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registered with the Company/DPs are required to provide   tax at source ('TDS'), on or after Friday, June 30, 2023   Investor-resources/Other-forms and on   shall despatch the dividend warrant / demand
 the same to TSR on or before 5.00 p.m. (IST) on Monday,   as under:  the website of the RTA at  https://www.  draft to such Members.
 June 19, 2023 by following the process for registering
 e-mail address as mentioned below:  a.    For Shares held in electronic form: To all the   10.  Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend and  Transfer of Shares
 beneficial owners as at the end of the day on            ii.     original cancelled cheque bearing the   to IEPF
 Wednesday, June 14, 2023 as per the list of   name of the Member or first holder, in
 a.  Visit the link:  beneficial owners to be furnished by NSDL   case shares are held jointly. In case name of       Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 of the Act, the
 Email_Register.html        the holder is not available on the cheque,
 and Central Depository Services (India) Limited                   dividend which remains unclaimed / unpaid for a period of
 b.  Select the name of the Company from the dropdown   (‘CDSL’); and  kindly submit the following documents:-  seven years from the date of transfer to the unpaid dividend
 list: Tata Chemicals Limited  a.  Cancelled cheque in original.   account of the Company is required to be transferred to the
 c.  Enter the Folio No./DP ID, Client ID, Shareholder   b.  For shares held in physical form: To all the   Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF’) established
 Name, PAN details, Mobile no. and e-mail address.  Members after giving effect to valid transmission               b.     Bank attested legible copy of the first   by the Central Government.  The details of unclaimed
 Members holding shares in physical form  are   and transposition requests lodged with the   page of the Bank Passbook / Bank   dividend transferred to IEPF during FY 2022-23 have been
                                Statement bearing the names of the
 additionally required to enter one of their share   Company as of the close of business hours on   account holders, address, same bank   provided in the Report on Corporate Governance which
 certificate numbers and upload a self-attested copy   Wednesday, June 14, 2023.  account number and type as on the   forms part of this Integrated Annual Report. Further, all the
 of the PAN Card and address proof viz. Aadhaar   cheque leaf and the full address of   shares on which dividends remain unpaid or unclaimed
 Card or Passport and front and backside of their      ii.    Dividend  income  is  taxable  in  the  hands  of  the   the Bank branch.  for a period of seven consecutive years or more shall be
 share certificate  Shareholders and the Company is required to    transferred to the demat account of the IEPF Authority as
 d.  The system will send OTP on the Mobile no. and   deduct TDS from dividend paid to the Members at            iii.     self-attested photocopy of the PAN Card of   notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
 e-mail address  prescribed rates in the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the   all the holders; and
 e.  Enter OTP received on Mobile no. and e-mail address  IT Act’). In general, to enable compliance with TDS            iv.    self-attested photocopy of any document   11.  Updation of PAN and other details
 f.  The system will then confirm the e-mail address   requirements, Members are requested to complete   (such as Aadhaar Card, Driving Licence,       SEBI vide its Circular dated March 16, 2023 mandated
 for the limited purpose of service of Notice of AGM   and/or update their Residential Status, Permanent   Election Identity Card, Passport) in support   furnishing of PAN, KYC details (i.e. postal address with
 along with Integrated Annual Report 2022-23 and   Account Number (PAN), Category as per the IT Act   of the address of the Member as registered   pin code, email address, mobile number, bank account
 e-Voting credentials  with their DPs or in case shares are held in physical
 form, with the Company/TSR by sending documents   with the Company.  details) and Nomination details by holders of physical
     After successful submission of the e-mail address, NSDL will   along with the request Form ISR-1 through e-mail at    b.  Shares held in electronic form:  Members   securities through Form ISR-1. It may be noted that any
                                                                   service request or complaint can be processed only after
 email a copy of this AGM Notice and the Integrated Annual on or before   may please  note  that  their  bank  details as   the folio is KYC compliant.
 Report for FY 2022-23. In case of any queries, Members may   June 14, 2023. The documents can also be uploaded   furnished by the respective Depositories to
 write to or  on the link  the Company will be considered for remittance       In terms of above Circular, Folios of Physical shareholders
 submission-of-form-15g-15h.html. The  detailed   of dividend as per the applicable regulations
 Registration of e-mail address permanently with the   process is available on the website of the Company at:   of  the  Depositories  and  the  Company  will   wherein any one of the above said details such as PAN,
 Company/DPs: To support the Green initiative, Members  not be able to accede to any direct request   email address, mobile number, bank account details and
 are requested to register their e-mail addresses with   from such Members for change/addition/  nomination are not available, are required to be frozen with
 their concerned DPs, in respect of electronic holding           A communication providing information and detailed   deletion in such bank details. Accordingly,   effect from October 1, 2023 and such physical shareholders
 and with TSR, in respect of physical holding. Further,   instructions with respect to tax on the dividend for   the Members holding shares in demat form   will  not  be eligible  to  lodge grievance  or avail  service
 those Members who have already registered their   the financial year ended March 31, 2023 is being sent   are requested to ensure that their DPs update   request from the RTA of the Company and will not be
 e-mail addresses are requested to keep their e-mail   separately to the Members whose email addresses are   their Electronic Bank Mandate details by   eligible for receipt of dividend in physical mode.
 addresses validated/updated with their DPs/TSR for all   registered with the Company/DPs.  Thursday, June 8, 2023.
 future communications.                                             Shareholders holding shares in physical form are
 9.   Book Closure and Dividend:  iii.    Updation of mandate for receiving dividends              Further, please note that instructions, if any,   requested to ensure that their PAN is linked to Aadhaar
 directly in bank account through Electronic Clearing   already given by the Members  in respect   to avoid freezing of folios. As per the above SEBI Circular,
 i.    The Register of Members and the Share Transfer   System or any other means in a timely manner:    of shares held in physical form, will not be   the frozen folios shall be referred by RTA/ Company to the
                                                                   administering authority under the Benami Transactions
 Books of the Company will remain closed from   a.  Shares held in physical form: Members are   automatically applicable to the dividend paid   (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and or Prevention of Money
 Thursday, June 15, 2023 to Monday, June 26, 2023   requested to send the following documents in   on shares held in electronic form.  Laundering Act, 2002, after December 31, 2025.
 both days inclusive for the purpose of Dividend   original to TSR latest by Thursday, June 8, 2023:             The Members who are unable to receive
 and AGM.
          i.     Form ISR-1 along with the supporting   the dividend directly in their bank accounts       Accordingly, individual letters are being sent to all the
         The dividend of  ` 17.50 per equity share of  ` 10   documents are required to be submitted   through Electronic Clearing Service or any other   Members holding shares of the Company in physical form
                                                                   for  furnishing  their  PAN,  KYC  and  Nomination  details.
                        means, due to non-registration / incomplete
 each (i.e. 175%), if declared by the Members at the   to the Registrar.  The said Form is also   registration of the Bank details, the Company   Members holding shares of the Company in physical form
 AGM, will be paid subject to deduction of income-  available on the website of the Company at                          are requested to go through the requirements on the

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