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to business
Engaging our stakeholders
Tata Chemicals understands the signi cance of maintaining
strong relations with stakeholders through e ective engagement.
Our management represent the Company in various industry
associations and committees including: Confederation of Indian
Industry, Indian Chemicals Council, Chief Financial O cer (CFO)
Choice, National Human Rescource Department Network, All India
Manufacturers' Organisation, Advertising Standards Council of
India, Eastern Africa Association, Wyoming Mining Association,
and the UK's Chemical Industries Association, to promote
sustainability matters and create solutions.
Our stakeholders Relevant matters Engagement methods
Appreciation in share price and growth
Shareholders in dividends, high level of corporate Annual General Meeting, report to shareholders, investor/analysts
and investors meet, quarterly results, media releases
Customers Consistent quality, timely delivery, Distributor/retailer/direct customer meets, senior leader
mutually pro table and long term customer meets/visits, customer plant visits, Chief Operating
relationship O cer's club, achievers meet, KAM workshops, membership in
trade organisation/associations, complaints management, joint
business development plans, customer surveys
Suppliers and Timely payment, vendor selection process, Supplier prequali cation/vetting, supplier plant visits,
partners safety, health and wellbeing, and human MOUs, trade association meets, contract management,
rights of employees of contracting product workshops
companies/suppliers along with
long term relation
Employees Employee engagement, training and Senior leaders' communication/talk, town hall brie ng,
development, career progression, health performance review, union meetings, wellness initiatives, intranet,
and safety websites, poster campaigns, Con uence, circulars, quarterly
publications, newsletters
Government Legal compliance, especially on safety, Advocacy meetings with governments and ministries, seminars,
health and environmental performance, media releases, membership in local enterprise partnership,
creating jobs through growth sustained membership in industry bodies
contribution to national tax, community
development and progress on
implementation of social and labour plans
Communities Proactive engagement, contribution to Community meetings/visits, local authority and town
local infrastructure, skill and capacity council meetings, location head’s meet, Strengths,
building, sustainable livelihood, clean Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), committee
and safe environment meetings,community projects, seminar/conferences
8 Annual Report 2017-18