Page 257 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 (b)  Fair value hierarchy  (c)   The following tables shows a reconciliation from the opening  balance to the closing balance for level 3
     All assets and liabilities for which fair value is measured or disclosed in the Standalone Financial Statements are categorised   fair values.
 within the fair value hierarchy, described as follows:                                                ` in crore
                                                                                   FVTPL financial  FVTOCI financial
    Level 1 - Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities  Particulars
                                                                                      investments   investments
     Level 2 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or   Balance as at April 1, 2021   -      513
 indirectly observable  Addition / (deletion) during the year                                  -           (11)
                 Add / (less): fair value changes through Other Comprehensive Income           -           115
    Level 3 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable.
                 Balance as at March 31, 2022                                                  -           617
     The following tables provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities that are   Addition / (deletion) during the year   150    -
 measured at fair value or where fair value disclosure is required.   Add / (less): fair value changes through Other Comprehensive Income    -      (92)
 ` in crore      Balance as at March 31, 2023                                                150           525
 As at March 31, 2023
 Fair value measurement using  (d)  Valuation technique to determine fair value
 Particulars  Quoted prices in   Significant   Significant      The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values of financial instruments:
 Total  active markets   observable   unobservable      (i)    The management assessed that fair value of cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, trade payables, bank overdrafts
 (Level 1)  inputs (Level 2)  inputs (Level 3)  and other current financial assets and liabilities approximate their carrying amounts largely due to the short-term maturities
 Assets measured at fair value:  of these instruments.
 FVTOCI financial investments
 Quoted equity instruments   4,364    4,364    -      -        (ii)   The fair values  of  the equity  investment  which  are quoted, are  derived  from  quoted market  prices in  active
 Unquoted equity instruments   525    -      -      525   markets.  The Investments measured at fair  value  (FVTOCI)  and  falling  under fair  value  hierarchy  Level 3
 FVTPL financial investments   are valued on the basis of valuation reports provided by external valuers with the exception of certain
 Investment in mutual funds / Non    1,049    -      1,049    -     investments, where cost has been considered as an appropriate estimate of fair value because of a wide range
 convertible Debenture  of possible fair value measurements and cost represents the best estimate of fair values within that range.
 Investment in perpetual instruments   150    -      -      150   The Company considers Comparable Companies Method (CCM) method and the illiquidity discount based on its assessment
                    of the judgement that market participants would apply for measurement of fair value of unquoted investments. In the CCM
 Liabilities measured at fair value:  method, the Company would find comparable listed entities in the market and use the same PE multiple (ranging from
 Derivative financial liabilities  9.80 to 20.60) for determining the fair value of the investment.
 Foreign exchange forward contracts   5    -      5    -
                (iii)   The fair values of investments in mutual fund units is based on the net asset value (‘NAV’) as stated by the issuers of these
    There have been no transfers between levels during the period.
                    mutual fund units in the published statements as at Balance Sheet date. NAV represents the price at which the issuer will
                    issue further units of mutual fund and the price at which issuers will redeem such units from the investors.
 ` in crore
 As at March 31, 2022      (iv)   The Company enters into derivative financial instruments with various counterparties, principally banks. The fair value of
 Fair value measurement using  derivative financial instruments is based on observable market inputs including currency spot and forward rate, yield curves,
 Particulars  Quoted prices in   Significant   Significant   currency volatility, credit quality of counterparties, interest rate and forward rate curves of the underlying instruments etc.
 Total  active markets   observable   unobservable   and use of appropriate valuation models.
 (Level 1)  inputs (Level 2)  inputs (Level 3)     (v)   The fair value of non-current borrowings carrying floating-rate of interest is not impacted due to interest rate changes, and
 Assets measured at fair value:  will not be significantly different from their carrying amounts as there is no significant change in the under-lying credit risk
 FVTOCI financial investments   of the Company (since the date of inception of the loans).
 Quoted equity instruments   4,354    4,354    -      -
 Unquoted equity instruments   617    -      -      617   (e)  Financial risk management objectives
 FVTPL financial investments       The Company is exposed to market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk), credit risk and
 Investment in mutual funds   1,113    -      1,113    -     liquidity risk.  The Company’s risk management strategies focus on the un-predictability of these elements and seek
 Investments in non convertible debentures     150    150    -      -     to minimise the potential adverse  effects on its financial performance.  The Company’s senior management which  is
 Liabilities measured at fair value:  supported by a Treasury Risk Management Group ('TRMG') manages these risks. TRMG advises on financial risks and
 Derivative financial liabilities  the appropriate financial risk governance framework for the Company and provides assurance to the Company’s senior
 Foreign exchange forward contracts   4    -      4    -     management that the Company’s financial risk activities are governed by appropriate policies and procedures and that
                financial risks are identified, measured and managed in accordance with the Company’s policies and risk objectives.
    There have been no transfers between levels during the period.  All hedging activities are carried out by specialist teams that have the appropriate skills, experience and supervision. The
                Company’s policy is not to trade in derivatives for speculative purposes.

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