Page 91 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

    24.  Overview of the entity’s material responsible business conduct issues  Section B: Management and Process Disclosures
         Please indicate material responsible business conduct and sustainability issues pertaining to environmental and social   This section is aimed at helping businesses demonstrate the structures, policies and processes put in place towards adopting the
 matters that present a risk or an opportunity to your business, rationale for identifying the same, approach to adapt or   NGRBC Principles and Core Elements.
 mitigate the risk along with its financial implications, as per the following format:
            The National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has updated and
 S. No.  Material issue identified  Indicate whether risk  Rationale for identifying  In case  of risk, approach  Financial implications   adopted nine areas of Business Responsibility. These are briefly as under:
 or opportunity (R/O)  the risk / opportunity  to adapt or mitigate  of the risk or
 opportunity (Indicate   P1  Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity and in a manner that is ethical, transparent and accountable
 positive or negative   P2  Businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe
             P3  Businesses should respect and promote the well-being of all employees, including those in their value chains
 1  Health & Safety  Risk  In chemical industry,    Health & Safety   Negative   P4  Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders
 Health & Safety can   Management Plan,
 directly impact people   Process Safety & Risk   P5  Businesses should respect and promote human rights
 and community and   Management, Emergency   P6  Businesses should respect and make efforts to protect and restore the environment
 disrupt the operations   Mitigation System etc.  P7  Businesses, when engaging in influencing public and regulatory policy, should do so in a manner that is responsible and transparent
 2  Business Ethics  Risk  This may impact   Tata Code of Conduct,   Negative   P8  Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development
 the brand and trust   Monitoring Mechanism   P9  Businesses should engage with and provide value to their consumers in a responsible manner
 of stakeholders   to ensure Ethical Conduct
 3  Employee Development  Opportunity  This may   Learning and   Positive  Disclosure Questions  P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  P7  P8  P9
 improve employee    development   Policy and Management processes
 competence, skills and   opportunities for various   1(a)  Whether your entity’s policy/policies cover each   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 knowledge which is key   level of employees  principle and its core elements of the NGRBCs. (Yes/No)
 for organisational growth
               (b) Has the policy been approved by the Board? (Yes/No)   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 4  Regulatory Issues and Compliance  Risk  Non-compliance may   Adherence to compliance   Negative     (c) Web Link of the Policies, if available
 impact the brand image   monitoring system                   
 and customer trust   2.  Whether the entity has translated the policy into   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 and engagement
                 procedures. (Yes / No)
 5  Energy Efficiency  Opportunity  This may minimise the   Energy saving   Positive  3.  Do the enlisted policies extend to your value chain   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 greenhouse gas (GHG)   assessments, key   partners? (Yes/No)
 emissions, improve   initiatives to optimise   4.  Name of the national and international codes/  (1,3)  (2,4)  (1,3)  (1,3)  (6,7)  (4)  (8)  (1,3)  (2)
 resource efficiency,   energy efficiency. Focus
 cost saving, cleaner   on renewable source of   certifications/labels/standards (e.g. Forest Stewardship
 environment etc.  energy etc.  Council, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance,  Trustea)
 6  Water Stewardship  Opportunity  This may help in   Focus on minimising   Positive  standards (e.g. SA 8000, OHSAS, ISO, BIS) adopted by
 sustainable water   consumptions, effluent   your entity and mapped to each principle. #
 balance, improve   generation and reuse of   5.  Specific commitments, goals and targets set by the   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 availability of water,   treated effluent. Water   entity with defined timelines, if any.
 becoming water neutral   harvesting projects inside   6.  Performance  of the entity against the specific   Performance of each of the principles is reviewed periodically by
 / positive   / outside the premises
                 commitments, goals and targets along with reasons   various Committees led by the Management and Board of Directors
 7  Reducing Carbon Footprint  Opportunity  Mitigates the effects of   Focus on renewable   Positive  in case the same are not met.
 global climate change,   sources of energy, energy
 improves energy   efficient equipment,   # UN Global Compact Act (1), Responsible Care (2), GRI (3), ISO 14001 (4), ISO 45001 (5), SA8000 (6), UN Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights (7),
 efficiency, improves   Carbon Capture, etc.  Tata Code of Conduct conforms to NVG (8)
 climate change impacts
            Governance, leadership and oversight
             For more details, please refer page no. 44 of the Integrated Report 2022-23.
            7.    Statement by Director responsible for the business responsibility report, highlighting ESG related challenges, targets and
                achievements (listed entity has flexibility regarding the placement of this disclosure)

                 The Company is committed to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into its businesses which
                is central to improving the quality of life of the communities it serves. It adheres to the principles of product stewardship by
                enhancing health, safety and environmental impacts of products and services across their lifecycles. The environmental impacts
                cover Climate, Resources (Energy & Water), Waste Management and Nature & Biodiversity. The Company has committed to reduce
                its carbon emission (scope 1 & 2) as per the Science Based Target Initiatives (‘SBTi’) guidelines. The Company has established
                policies for Climate Change, Safety, Health & Environment (‘SHE’) and Biodiversity.
                 The Company is committed to conducting beneficial and fair business practices to the labour, human capital and to the
                community. It provides employees and business associates with working conditions that are clean, safe, healthy and fair.

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