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2.2  Nutritional Sciences                             quality expectations while upholding required safety and
               Tata NQ                                           environmental compliance standards.
                 the nutritional science division of the Company, under the        during FY 2019-20, the Company enhanced its product
               brand  tata  nQ, offers nature-inspired and science-backed   portfolio in Silica by launching several new grades to cater to
               ingredient and formulation solutions catering to human
                                                                 the needs of different application segments and customers.
               and animal health. the flagship product lines of tata nQ –   the Company also expanded its taVerSIl range of products
               FoSSenCe® and  goSSenCe® are  prebiotic dietary fibres   for non-rubber applications by launching new variants to
               that promote the growth of gut microbiome and improve   meet the unique needs of customers manufacturing salt and
               digestive & immune health.
                                                                 toothpaste. the Company also customised its tYSIl portfolio
                                                                 of conventional silica products to meet the varying needs
                 FY 2019-20 has been a phenomenal year for the nutritional   of  tyres and  non-tyre  rubber  goods  manufacturers.  the
               science business, wherein the state-of-the-art greenfield   Company expanded its market reach by strengthening its
               nellore plant in  andhra  pradesh was made operational.   channel partner and distributor network across India to serve
               this has substantially increased the production capacity,   customers, in both the rubber and non-rubber segments.
               thereby significantly increasing the Company’s capacity to
               serve customers across the globe. there has been a wide        on the HdS front, the treadSIl products received customer
               acceptance of the product quality from the new plant, and   approval from tyre customers that the Company has been
               as a result the revenues grew to  ` 65.15 crore, while the   working with in the past. the Company has also significantly
               customer base grew to more than 250 customers.    deepened its techno-commercial engagement with leading
                                                                 tyre companies to ensure ramp-up of commercial supplies
                 the business had earlier established global distribution   of existing products in FY 2020-21 and co-development of
               network and initiated customer engagement in South   next-gen HdS portfolio to meet the evolving needs of the
               east  asia, China and  uSa.  this engagement also started   tyre industry. additionally, the Company launched taFoSIl,
               bearing fruits, with supplies made across South  east  asia,   its new brand of functionalised silica for high-performance
               after product qualification from the new facility. there has   non-tyre rubber applications.
               been a considerable progress in the qualification process by
               global major consumers of FoS and the feedback has been      Nano Zinc Oxide
               encouraging. the qualification is in progress and is expected        under the Specialty  products portfolio, the Company has
               to be favourably concluded soon.
                                                                 also entered into the production of nano Zinc oxide (‘nZno’),
                                                                 which was developed at the Innovation Centre in pune and
                 due to Covid-19 pandemic, many of the customers are likely   finds multiple applications for its anti-microbial, anti-fungus
               to put on hold the new product introduction, particularly   and  uV blocking properties.  the Company collaborated
               the Food & Beverage customers, while additional sales   with a customer to harness the anti-microbial and anti-
               opportunities are expected from nutraceuticals companies,   viral properties of nZno amidst the pandemic. Currently, it
               particularly in the area of immunity and gut health.  the   is finding use in face masks as an added layer of protection
               Company is constantly re-calibrating plans as the situation   against Covid-19. the Company is presently working with
                                                                 paints, Coatings &  adhesives,  plastics &  polymers and
                                                                 personal Care & Cosmetics industries to build the portfolio.
           2.3  Material Sciences
                                                                 the Company would be focussing around nano-materials
               Silica                                            linked to nano-adhesives and nano formulations aimed at
                 during FY 2018-19, the Company had successfully completed   anti-viral and anti-microbial application.
               the acquisition of a precipitated silica plant at Cuddalore,
               tamilnadu marking its entry into the Silica business.   2.4  Energy Sciences
               FY 2019-20 turned out to be a critical milestone in the        In line with the  Company’s strategy  to grow  its  Specialty
               growth journey of this new business. Several key initiatives   products Business, the Company is exploring entry into the
               related to upgradation of the Cuddalore plant’s infrastructure   lithium-ion battery sector with cell chemistries optimised to
               and systems were completed. these initiatives have helped   meet Indian applications. the government of India has been
               demonstrate the plant’s ability to produce at its rated   promoting the use of electric Vehicles (‘eV’) in the country
               capacity; multiple grades of silica (including  HdS  for high   through incentives, policy changes and own consumption
               performance green tyre applications) meeting customer   with a view to achieve a major shift to eVs by 2030.

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