Page 89 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

    19.  Participation/Inclusion/Representation of women  VI.  CSR Details
 TOTAL   No. and percentage of Females  22.  i.  Whether CSR is applicable as per section 135 of Companies Act, 2013:  Yes
 (A)  No. (B)  % (B/A)  ii.
 Board of Directors  9  2  22%  Turnover (Consolidated revenue from operations) (in `)          ` 16,789 crore
 Key Management Personnel*  2  0  0  iii.  Net worth (Consolidated) (in `)                      ` 20,642 crore
              *excludes Managing Director & CEO (MD & CEO) and Executive Director (ED)  VII.  Transparency and Disclosures Compliances
    20.  Turnover rate for permanent employees and workers
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22  FY 2020-21     23.   Complaints/Grievances on any of the principles (Principles 1 to 9) under the National Guidelines on Responsible
                    Business Conduct:
 Male  Female  Total  Male  Female  Total  Male  Female  Total
 Permanent Employees  16%  17%  17%  15%  12%  16%  10%  7%  10%  Stakeholder   Grievance Redressal   FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
                      group from
                                   Mechanism in Place
 Permanent Workers  10%  17%  15%  17%  14%  17%  15%  22%  15%  whom   (Yes/No)  Number of   Number of   Remarks  Number of   Number of   Remarks
 V.   Holding, Subsidiary and Associate Companies (including joint ventures)  complaint   (If Yes, then provide web-link   filed during   complaints   complaints   complaints
                                                                                 filed during
                      is received
    21.  Names of holding / subsidiary / associate companies / joint ventures  for grievance redress policy)  the year  resolution   the year  resolution
                                                                at close of                at close of
 Sr.    Name of the holding / subsidiary /   Indicate whether   % of shares   Does the entity indicated   the year  the year
 No.  associate companies/ joint ventures (A)  holding /   held by   at column A, participate in
 Subsidiary /   listed entity  the Business Responsibility   Communities Yes, a mechanism is in place   2  0  Nil  3  2  2 pending
 Associate /   initiatives of the listed entity?   to interact with community                        complaints
 Joint Venture  (Yes/No)       leaders to understand and                                               closed
 1  Rallis India Limited  Subsidiary  50.06  Yes  address their concerns, if any                    subsequently
 2  Ncourage Social Enterprise Foundation  Subsidiary  100  Yes
 3  Tata Chemicals International Pte. Ltd (TCIPL)  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Investors   Yes, a mechanism is in place   0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil
 4  Homefield Pvt. UK Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  (other than   wherein certain Company
 5  TC Africa Holdings Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  shareholders) representatives and advisors
 6  Tata Chemicals South Africa (Pty) Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  have been identified to
 7  Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  understand and address their
 8  Magadi Railway Company Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  concerns, if any
 9  TCE Group Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Shareholders  Yes, Shareholder can register   0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil
 10  Natrium Holdings Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  their grievances at https://
 11  Cheshire Salt Holdings Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes
 12  Cheshire Salt Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  html and also web links of
 13  British Salt Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  BSE (
 14  Brinefield Storage Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  and NSE (
 15  Cheshire Cavity Storage 2 Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  for Arbitration
 16  New Cheshire Salt Works Limited (NCSWL)  Subsidiary  100  Yes
 17  Brunner Mond Group Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Employees   16  0   Nil      12        0         Nil
 18  Tata Chemicals Europe Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  and workers
 19  Winnington CHP Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Customers  https://www.tatachemicals.  6  0  Nil  4  1  1 pending
 20  Northwich Resource Management Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes  com/WhistleblowerPolicy.htm        complaint
 21  Gusiute Holdings (UK) Limited  Subsidiary  100  Yes                                               closed
 22  Valley Holdings Inc  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Ethics Helpline                                     subsequently
 23  Tata Chemicals North America Inc.  Subsidiary  100  Yes  (https://secure.integritymatters.
 24  TC (Soda Ash) Partners Holdings  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Value   in)  12  0  Nil  8        1      1 pending
 25  TCSAP LLC  Subsidiary  100  Yes  Chain Partners                                                 complaint
 26  Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners (TCSAP)  Subsidiary  100  Yes                                  closed
 27  Alcad*  Subsidiary  50  Yes                                                                    subsequently
 28  Indo Maroc Phosphore S.A.  Joint Venture  33.33  Yes  Other (Social  Yes  15  1  1 pending   0  0  Nil
 29  The Block Salt Company Limited**  Joint Venture  50  Yes  worker, Ex   complaint
 30  Tata Industries Limited  Joint Venture  9.13  No  employee           is under
 31  JOil (S) Pte. Ltd. #  Associate  17.07  No  etc.)                    review
          Note: the above details are as on March 31, 2023
          *TCSAP is holding 50% in Alcad
          **NCSWL is holding 50%
 # TCIPL is holding 17.07%

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