Page 255 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

    (b)  Reconciliation of total assets as per Standalone Balance sheet   37.  Disclosures on financial instruments
 ` in crore  (a)  Financial instruments by category
 As at   As at
 Particulars     The following table presents the carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2023.
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
 Total assets as per continuing operations (note 35.1 (a) (3))   17,888    17,017                      ` in crore
 Total assets as per Standalone Balance sheet   17,888    17,017   Particulars  Investments  Investments  Derivatives -   Amortised  Total carrying
                                                           - FVTOCI   - FVTPL     FVTPL        cost      value
    (c)  Reconciliation of total liabilities as per Standalone Balance sheet    Financial assets
 ` in crore  (a)  Investments - non-current
 As at   As at   Equity instrument at fair value              4,889         -          -          -       4,889
 March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022  Debt instrument at fair value   -        150          -          -        150
 Total liabilities as per continuing operations (note 35.1 (a) (3))   1,896    1,675   (b)  Investments - current
 Total liabilities as per Standalone Balance sheet    1,896    1,675   Investment in mutual funds   -      1,010    -      -      1,010
                 Investment in Non convertible Debenture                   39          -          -         39
 36.  Derivative financial instruments  (c)  Trade receivables   -          -          -        201        201
 (a)  The details of the various outstanding derivative financial instruments are given below:  (d)  Cash and cash equivalents   -      -      -      13    13
 ` in crore  (e)  Other bank balances                            -          -          -        72          72
 As at March 31, 2023  As at March 31, 2022  (f)  Loans - current   -       -          -        325        325
 Particulars  Assets  Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities  (g)  Other financial assets - non-current   -      -      -      9    9
 Current portion  (h)  Other financial assets - current          -          -          -        17          17
 Derivatives not designated in a hedge relationship  Total    4,889     1,199          -       637        6,725
 - Forward contracts   -      5    -      4   Financial liabilities
 Total   -      5    -      4   (a)  Trade payables                                    -        698        698
 Although these contracts are effective as hedges from an economic perspective, these are not designated for hedge accounting.  (b)  Other financial liabilities - non-current   -      2    2
             (c)  Other financial liabilities - current                                5        249        254
 (b)   The details of the gross notional amounts of derivative financial instruments outstanding are given in the table   Total   5    949    954
            The following table presents the carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2022.
  Underlying    As at    As at
 (Receivables/payables)   March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022                                               ` in crore
 Forward contracts   USD/INR    $ 77.3 million    $ 74.4 million   Investments  Investments  Derivatives -   Amortised  Total carrying
 Forward contracts   EUR/INR    € 4.0 million     € 2.5 million    Particulars  - FVTOCI  - FVTPL  FVTPL  cost  value
             Financial assets
             (a)  Investments - non-current
                 Equity instrument at fair value              4,971         -          -          -       4,971
                 Debt instrument at fair value                   -        150          -          -        150
             (b)  Investments - current - Investment in mutual funds   -      1,113    -          -       1,113
             (c)  Trade receivables                              -          -          -        182        182
             (d)  Cash and cash equivalents                      -          -          -        18          18
             (e)  Other bank balances                            -          -          -        475        475
             (f)  Loans - non-current                            -          -          -          -           -
             (g)  Loans  - current                               -          -          -          -           -
             (h)  Other financial assets - non-current           -          -          -        12          12
             (i)  Other financial assets - current               -          -          -        52          52
             Total                                            4,971     1,263          -       739        6,973
             Financial liabilities
             (a)  Lease liabilities - current                                          -         3           3
             (b)  Trade payables                                                       -        560        560
             (c)  Other financial liabilities - current                                4        177        181
             Total                                                                     4       740         744

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