Page 374 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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pre-register themselves by sending a request from their registered e-mail address mentioning their name, DP ID             Type of shareholders                           Login Method
                       and Client ID/Folio No. PAN and Mobile No. at from Friday, June 16, 2023 (9.00 a.m.
                       IST) to Monday, June 19, 2023 (5.00 p.m. IST). Only those Members who have pre-registered themselves as a                                       4.    Shareholders/Members can also download NSDL Mobile App  “NSDL
                       speaker will be allowed to express their views/ask questions during the AGM. The Company reserves the right to                                      Speede” facility by scanning the QR code mentioned below for seamless
                       restrict the number of speakers depending on the availability of time for the AGM.                                                                  voting experience.

                   v.     Members who need technical assistance before or during the AGM to access and participate in the Meeting may
                       contact NSDL on - 4886 7000 and 022 - 2499 7000 or contact Mr. Amit Vishal, Assistant Vice
                       President, NSDL at

                    How do I vote electronically using NSDL e-Voting system?                                                                    Individual Shareholders   1.    Existing users who have opted for Easi / Easiest, they can login through their user
                   The way to vote electronically on NSDL e-Voting system consists of “Two Steps” which are mentioned below:                    holding securities in demat   id and password. Option will be made available to reach e-Voting page without
                                                                                                                                                mode with CDSL             any further authentication. The users to login Easi / Easiest are requested to visit
                   Step 1: Access to NSDL e-Voting system                                                                                                                  CDSL website and click on login icon & New System Myeasi
                   A)   Login method for e-Voting and joining virtual Meeting for Individual shareholders holding                                                          Tab and then use your existing my Easi username & password.
                       securities in demat mode
                                                                                                                                                                       2.    After successful login, the Easi / Easiest user will be able to see the e-Voting
                         In terms of SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020 on e-Voting facility provided by Listed Companies, Individual                                    option for eligible companies where the e-Voting is in progress as per the
                       shareholders holding securities in demat mode are allowed to vote through their demat account maintained with                                       information provided by company. On clicking the e-Voting option, the user
                       Depositories and Depository Participants. Shareholders are advised to update their mobile number and email Id in                                    will be able to see e-Voting page of the e-Voting service provider for casting
                       their demat accounts in order to access e-Voting facility.                                                                                          your vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting
                       Login method for Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode is given below:                                                           during the meeting. Additionally, there are also links provided to access the
                                                                                                                                                                           system of all e-Voting Service Providers, so that the user can visit the e-Voting
                                                                                                                                                                           service providers’ website directly.
                         Type of shareholders                           Login Method
                       Individual Shareholders   1.    Existing  IDeAS  user  can  visit  the  e-Services  website  of  NSDL  viz.  https://                           3.    If the user is not registered for Easi/Easiest, option to register is available at CDSL
                       holding securities in demat  either on a personal computer or on a mobile. On the                                              website and click on login & New System Myeasi Tab and
                       mode with NSDL.            e-Services home page, click on the “Beneficial Owner” icon under “Login”                                                 then click on registration option.
                                                  which is available under ‘IDeAS’ section, this will prompt you to enter your
                                                  existing User ID and Password. After successful authentication, you will be                                          4.    Alternatively, the user can directly access e-Voting page by providing demat
                                                  able to see e-Voting services under value-added services. Click on “Access to                                            Account Number and PAN from a link in home page. The
                                                  e-Voting” under e-Voting services and you will be able to see e-Voting page.                                             system will authenticate the user by sending OTP on registered Mobile & Email
                                                  Click on company name or e-Voting service provider (ESP) i.e. NSDL and you                                               as recorded in the Demat Account. After successful authentication, user will be
                                                  will be re-directed to e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the                                         able to see the e-Voting option where the e-Voting is in progress and also able
                                                  remote e-Voting period.                                                                                                  to directly access the system of all e-Voting Service Providers.
                                              2.    If you are not registered for IDeAS e-Services, option to register is available at          Individual Shareholders   You can also login using the login credentials of your demat account through your
                                         Select “Register Online for IDeAS Portal” or click                (holding securities in demat   Depository Participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-Voting facility. Upon logging in,
                                                  at                                    mode) login through their   you will be able to see e-Voting option. Click on e-Voting option, you will be redirected
                                                                                                                                                depository participants  to NSDL/CDSL Depository site after successful authentication, wherein you can see
                                               3.    Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following                                      e-Voting feature. Click on company name or e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL and
                                                  URL: either on a personal computer or on                                               you will be redirected to e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the
                                                  a mobile. Once the home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the                                            remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
                                                  icon “Login” which is available under ‘Shareholder/Member’ section. A new
                                                  screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID (i.e. your sixteen digit                 Important note: Members who are unable to retrieve User ID/ Password are advised to use Forget User ID and Forget
                                                  demat account number held with NSDL), Password/OTP and a Verification                        Password option available at abovementioned website.
                                                  Code as shown on the screen. After successful authentication, you will be
                                                  redirected to NSDL Depository site wherein you can see e-Voting page. Click
                                                  on company name or e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL and you will be
                                                  redirected to e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote
                                                  e-Voting period.

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