Page 231 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 7(b). Goodwill                                                  As at March 31, 2023     As at March 31, 2022
   Goodwill of ` 46 crore (2022: ` 46 crore) relates to the precipitated silica business. The estimated value in use of the CGU is based on   Particulars  Holdings  Amount  Holdings  Amount
 future cash flows of forecasted period of 20 years and discount rate of 11.8%, which consider the operating and macro-economic   No. of   ` in crore  No. of   ` in crore
 environment in which the entity operates.                       securities               securities
 An analysis of the sensitivity of the change in key parameters (operating margin, discount rates and long term average growth rate),
 based on reasonably probable assumptions, did not result in any probable scenario in which the recoverable amount of the CGU         The Associated Building Co. Ltd.   550    *    550    *
 would decrease below the carrying amount.        Taj Air Ltd.    40,00,000          -      40,00,000         -
                     Tata Capital Ltd.                            32,30,859         44     32,30,859         17
 8.  Investments (note 42(e))         Tata International Ltd.       72,000         161       72,000         112

 As at March 31, 2023  As at March 31, 2022        Tata Projects Ltd.   1,58,55,777    260    1,58,55,777    428
 Holdings  Holdings        Tata Services Ltd.                        1,260           *        1,260           *
 Particulars  Amount  Amount
 No. of   ` in crore  No. of   ` in crore        Tata Sons Ltd.     10,237          57       10,237          57
 securities  securities        IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd.     2,50,000         1       2,50,000         1
 (a)   Investments in equity instruments in subsidiaries and         Kowa Spinning Ltd.   60,000    *    60,000    *
 joint ventures (fully paid up) (footnote "i")        Global Innovation And Technology Alliance (GITA)   15,000    2    15,000    2
    (i)   Subsidiaries (at cost)        Water Quality India Association   7,100      *        7,100           *
 Quoted              Total investments (b(i))                                    4,889                    4,971
       Rallis India Ltd.  9,73,41,610   480   9,73,41,610   480      (ii)   Investments in non convertible debentures
 Unquoted            (Fair value through profit and loss)
       Tata Chemicals International Pte. Limited  48,53,07,852   3,124   48,53,07,852   3,124         Tata International Ltd. (Quoted)   -      -      1,500    150
       Ncourage Social Enterprise Foundation  25,50,000   3   25,50,000   3      (iii)   Investment in perpetual instrument
    (ii)  Investments in preference shares (fully paid up)        (Fair value through profit and loss)
 Unquoted (at cost)        Tata International Ltd. (Unquoted)           -          150           -            -
 Direct Subsidiary        Total investments (b(i+ii+iii))                        5,039                    5,121
         Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of   1,61,00,000   750   1,61,00,000   750      Aggregate amount of quoted investments   4,844    4,984
 Tata Chemicals International Pte. Limited
 Indirect Subsidiaries     Aggregate market value of quoted investments          6,242                    6,821
         Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of      Aggregate carrying value of unquoted investments   4,888    4,830
 Gusiute Holdings (UK) Limited       # Aggregate amount of impairment in value of    -                      116
         Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of    -      -     1,78,50,000   116   unquoted Investments
 Homefield Pvt UK Limited (note 39 (b))  Footnote:
 Less: Impairment #   -      (116)  (i)   Details of country of incorporation, nature of business and % equity interest have been disclosed in note 38 of the Consolidated Financial Statements for
    (iii)  Joint ventures (at cost)  the year ended March 31, 2023.
 Unquoted      * value below ` 0.50 crore
       Indo Maroc Phosphore, S.A. , Morocco  2,06,666   166   2,06,666   166
       Tata Industries Ltd.   98,61,303    170    98,61,303    170   (c)  Current investments (Fair value through profit and loss)
    Total investments (i+ii+iii)   4,693    4,693                                                      ` in crore
 (b)  Other investments  Particulars                                                       As at          As at
    (i)    Investments in equity instruments                                       March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
       (Fair value through Other Comprehensive Income)  Investment in mutual funds - Unquoted   1,010     1,113
 Quoted      Investment in Non convertible Debentures - quoted                                39              -
       The Indian Hotels Co. Ltd.   1,18,77,053    385    1,18,77,053    283   Total current investments   1,049    1,113
       Oriental Hotels Ltd.   25,23,000    20    25,23,000    16
       Tata Investment Corporation Ltd.   4,41,015    77    4,41,015    60
       Tata Steel Ltd.   3,09,00,510    323    3,09,00,510    404
       Tata Motors Ltd.   19,66,294    83    19,66,294    85
       Titan Company Ltd.   1,38,26,180    3,476    1,38,26,180    3,506

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