Letters from Macquarie University,
 Expertise in specific   Limited, the holding company and promoter of all Tata   Tata Chemicals Limited, joined Tata Administrative   Australia, Doctor Honoris Causa by Nyenrode University,
 functional areas  Group companies. Mr. Chandrasekaran joined the Board   Service in 1990, after completion of MBA from FMS,   The Netherlands, honorary Doctor of Science by the
 of Tata Sons in October 2016 and was appointed Chairman   Delhi University.  During his 33-year career with Tata   Aligarh Muslim University, and Doctor of Letters from
 in January 2017. He also chairs the Boards of several other   Group, he has held various responsibilities across   the Regional Engineering College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu,
 group operating companies, including Tata Steel, Tata   the Chemical, Automotive and Hospitality sectors   where he completed a Masters Degree in Computer
 Motors, Tata Power, Air India, Indian Hotels Company,    of the Tata Group. Prior to joining Tata Chemicals   Applications, before joining TCS in 1987.
 Tata Consumer Products and Tata Consultancy Services   in 2001, he worked with the Indian Hotels   Terms and conditions of     Director liable to retire by rotation  Re-appointed for a period of 5 years up to November
 (TCS) – of which he was the Chief Executive Officer from   Company Limited and Tata AutoComp Systems   re-appointment   25, 2028 (Please refer to Item No. 5 of the Notice)
 2009-17.  Limited. During his tenure in Tata Chemicals, he
 has headed the Mithapur Plant, Chemicals and   Details of remuneration last   Sitting Fees: ` 1,80,000  Salary, Perquisites and Allowance: ` 3,85,28,254
 His appointment as Chairman of Tata Sons, followed a   drawn (FY 2022-23)  Commission: N.A. #  Commission: ` 4,35,00,000 ^
 30-year business career at TCS,  which he joined  from   Consumer business.
 university. Mr. Chandrasekaran rose through the ranks   He is a distinguished alumnus of IIT, Roorkee,
 at TCS  to  become  the  CEO  and  Managing  Director of   Fellow of Indian Chemical Society and an alumnus   Details of remuneration   Sitting Fees as approved by the Board of Directors  Refer Item No. 5 of the Explanatory Statement
 the leading global IT solution and consulting firm.   of Harvard Business School. He serves on industry   sought to be paid
 Under his leadership, TCS generated total revenues of   forums and impact organisations.
 US$16.5 billion in 2015-16 and consolidated its position   Directorships in other   1.   Tata Sons Private Limited   1.   Rallis India Limited*
 as the largest private sector employer in India and the   Companies (excluding   2.   Tata Consultancy Services Limited*  2.   Tata International Limited*
 country’s most valuable company. Since he has taken   foreign companies)  3.   Tata Steel Limited*   3.     Ncourage Social Enterprise Foundation
 over as Chairman, Mr. Chandrasekaran has been driving   4.   Tata Motors Limited*  (Section 8 Company)
 transformation of the Group towards digital, sustainability   5.   The Indian Hotels Company Limited*
 and supply chain resilience. The Group has forayed into   6.   The Tata Power Company Limited*   4.     Carbon Disclosure Project India (Section 8
 new businesses including electronics manufacturing,                            Company)
 consumer internet platform and mobile technology for   7.   Tata Consumer Products Limited*
 5G in India. The Tata Group has expanded its aviation   8   Tata Digital Private Limited
 presence with the acquisition of Air India and is building   9.   Air India Limited
 a large global airline. The Group’s turnover stood at over   10.   TCS Foundation (Section 8 Company)
 US$ 150 billion with a market cap of US$ 260 billion as on
 March 31, 2023.
 In addition to his professional career at  Tata,
 Mr. Chandrasekaran is on the International Advisory
 Council of Singapore’s Economic Development Board.
 He is the Chairman of Indian Institute of Management,
 Lucknow as well as the President of the Court at Indian
 Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He is the member of the
 Mitsubishi’s International Advisory Committee and the
 Co-Chair of the India US CEO Forum. He is also on the
 Board of Governors of New York Academy of Sciences
 and has been elected as an international member of the
 United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE).

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