Page 29 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
               Specialty Products Business

 Rooted in Values, Seeding Growth

 Rallis India Limited, a listed subsidiary of the Company is engaged in nurturing the Indian farming community’s
 confidence and faith as their trusted partner. Focussed on driving their resilient and sustainable growth and
 development, Rallis offers farmers a large bouquet of farm solutions. The portfolio includes agro chemicals,
 specialty crop nutrition and seeds. Rallis also serves global customers with its agro chemicals portfolio and contract
 manufacturing services.

 Central to the Rallis value   Business Overview
 proposition for the Indian   The business portfolio of Rallis is crafted   Rallis' field force, spread across the   Another business stream for the   of technical grade agrochemicals   The Seed business is well supported by
 farmers is its robust
 infrastructure and expertise in   to empower the farmers through   country, works closely with the farmers. It   subsidiary is the export of technical grade   and formulations. The Innovation and   the Rallis processing facilities based at
 research and manufacturing.   sustainable and path-breaking solutions   is supported by an extensive distribution   agrochemicals, as well bulk and small   Chemical Hub at Bengaluru carries out   Hyderabad and the seed production
 These enable Rallis to deliver   in its core area of crop care solutions.   network consisting of distributors and   pack formulations. Rallis also partners with   research activities related to its crop care   activities in multiple states of India. The
 differentiated solutions to its   These include insecticides, herbicides,   retailers, with a wide reaching spanning   multiple customers to offer them contract   business. Rallis also has a Seed Research   frontline sales team carries out product
 customers in both the domestic   fungicides, organic fertilisers and   80% of India’s districts. Rallis also serves   manufacturing services.  Station, spread across diverse agro   differentiation and pre-season activities
 and international markets.  plant growth nutrients. The offerings   select global farming communities   climatic geographies, besides an Agri Bio   to steer demand generation for key
 are designed to ensure optimal farm   directly, besides reaching out to them   The five state-of-the-art manufacturing   Technology Lab at Bengaluru to drive   crops like Paddy, Maize, Millet, Cotton
 productivity and enrich Indian farmers –   through global agro chemicals peers.   facilities of Rallis enable production   innovation in seeds.   and Mustard.
 the biggest contributor to the country’s
 rural economy.

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