Page 305 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 5.  Investment property   6.  Right-of-use assets
 ` in crore                                                                                            ` in crore
 Particulars  Land  Building  Total  Particulars  Land Buildings  Plant and   Rail   Vehicles    Office   Total
 Gross Block                                                 Machinery   Equipment           Equipments
 Balance as at April 1, 2021   17    48    65   Gross Block
 Additions   -  -  -  Balance as at April 1, 2021  22   157        70         202       16           4     471
 Balance as at March 31, 2022   17    48    65   Additions  1   23   1         20         -           -     45
 Additions   -   -   -  Disposals              (1)      (30)       (1)         (52)     (3)           -    (87)
 Balance as at March 31, 2023   17    48    65   Exchange fluctuations  1    -  1   6     -          1       9
 Accumulated Depreciation  Balance as at March 31, 2022  23   150   71        176       13           5     438
 Balance as at April 1, 2021   -   10    10   Additions  1   31     2          59        3           2      98
 Depreciation for the year   -   1    1   Disposals  (3)   (25)    (2)         (10)     (10)        (4)    (54)
 Balance as at March 31, 2022   -   11    11   Exchange fluctuations  1   5   2   17      -           -     25
 Depreciation for the year   -   2    2   Balance as at March 31, 2023  22   161   73   242   6      3     507
 Balance as at March 31, 2023   -   13    13   Accumulated depreciation
 Net Block as at March 31, 2022   17    37    54   Balance as at April 1, 2021  3   42   40   103   11   2   201
 Net Block as at March 31, 2023   17    35    52   Amortisation for the year  1   28   14   51   4   1      99
             Disposals                           -      (25)       (1)         (52)     (3)           -    (81)
 Footnotes:  Exchange fluctuations               -        -          -          4         -           -      4
 a)   Disclosures relating to fair valuation of investment property  Balance as at March 31, 2022  4   45   53   106   12   3   223
    Fair value of the above investment property as at March 31, 2023 is ` 267 crore (2022: ` 266 crore) based on external valuation.  Amortisation for the year  1   30   14   58   3   1   107
             Disposals                         (1)      (15)         -         (10)     (10)        (4)    (40)
    Fair Value Hierarchy  Exchange fluctuations   -      3          2          10         -           -     15
     The fair value of investment property has been determined by external independent registered valuers as defined under rule   Balance as at March 31, 2023  4   63   69   164   5    -  305
 2 of Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017, having appropriate recognised professional qualification and   Net Block as at March 31, 2022  19   105   18   70   1   2   215
 recent experience in the location and category of the property being valued.  Net Block as at March 31, 2023  18   98   4   78   1   3   202
     The fair value measurement for all of the investment property has been categorised as a level 3 fair value based on the inputs   (Refer note 39 for lease liabilities related disclosures)
 to the valuation techniques used.
            7(a). Goodwill on consolidation
    Description of valuation technique used                                                            ` in crore
     The Group obtains independent valuations of its investment property after every three years. The fair value of the investment   Particulars  Year ended   Year ended
 property have been derived using the Direct Comparison Method. The direct comparison approach involves a comparison of   March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 the investment property to similar properties that have actually been sold in arms-length distance from investment property or   Carrying value as at April 1   1,971    1,917
 are offered for sale in the same region. This approach demonstrates what buyers have historically been willing to pay (and sellers   Exchange fluctuations   138    54
 willing to accept) for similar properties in an open and competitive market, and is particularly useful in estimating the value of   Carrying value as at March 31   2,109    1,971
 the land and properties that are typically traded on a unit basis. This approach leads to a reasonable estimation of the prevailing
 price. Given that the comparable instances are located in close proximity to the investment property; these instances have been   Goodwill of ` 1,719 crore (2022: ` 1,586 crore) and ` 238 crore (2022: ` 233 crore) relates to the CGUs - Tata Chemicals North America
 assessed for their locational comparative advantages and disadvantages while arriving at the indicative price assessment for   Inc. and it's subsidiaries ('TCNA Group') and Cheshire Salt Holdings Limited Group and it's subsidiaries ('CSHL Group') respectively.
 investment property.  The estimated value in use of the CGUs are based on future cash flows assuming an terminal annual growth rate of 1% to 3.5% for
            the period subsequent to the forecast period of 5 years and discount rates in the range of 5% to 10%, which consider the operating
 b)   The Group has not earned any material rental income on the above properties.  and macro-economic environment in which the entities operate.

            An analysis of the sensitivity of the change in key parameters (operating margin, discount rates and long term average growth rate),
            based on probable assumptions, did not result in any probable scenario in which the recoverable amount of the CGUs would decrease
            below the carrying amount.

            Goodwill of ` 152 crore (2022: ` 152 crore) has been allocated to three CGUs (Individually immaterial) within the specialty products,
            and evaluated based on their recoverable amounts which exceeds their carrying amounts.

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