Page 247 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 31.  Discontinued operations  (b)   The Company makes annual contributions to the Tata Chemicals Employees' Gratuity Trust and to the Employees' Group Gratuity-
                cum-Life Assurance Scheme of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, for funding the defined benefit plans for qualifying
     Exceptional gain from discontinued operations for the year ended March 31, 2022 is in respect of subsidy for previous years
 pertaining to the erstwhile fertilizer business, which is received in the current period from the transferor pursuant to the Business   employees. The scheme provides for lump sum payment to vested employees at retirement or death while in employment
 transfer agreement.  or on termination of employment. Employees, upon completion of the vesting period, are entitled to a benefit equivalent to
                either half month, three fourth month and full month salary last drawn for each completed year of service depending upon the
 32.  Earnings per share  completed years of continuous service in case of retirement or death while in employment. In case of termination, the benefit
                is equivalent to fifteen days salary last drawn for each completed year of service in line with the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
 Year ended   Year ended
 Particulars    Vesting occurs upon completion of five years of continuous service.
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 Basic and Diluted earnings per share (`)      The trustees of the trust fund are responsible for the overall governance of the plan and to act in accordance with the provisions
 From continuing operations (`)   40.31    30.87   of the trust deed and rules in the best interests of the plan participants. They are tasked with periodic reviews of the solvency
 From discontinued operations (`)   -      0.59   of the fund and play a role in the long-term investment, risk management and funding strategy.
 Total Basic and Diluted earnings per share (`)   40.31    31.46
                 The Company also provides post retirement medical benefits to eligible employees under which employees at Mithapur who
 Footnotes:     have retired from service of the Company are entitled for free medical facility at the Company hospital during their lifetime.
 The earnings and weighted average numbers of equity shares used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share are   Other employees are entitled to domiciliary treatment exceeding the entitled limits for the treatments covered under the
 as follows.    Health Insurance Scheme upto slabs defined in the scheme. The floater mediclaim policy also covers retired employees based
 ` in crore     on eligibility, for such benefit.
 Year ended   Year ended
 (a)  Earnings used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share:      The Company provides pension, housing / house rent allowance and medical benefits to retired Managing and Executive
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  Directors who have completed ten years of continuous service in Tata Group and three years of continuous service as Managing
    Profit for the year from continuing operations   1,027    787   Director/Executive Director or five years of continuous service as Managing Director/Executive Director. The directors are entitled
    Profit for the year from discontinued operations   -      15   upto seventy five percent of last drawn salary for life and on death 50% of the pension is payable to the spouse for the rest of
  1,027    802
                his/her life.
 (b)   Weighted average number of equity shares used in the calculation of basic and   No. of shares   No. of shares      Family benefit scheme is applicable to all permanent employees in management, officers and workmen who have completed
 diluted earnings per share:  one year of continuous service. In case of untimely death of the employee, nominated beneficiary is entitled to an amount equal
     Weighted average number of equity shares used in the calculation of basic and diluted    25,47,56,278     25,47,56,278    to the last drawn salary (Basic Salary, DA and FDA) till the normal retirement date of the deceased employee.
 earnings per share from continuing operations and from discontinued operations
                 The most recent actuarial valuations of plan assets and the present values of the defined benefit obligations were carried out at
 33.  Leases    March 31, 2023. The present value of the defined benefit obligations and the related current service cost and past service cost,
 ` in crore     were measured using the Projected Unit Credit Method.
 As at   As at
 Particulars      The following tables set out the funded status and amounts recognised in the Company's Standalone Financial Statements as
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  at March 31, 2023 for the Defined Benefit Plans.
 Maturity analysis – contractual undiscounted cash flows
 Less than one year    -      3   1.   Changes in the defined benefit obligation:
 Total undiscounted lease liabilities    -      3                                                      ` in crore
 Discounted Cash flows                              As at March 31, 2023              As at March 31, 2022
 Current    -      3
 Lease liabilities    -      3   Particulars       retirement   Directors'   Family   retirement   Directors'   Family
                                                                                              retirement  benefit
                                                                       benefit  Gratuity
 Expenses relating to short-term leases and low value assets have been disclosed under rent in note 29(d).  Gratuity  medical   obligations  scheme  medical   obligations scheme
                                                     benefits                          benefits
 The incremental borrowing rate of Nil (2022: 8.00% p.a. to 9.50% p.a.) has been applied to lease liabilities recognised in the Standalone
 Balance Sheet.  At the beginning of the year    88       71       52      11     92       80        53      11
             Current service cost                4         2        1       1      4        2         1      1
 34.  Employee benefits obligations  Past service cost   -      -      13    -      -        -        -       -
 (a)   The Company makes contributions towards provident fund, in substance a defined benefit retirement plan and towards pension   Interest cost   6    5    4    1    5    5    3    1
 fund and superannuation fund which are  defined contribution retirement plans for qualifying employees. The provident fund   Remeasurement (gain)/loss
 is administered by the Trustees of the Tata Chemicals Limited Provident Fund and the superannuation fund is administered by   Actuarial (gain) / loss arising from:
 the Trustees of the Tata Chemicals Limited Superannuation Fund. The Company is liable to pay to the provident fund to the   -   Change in financial assumptions   (2)   (4)   (3)   -      (3)   (6)   (3)   -
 extent of the amount contributed and any shortfall in the fund assets based on Government specified minimum rates of return
 relating to current services. The Company recognises such contribution and shortfall if any as an expense in the year incurred.  -   Experience adjustments   1    (8)   2    (1)   -      (8)   1    -
             Benefits paid                      (11)     (2)       (3)     (1)   (10)      (2)       (3)    (2)
     On account of the above contribution plans, a sum of ` 10 crore (2022: ` 10 crore) has been charged to the Standalone Statement   At the end of the year   86    64    66    11    88    71    52    11
 of Profit and Loss.

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