Page 253 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 35.  Segment information  (b)  Information about geographical areas
 35.1 Continuing operations          The Company sells its products mainly within India where the conditions prevailing are uniform. Since the sales outside
    (a)  Information about operating segments   India are below threshold limit, no separate geographical segment disclosure is considered necessary.
         The Company has 2 reportable segments which are the Company's strategic business units. These business units offer           All non-current assets in the nature of property, plant and equipment (including capital work in progress) and intangible
 different products and are managed separately. Reportable Segments approved by Board of Directors are as under:  assets (including those under development) are domiciled in india.
       -    Basic chemistry products : Soda Ash, Salt and other bulk chemicals
       -    Specialty products : Nutrition solutions and advance materials     (c)  Revenue from major products
 ` in crore         The following is an analysis of the Company's segment revenue from continuing operations from its major products
 Year ended   Year ended                                                                               ` in crore
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022                                                       Year ended     Year ended
 1.   Segment revenue (Revenue from operations)  Particulars                      March 31, 2023* March 31, 2022*
    (i)   Basic chemistry products   4,698    3,475   (i)   Basic chemistry products
    (ii)  Speciality products   231    223      -    Soda Ash                               2,450         1,685
  4,929    3,698         -    Salt                                                          1,418         1,136
 Unallocated   1    23      -    Bicarb                                                      454           318
  4,930    3,721         -    Others                                                         376           336
 2.   Segment result (Reconciliation with profit from continuing operations)  (ii)  Speciality products   231    223
    (i)   Basic chemistry products   1,224    933   (iii)  Unallocated                         1            23
    (ii)  Speciality products   (42)   (40)                                                4,930          3,721
    Total Segment results   1,182    893
    Net unallocated income   109    114            * Including operating revenues.
    Finance costs   (26)   (19)     (d)  Major Customer
    Profit before tax   1,265    988
    Tax expense   (238)   (201)          The Company has one customer whose revenue represents 30% (2022: 31%) of the Company’s total revenue and trade
    Profit for the year from continuing operations   1,027    787   receivable represents 33% (2022: 33%) of the Company's total trade receivables.

    3.   Segment assets and segment liabilities     (e)  Other note
 ` in crore           Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments and
 Segment assets  Segment liabilities  amounts allocated on a reasonable basis.
 As at   As at   As at   As at
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  35.2 Discontinued operations (note 31)
 (i)   Basic chemistry products   5,001    3,935    892    771      Information about operating segment
 (ii)  Speciality products   612    576    46    41
  5,613    4,511    938    812                                                                         ` in crore
 Unallocated   12,275    12,506    958    863   Particulars                           Year ended     Year ended
  17,888    17,017    1,896    1,675                                               March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
    4.   Other information  Segment result (note 31)                                           -            28
 ` in crore      Profit before tax                                                             -            28
 Addition to non-current   Depreciation   Other non-cash   Tax expenses                        -           (13)
 assets **  and amortisation  expenses***  Profit from discontinued operations after tax       -            15
 Year ended  Year ended  Year ended  Year ended  Year ended  Year ended
 Particulars  March 31,   March 31,   March 31,   March 31,   March 31,   March 31,   35.3  Reconciliation of information on reportable segment to Standalone Balance sheet and Standalone Statement
 2023  2022  2023  2022  2023  2022  of Profit and Loss
 (i)   Basic chemistry products   938    921    195    172    22    12
 (ii)  Speciality products   29    2    35    36    4    *      (a)  Reconciliation of profit for the year as per Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss
  967    923    230    208    26    12                                                                 ` in crore
 Unallocated   5    24    15    14    25    10   Particulars                          Year ended     Year ended
  972    947    245    222    51    22                                             March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 * value below ` 0.50 crore  Profit for the year from continuing operations (note 35.1 (a) (2))   1,027    787
           **Comprises additions to Property, plant and equipment, Capital work-in-progress, Goodwill, Right of use assets, Other intangible assets and   Profit for the year from discontinued operations (note 35.2)   -      15
 Intangible assets under development.  Profit for the year as per Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss   1,027    802
           ***Comprises of Provision for employee benefits expense, Provision for doubtful debts and advances/bad debts written off, Provision for
 contingencies, Foreign exchange gain/(loss) and (Profit)/ loss on assets sold or discarded.

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