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during FY 2019-20, sales volumes were essentially flat as   home market of uK increased, the company also witnessed
               compared  to  the  previous  year  (up  by  0.60%).  Inspite  of   a strong demand from the exports markets, especially from
               increased production levels, a temporary over-supply of soda   europe.
               ash  worldwide,  compounded  by the  Covid-19   pandemic,
               resulted  in  the  unusual  position  of  not  being  able  to  sell        the combined heat and power facility at  Winnington
               the entire product produced during this period.  due to   performed well throughout the year, helped by the
               the slightly higher  sales volume, tCna posted revenue  of   reinstatement of capacity market payments which had been
               uS$ 480.00 million (` 3,402.14 crore) for the year ended   unexpectedly withdrawn part way through FY 2018-19.
               March 31, 2020 as compared to uS$ 481.60 million (` 3,366.19        In the Salt business, sales volumes were steady through the
               crore) in the previous year, inspite of slightly lower american   year, but with a better mix towards higher margin products.
               natural Soda ash Corporation (anSaC) pricing and a market
               mix reflecting an increased supply to lower priced export        eBItda for FY 2019-20 for the uK operations was £21.2 million
               markets relative to the uS.                       (` 191.08 crore) as against £14.5 million (`  133.02 crore) for
                                                                 FY 2018-19. the profit after tax for FY 2019-20 was £1.1 million
                 For FY 2019-20,  eBItda at  tCna was  uS$ 104.80 million   (` 9.91 crore) as against loss after tax of £4.2 million (`  38.53
               (`  742.80  crore)  against  uS$  97.90  million  (`  684.28  crore)   crore) for FY 2018-19.
               in the previous year due to improved production, reduced
               selling, general & administration (Sg&a) costs resulting   1.2.3 Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited
               from realising nearly a full year’s benefit of relocating the
               corporate  offices from  new Jersey  to  utah and a new  uS        during the year under review, the production volumes at
               gaap  accounting standard  that  changed  the  accounting   tata Chemicals Magadi limited (‘tCMl’) were lower by 9%
               for operating leases, treating those costs as depreciation as   and sales volumes were lower by 12% against the previous
               against operating expenses in prior years. these favourable   year.
               impacts more than offset increased spending on plant costs,        tCMl achieved total sales of  uS$ 67.89 million (` 481.19
               particularly in maintenance and labour.           crore) for FY 2019-20 as against the sales of uS$ 73.79 million
                                                                 (` 515.76 crore) in the previous year, a decrease of 8%.
                 profit before tax and profit after tax and non-controlling
               interest for FY 2019-20 were at uS$ 64.15 million (`  454.68        For FY 2019-20, tCMl registered an eBIdta of uS$ 8.34 million
               crore) and  uS$ 35.96 million (` 251.35 crore) respectively   (` 59.11 crore) as against the  eBIdta of  uS$ 9.87 million
               against  uS$ 82.30 million (` 575.24 crore) and  uS$ 54.60   (` 68.99 crore) in the previous year, lower by 16%. decline
               million (` 381.63 crore) respectively in the previous year,   in eBIdta was on account of lower sales volume and higher
               which included a one-time unusual gain of uS$ 16.43 million   rail haulage charges. Fixed cost was lower than previous year.
               (` 114.86 crore) from writing back, upon dismissal by a court,
               a liability acquired with the purchase of the company in        tCMl made a net loss of  uS$ 0.13 million (` 0.92 crore) as
               2008.                                             against the net profit of uS$ 2.66 million (` 18.59 crore) in
                                                                 the previous year due to higher finance costs (rising
           1.2.2 TCE Group Limited and British Salt Limited      lIBor), foreign exchange loss due to weakening of Kenya
                 tCe group limited’s business consists of Soda ash, Sodium   Shilling to  uS  dollar, fuel hedge swaps loss and other
               Bicarbonate and  energy units and British Salt  limited   costs.
               manufactures and sells food grade and industrial salt.        the county government had issued a demand during
               together, they are referred as uK operations of the Company.
                                                                 FY 2018-19 for an arbitrary increase in land rates which
                                                                 was subsequently struck down by the Hon’ble High Court.
                 the turnover of the uK operations for FY 2019-20 was £148.5
               million (` 1,338.43 crore) against £157.9 million (`  1,448.79   the Hon’ble High Court had suggested for a mediation
               crore) in the previous year. the reduction was mainly due   which tCMl had duly submitted to.  nevertheless, tCMl
               to the planned reduction in sales of low margin, imported   has filed an appeal for reconsideration of the other issues
               soda ash and a reduction in the price of electricity sold to the   raised in the petition before the Hon’ble High Court
               national grid.                                    while the appeal is pending. tCMl is still open to work
                                                                 with the appropriate national authorities and the county
                 Sodium bicardonate sales were strong throughout the year,   government to arrive at a fair, transparent and appropriate
               especially from the Winnington plant. While demand in the   resolution through legal means.

           62  I  Integrated annual report 2019-20
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