Page 259 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
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Integrated Report   Statutory Reports  Financial Statements
              1-59                60-146             Consolidated

            The movement in other equity                                                               ` in crore
                                                                                        Year ended   Year ended
                                                                                     March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
             17.1 Capital reserve and other reserves from amalgamation
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                       326.64       326.64
                 Balance at the end of the year                                             326.64       326.64
                 Capital reserve represents the difference between the consideration paid and net assets received under common control business
                 combination transaction. It can be utilised in accordance with the provisions of the 2013 Act.
             17.2 Securities premium
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                      1,258.89     1,258.89
                 Balance at the end of the year                                            1,258.89     1,258.89
                 Securities premium is used to record the premium on issue of shares. The reserve is eligible for utilisation in accordance with the
                 provisions of the 2013 Act.
             17.3 Capital redemption reserve
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                         0.10         0.10
                 Balance at the end of the year                                               0.10         0.10
             17.4 Debenture redemption reserve
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                            -       240.00
                 Transferred to General reseve                                                   -       (240.00)
                 Balance at the end of the year                                                  -            -
                 The Group is required to create a debenture redemption reserve out of the profits which is available for the purpose of redemption
                 of debentures, which has been redeemed during the previous year.
             17.5 General reserve
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                      1,522.47     1,282.47
                 Transferred from Debenture redemption reserve                                   -       240.00
                 Balance at the end of the year                                            1,522.47     1,522.47
                 The general reserve represents amounts appropriated out of retained earnings based on the provisions of the Act prior to its
             17.6 Foreign currency translation reserve
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                      2,062.55     1,668.27
                 Changes during the year                                                    (181.63)     394.28
                 Balance at the end of the year                                            1,880.92     2,062.55
                 The Foreign currency translation reserve represents all exchange differences arising from translation of Financial Statements of
                 foreign operations.

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