Page 44 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 44

Picture Credit : Chirag Parmar                                        Painted Stork at Charakala, Mithapur

           Emission management              Waste management                    Rerouted mud stream so that it can
           Mithapur                         Mithapur                           be transported and processed in the
             Replaced CEHP 1 economiser, installed     Used plastic waste (96 tonnes) and   paste plant
            sonic soot blower in CEHP 1 & 2 and   waste/spent oil (9,300 litres) as   UK
            automatic blowdown system in HPB 3   alternative fuel for Cement plant     Continued to ensure that effluent
            boiler, resulting in approximate annual                            discharges are within permissible
            coal savings of 1,248 tonnes       Focussed on bulk transportation of
                                              products through railway, bulkers, and   standards and sent out waste ash and
           Magadi                             containers                       lime to third parties for reuse
             Kajiado dust control project to reduce
            dust emission                      Ensured 100% fly ash utilisation
             Ongoing project to instal CEMS   and 87.6% effluent solids filtration
            (Continuous Emission Monitoring   and utilisation                Water conservation/management
            System) at ESP Plant            Magadi
           USA                                 Initiated recycling of waste oil, torn   Mithapur
                                                                                Replaced resin at water softening plant,
             Exploring the elimination of coal by   plastic and scrap metal    curbing chemical consumption and
            converting coal-fired boilers to natural     Conducted ESIA (Environment Social   effluent generation
            gas along with potential to reduce GHG   Impact Assessment) study for waste
            emission by 30% by installing new soot   disposal guidance          Continued water harvesting programme
            blower and exploring carbon capture/                               in the community
            offsets                         USA                              Magadi
                                               Implemented a new solid waste
           UK                                 management policy that necessitates     Ongoing project on domestic sewerage
             Invested in a contemporary boiler   recording of waste volumes/streams and     Installation of meters and push taps to
            plant at the British Salt plant that will   explores the potential for recycling  control water usage
            have ~94% efficiency (80% currently)
            translating to 8,500 TPA reduction in CO 2     Installed a Soda Ash recovery unit that   UK
             Winnington CHP, part of TCE’s Northwich   increased operational efficiency of     The British Salt site at Middlewich
                                              deca units
            operations, is developing a Carbon                                 harvested rainwater for use within the
            Capture and Utilisation scheme for     Implemented a sulphate reduction   plant. The Sodium Bicarbonate plant
            capturing food and pharmaceutical   project that captures additional purge   returns water abstracted from the river
            grade CO 2 and will use it in the Sodium   from evaporator bodies to feed purge   Weaver for cooling purposes, incurring a
            Bicarbonate plant. This global first   deca recovery units         net zero consumption
            initiative will contribute to a 40,000 TPA
            reduction in CO 2 emissions

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