Page 45 - Tata_Chemicals_2018-2019
P. 45

Integrated Annual Report 2018-19

                                              Designed to be the best          •  Sustainable: The plant will have zero
              GROWTH STORY                                                       fossil fuel usage and carbon emission.
                                              •  Global quality compliance: ISO Class 8
                                               facility complying with FSSC 22000, FDA,   It is equipped with adequate solar
                                                                                 power capacity to meet daily needs. It
              Mambattu                         Non-GMO, Kosher and Halal standards  has deployed measures like MVR / TVR
              plant becomes                   •  Best-in-class technologies: It employs   Evaporation and installation of rainwater
                                               one of the best purification technologies
              a reality!                       SSMB (Sequential Simulated Moving Bed)   harvesting structures (45,000 KL capacity)
                                                                                 to achieve sustainable water availability
                                               and state-of-the-art equipment    and reduce ETP load                Integrated Report
                                              •  Automation and digitisation: It is fully   •  Safety: The plant’s safety systems and
            FY 2018-19 became a milestone year towards   automated and digitised with minimal   procedures to be aligned with the Tata
            incremental investments in infrastructure   manual interference, eliminating chances   Group’s standards to achieve ‘Target Zero
            and capabilities. With a committed outlay of   of errors. Its best-in-class IT systems and   Harm’ through a well-defined safety road
            C 270 crores, we are nearing completion of   quality control processes ensure high   map. It will focus on various safety training
            our world-class 5,000 MTPA (expandable up   quality control, product traceability and   programs, safety initiatives and seminars
            to 20,000 MTPA) FOS manufacturing plant   paperless tracking. Its system is designed   along with carrying out BBS and HIRA
            near Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. This plant   to leverage innovative content formats and   studies. Further, the plant shall practise
            reflects our vision and aspirations to service   technologies to establish the brand's social   tracking of all the incidents and give
            demanding global customers.        presence and to reach customers globally  special thrust to road safety   Statutory Reports

                                                                         3D rendition of Mambattu plant             Financial Statements
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